* Posts by George Shaw

10 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2007

5G signals won't make men infertile, sighs UK ad watchdog as it bans bonkers scary poster

George Shaw

Re: Infertility - maybe not such a real problem in this day and age

"I think your view is limited. Not wrong, as consumption is a problem too, but limited. Increasing populations also put pressures on the environment, and in different ways."

...and nature is addressing the issue, in the fullness of time it will alter the environmental conditions suficiently to greatly reduce, or maybe eraticate the current human infestation it is enduring.

Virgin Media goes titsup AGAIN. The cause? Yet MORE DNS strife

George Shaw

Not just Monday

Lost all internet access on Friday for a while (or maybe I missed that story), internet services are frequently flakey. My phone shows 'Your internet connection is unstable' message more often than not and because we only got broadband and TV, but no phone. it's almost immposible to complain to the useless b$%£%ds. This is in Birmingham, so nowhere near the North or the East, seemed OK Monday though.

Wi-Fi Beeb viewing may break law

George Shaw

Becareful what you wish for....

....do you really think the BBC is expensive.... compare it with Sky or Virgin.... and they don't even MAKE any programs... and do you really think advertising is free??? ...you pay for everything in the end... at least with the licence fee you know how much you pay, and what you get...

...and it's not the BBC that make the rules... it's government legislation... in fact it's not even a licence to watch the BBC, it's a licence to receive broadcast TV signal of any sort... the money doesn't have to go to the BBC, the government just chooses to give it too them...

...do you really believe that if the BBC went to other funding methods, the government would get rid of this income stream... would they feck...

Content - not tech - delaying possible Sky 3D channel

George Shaw


.....how does this work... it's not just a stupid rehash of green and red specs is it... if it is then I assume they are taking the piss....

if it's not full colour holographic 3D that I can walk around, then I'm not interested....

Channel 4 fails to open archives to Mac, Linux fans

George Shaw

@Don't tell the advertisers...

On Demand programmes don't have adverts.... much better way to watch C4 (well on Virgin Cable anyway) :)

the choice is piss poor, but alas so is C4 now.... and it started off so promising...

Vatican endorses Darwin, slights intelligent design

George Shaw

@"Darwin got it very wrong by excluding the possibility of God. "

Oh dear, you have fallen at the first hurdle, you are stuck at the classic creationist 'wrongthinking'....you're starting here, at the end...looking back at a journey of several hundred million years and saying, oh that was a complex route I could never of got here by chance, there must have been someone guiding me... but evolution works the other way, you start at the beginning, you take random turns,dead ends, fast lanes, back streets, eventually you end up somewhere you like, you had no idea where that would be, but it just happens to be here, could have been a thousand other places, but you've chosen here, for now...and you got here all by yourself...

Sky hints at 3D TV launch

George Shaw

Innovation ?

Innovation!!! Really... red and green specs... they having a laugh... !!!!

Microsoft IE8 rolls out the astroturf

George Shaw


....has it really come to this.....

TomTom goes upper class

George Shaw


My 910 came with a 2yr warranty, I know that cause I've had to send the POS back to TomTom 3 times so far. Most unreliable piece of hardware I've ever owned. Excellent service though, turned around within 24hrs each time.

Virgin Media eases off bandwidth throttling

George Shaw


Never having read any of the c**p VM have sent me, I didn't even know there were download limits, I'm sure my original Telewest (Birmingham Cable) connection had no limits !!!!

Anyway the whole thing has become so sloooow since VM took over, don't know what they've done to it.

And in all the years it was Blueyonder, it was only offline for about 12hrs in total (over about 5yrs) now the bloody thing never works. VM load of sh1t.