4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2007
"Serenity was pretty origonal."
i thought the idea was to find films not based on games/tv, Firefly anyone?
still kicked some serious posterior tho
Yeah good points but i have to get all geeky on you right quick there squire
Orson Welles ate the planets (Unicron)
Lenard Nimoy was Galvatron
I'll get me coat!!
................................Carry on!!!
so they are going to ban pictures on the walls, but how about the dummies
i say stop giving prisoners dummies or you are asking for trouble!! didn't anyone think it was suspicious that they had a couple of dummies in the first place?
You: do you have a knobface?
Santa: Doesn't everyone have a knobface.
I have a plan for a robot body.
You: because boobies are for squeezing
Santa: That makes sense to me. All of them?
perverted and admittedly has a knobface, brilliant my world is all shiny and complete