Tons of smoked crisped-to-hell rashers in a garlic butter buttered roll with Primula chive squeezy cheese.....divine!
Posts by Dex
117 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2007
So, just what is the ultimate bacon sarnie?
Microsoft dumps Metro from Windows 8
Microsoft drops 'risky' Windows 8 preview on World
UK cops seek boffins to build handheld DNA sniffer kit
Italy sues Microsoft for box-bundling bungling

I admit....
I misread the article, i didn't see the mention of laptops, only desktops but the point remains, if you don't like windows, buy a machine without it or just accept the fact Microsoft will take your money whether you want them too or not.
<troll> For those that want to switch off when they get home....take your machine to work and stop moaning :-) </troll>

Hasn't all this....
...been tried before and gotten absolutely nowhere?
If you want a machine without Windows or MS it your damn self, it's not friggin' hard!
Safety specs icons as some people STILL don't know how to build thier own machines
*Post made from a Windows machine for added irony*
Wi-Fi hack threat man pleads guilty
BlackBerry to Indian gov: Ban us, you have to ban Skype too
Reg hack tickled by Kent schoolgirl
Reg Hardware Reader Awards 2010
New owner slips into unwitting BoJo's domain
Calls for US nudie perv scanner 'opt-out day'
BOFH: Join the club
Ten... bedside iPod docks
'HULC™' robot exoskeleton war-walker suit 'at gen 2.0'
Microsoft opens online PC gaming shop-front

"Valve originally approached several companies—including Microsoft, Yahoo!, and RealNetworks—to build a client with these features, but all turned them down.[38]"
[38] -
{Excerpt from STEAM wikipedia entry.}
Microsoft fail much?

Steam, Direct2Drive.....i think Microsoft are only erm 7 years (Steam) & 6 years (Direct2Drive) late, If only they'd taken PC Gamers seriously instead of trying to whore up the already saturated console market *sigh*
Unless they can drastically undercut Steam (Direct2Drive aren't even worth the money tbh, Steam does it so much better) then i won't be using them.
They could call it STEAMing (pile of shite)......oh wait....Valve might has that trademark registered.
Flame Icon = Hot Air = STEAM ftw!
Dead baby taunting troll feels wrath of law

Maybe i'm lost here but...
surely i'm poking fun at dead people for whatever reason then i am not causing offence to that person as said person can not voice such an opinion to say i am offending them? Their relatives can sure, but my comments wouldn't be directed at them but at the deceased and so a judge wouldn't be able to say that if offends the person it relates to as said person can't actually answer back (for obvious reasons)
not that i'm a troll or anything it just seems a bit....stupid (the legislation i mean)
Capgemini pushes efficiency limits in Swindon data centre

I slide my server in your server-rack last night
I threw me cheeteos at your PFY to keep quiet
Now something's telling me that he's avoiding me,
Come on now BOFH,
You got something i need.
I got a brand new data cent'r and i'll give you the key,
Come get all your rackspace needs from my farming friends 'n' me.
i got 20 servers and you got 43
Now I got a brand new data cent'r and i'll give you the key,
'We Want Two' Navy carrier plan pondered by Cabinet
Is it just me.....
....but since when did sending flaming rubble...sorry ships...towards the enemy not stop them attacking?[Spanish Inquis.....Armada sorry] just modernise the strategy, send nuclear ships verging meltdown towards them instead....instead of the threat of fire/flaming ships, we use nuclear/fallout riddled ships.
Alternatively build 3 carriers and multi-purpose them [or build in modular format] so it can be universally used.
BlackBerry tablet boots from 'floppy disk OS'
Cops taser Somerset chap's nether regions
What's the difference between an iPod and an iPood?
Our Vulture 1 aircraft begins to take shape
The Register comment guidelines 2010

I for one....
..welcome the addition of user profiles to El Reg, i mean we are, after-all, one big happy family, It'd be nice to know even the most trival things about fellow commentards.....i mean users :-), location, alcoholic preference, OS of choice, favorite BOFH episode etc etc
Stats would also be nice. most used topic icon, most popular comment etc :-)
Blighty's stealth robojet rolls out a year late

Anyone see the proggy on C4 about Concorde last night? Yes i know it's not going to fly again and yes it was expensive to run but damn, if i had a couple of mil i'm my back pocket i'd buy one, get it airworthy again just to have my own PERSONAL concorde, Bet Richard Branston Pickle doesn't have his own personal Concorde does he? Sure he's got an ISP, Airline and rail company but his own personal Concorde? i think not!
Blizzard exposes real names on WoW forums
BOFH: Risky business
Getting women's phone numbers a matter of mood music
.XXX accuses ICANN of 'lip service' on porn domain
Ten free apps to install on every new PC
Hard drives cop flak from .50 cal incendiary round
Two convicted for refusal to decrypt data
12 of the best... travel gadgets
Powered robot suits make debut on Tokyo streets
Smut page ransomware Trojan ransacks browsers
Engineer commits suicide after losing iPhone prototype
US tactical bot has no taste for humans
Tattooed Swedish devil girls sexually molest cyclist
California skateboard dude swipes Reg logo
NHS Direct gets to be number one, one, one
Ukraine slaps ban on all porn
Web browser makers line up battleships
Police headcams burst into flames
BOFH: A spot of bother
Glasgow unbans Life of Brian
Pirate Bay sells out to Swedish software firm for $7.7m
Boffins: Gigantic crustacean sperm is 'viable strategy'
Steve Jobs had liver transplant
Game laws to make underage selling illegal

How about.....
....The BBFC just get bent! Parents WILL buy titles for thier kids regardless of the cert if the kid nags them enough so here's an idea:
ABANDON THE AGE RATINGS SYSTEM.....We're in this thing called the 21st Century......violence, strong language, sex, alcohol and drugs are EVERYWHERE so rather than fight it just let it be there.
Punish those that have done wrong (rapists, killers and whatnot) with a PROPER legal system and stop trying to find excuses for you not doing YOUR JOB in the first place, Sure you can argue "video games are bad" but to quote a very good friend of mine:
"Controversy and the games industry go hand in hand like Ico and Yorda, if you'll forgive the incredibly nerdy analogy, and like Yorda, the controversy tends to stay focused for an average of about 8 nanoseconds before getting bored and drifting off to do something else. But when it does get focused, it can get very exasperating, such as when youthful paragons of self-control are called nasty names, and decide that murder would be the wittiest comeback, and then is found to have stood next to a video game at some point in the past. Then the media generally start drooling the usual uninformed questions as to whether wholesome boyish pretend violence has any correlation with the real world. Short answer: No. Long answer: No, and go fuck yourselves, you ignorant scare-mongering cockbags."
In summary: Abandon game and movies ratings and get a (set of) balls/spine and spend the money on PROPER policing, not nannying!