Another article by an apple brown noser
Oh it's so terrible. Why do you nasty people want to criticise M$ in such an unfair manner. Windoze Fistme is such a fantastic (and radicle) product I can't fathorm why anyone would want to detract from it's wonderful undocumented features. Without windoze Fistme the whole industry would be rudderless and without direction. M$ lead the way in creating ubercool products, you should be all be very grateful. For so many to disagree so strongly you must all be Apple brown nosers. I mean why be so beastly and mean about such a little bug, sorry, deliberate feature. I hope you all have something really really horrible happen to you like a bug that makes booting you Mac take 874658364 million years.
Oh hold on, why am I being so uptight about this, last thing I want to do is throw a hissy fit like the average Apple fanboy/fangirl. Lets try again.
Right on the money guv. If something basic like file copying is buggered then there is something very wrong. No point trying to defend it M$ are being very very crap and should do something about it. A year is far too long so there's no point defending that either. Ignoring the problem is indefensible so there's no point.....
Wow, this being objective and realistic is so liberating. It's definitely much better than being uptight and blinkered. Maybe more people should try this (particularly iTwits).
This rant has been inspired by the average article about Apple problems which results in a million 'stop Apple bashing. Microsoft lackey' comments. It's nice to be free to speak your mind.