Does ANYONE answer unknown numbers that persist with calls?
392 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Dec 2007
According to the website right now;
"Smart meters put consumers in control of their energy use, allowing them to adopt ... will be no need for your energy supplier to visit your home to read your meter in future. ... But there is no legal obligation on you to have one."
Seems very clear, surely? So who says that UK homes need them?
Given that the number of nuisance calls currently being received is almost Zero, what's the point? Only two calls came in so far during October and November.
One was from abroad, so not covered, the other from a fake number 012855924834 , so even better luck with that.
Those were received on a phone line that used to be getting many nuisance calls daily and I don't expect other users to be seeing a different pattern of activity.
What chance of a Parliament that acts sensibly or in time to deal with citizens' problems?
Happened as described by the article with a mobile on a network starting with a V. Guess which business will never see a penny of my money ever again, no matter how many services they offer. You can fool some of the people all of the time; all of the people some of the time....................
Next phone was bought for cash and a different service provider too. As for hearing from them when the contract was coming to an end? Forget that. Not a squeak. No sensible answers to letters either.
If only service was up to the same high standard as the contracts are written to.
Be very careful in your dealings with any Mobile phone business which requires you to go to a store to resolve things. If you are having that problem and cannot access the website but need to go to a store, are you certain you are not being charged in their records for the service they are convinced that you have?
Bitter experience says that might be safer.
A lot of posts are written in exactly the way that was used some decades ago about "Japanese products". Will we ever learn?
I'm waiting for my refund on returned product supplied by British firm with a non-UK adapter plug.
Caveat Emptor --- but wait till you try before slagging off products or services.
I confess that I am sometimes that angry customer. Like right now when I have spent a fortune on a well known brand of mobile phone which arrived beautifully sealed with all its ancillary bits sealed in its box all carefully packed within the courier's parcel..... just several days late. When opened the box had a Plug for the charger. Not a UK plug, but a useless Continental one.
I contacted the well-known seller concerned by phone and was promised an urgent delivery of the correct UK plug.
Last night I had a phone call informing me that their Agent wanted me to phone the Manufacturer to sort out my problem. NOT the Agent, but the Manufacturer MY PROBLEM. Have they ever heard of the Consumer Rights Act?
Angry??? Incandescent more like. Are there any UK businesses still capable of doing that business without being led by the hand or dragged by the hair?
Bought two copies of an Ordnance Survey map last year, one standard version, the other waterproof.
According to notes in the Customer Information Section printed in both maps it had not been revised for 10 years, but was copyright dated the previous year.
Not a happy bunny. Not rushing to buy again.