Not already done?
I thought that the IMEI numbers of stolen phones were already being blocked for the past few years? Or is that just in the UK, or is it just a "voluntary" (ie useless) code?
71 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Dec 2007
My god, I can't believe I actually watched the whole 17 minutes, listening to the most boring, monotonous voice imaginable!
Perhaps I could just point out a couple of things:
1 - when he showed the app properties it said data storage was zero - it can hardly be saving any keypresses, location details, text messages etc in zero bytes?
2 - absolutely NOTHING he is moaning about actually happened UNTIL he turned on 'USB debugging' - this guy has obviously never written any computer program, or tried to determine why some embedded hardware doesn't work as expected, to attempt to fix it you would turn on debugging, log keypresses, log what routines of what programs are run etc etc.
I do not see an problem here, except in the guys head.
I went for the IceCrypt a couple of months ago - on the whole it is very good, lots of nice features, can record from 2 channels at the same time whilst sometimes allowing you to watch a 3rd (depending on the channels and mux), but that's not really necessary as if you want to watch a 3rd then that's what your tv has its own tuner for.
The guide is very easy to use and programs record correctly even when transmission is delayed.
However - when I first bought it it had the rather annoying habit of losing the sound if you fast-forward the playback. A firmware update seemed to fix that, but then it started again and now has a new problem - often when fast-forwarding it would suddenly jump to say 70% or 86% through the program when you were close to the start, so you have to then go back to where it was, and rewinding playback doesn't work very well at all. That is very very very frustrating.
At least you can very quickly jump to any percentage through the program by pressing, say, 50 to go to halfway.
And when you press stop it shows a message on screen "Playback stopped" ... but it keeps on playing for another 5 seconds. Also very annoying, I stopped it for a reason, it knows instantly that I have pressed stop so why keep on playing?
No - the whole point of run-time systems and libraries is that they DO NOT get included in your code!
You have one shareable copy of the run-time system stored somewhere, then your dozens of individual little programs would have only the code that you write, and for input/output and everything else in the standard libraries they would load the run-time system, making your code nice and small.
If they have reduced the average time taken to break the code then very well done to them and their cleverness.
But I don't doubt that in the future someone else (or indeed the same people again) may have another idea on how to reduce the number of keys to check/total time taken.
Also - those who "estimate" the time taken - what hardware do they consider?
If they only consider a single cpu PC then what about someone who uses the relatively new method of using the hundreds or thousands of computing cores in modern GPUs?
And if they were then to use a zombie botnet of millions of such PCs ...
Like a few other people here I find the differences between Windows Server 2003 and 2008 very similar to XP/Vista.
2008 runs much slower on hardware that runs 2003 perfectly well.
2008 tries to be nice - in a folder where you sort things by the filename: when adding a new file it appears in the correct place instead of at the end of the list. Nice. But after another file is added the "sort" column indicator mysteriously disappears, the new file goes at the end of the list and other items seem to appear in the order that they were added to the folder instead of alphabetically. Not so nice.
And dont get me started on the server management - they have totally ruined a very useful utility - all items now in one window so you lose loads of screen estate, and boy is it slow. Looking at the list of logged in users and it will start to flash like mad, sometimes it does it for 2 or 3 minutes, ignoring keys/button presses ffor the duration! Ridiculous - it does the same thing on all of our Win2008 servers, and on NONE of our Win2003 servers.
And I think there are 10 times as many events continually being logged, it makes the event viewer totally useless for trying to find that one useful piece of information you need.
This all sounds more than a little "iffy" to me -
do they actually mean the power switches were locked "open" and not "closed" since that would then be in the "off" state? The ESA article mentions "the WEC package on Cluster's number 3 satellite, Samba, failed to switch on".
Then if the power was off:
"all five power switches on the WEC had locked closed" (open) then how exactly was this piece of "dormant software" executed to miraculously turn the power back on?
Erm, is it just me, but I thought that the whole point of quantum cryptography was that when sending a message from a transmitter to a receiver, the receiver measures the properties of the single photons it receives and would know if the message had been intercepted.
So, if someone intercepted the single photon and instead substituted a "blinding" amount of photons then the receiver would then detect quite a big difference from what it was expecting and hence know that the message had been intercepted?
Presumably they would then do something else like say "Help, the message has been intercepted, we need a new key now!".
Too obvious?
And that's not good either.
"The main risk and source of public outcry in the US has been the contamination of drinking water. The routes to pollution are multiple, and include leakage from the well, spillage from the site and handling of thousands of gallons of liquid which flows back from the well after fracking.
Also serious threats to locally produced food, and the risk to wildlife and animals is huge."
Quotes from the Save The Ribble campaign http://save-the-ribble.blogspot.com/
I can't deny the cleverness of ideas such as this and the high intensity laser-type projects - but they both need high accuracy to send the projectile/radiation exactly on-target, in the case of using a laser the target needs to be maintained for a long period.
But what's wrong with good old brute force?
Surely if an explosive of a large enough yield was detonated just in front of the travelling target then depending on the distance and intensity/type of explosion a lot of damage could be inflicted:
melting/fragmenting the outside casing of the target, including anything used for propulsion and for protecting against re-entry.
It would then (if it hasn't already due to the explosion) enter the atmosphere without it's protective casing and burn up/disintegrate.
If the initial explosion was powerful/close enough it may already have totally destroyed the target.
And all it needs would be for it to be in the general vicinity or directly in front of the target, but without needing to exactly hit it with pinpoint accuracy.
Erm, no, I seriously doubt it.
They'll still need someone to:
initially install the thin clients/swap out the old PCs, look after the networking, replacing dodgy thin clients/power supplies (it does happen), replace keyboards filled with coffee and biscuit crumbs, replace monitors/leads, add new network points for new employees etc etc etc.
Ok so the list may be greatly reduced but the list of things to do will still exist.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't split it up into two sections you fu*ktard!!
There's only one thing more infuriating than these damn celebutards like Katie Price trying to be seen on tv every day and that's when excellent programs in a series are split up into two sections!
They do this with Stargate and Fringe - we don't want it with Doctor Who as well!!
His thinking is flawed in this - just because there is a series of, say, 13 episodes it does not follow that you may think its ok to miss one, but if you have two smaller series of 6 and 7 episodes then you wont think that. Utter coswallop!
It's far more likely to be the opposite - if you've seen the first half of the series and then have to wait for a few weeks you are far more likely to forget about it during this break, and mis the first episode.
Whilst it would be good (for us and for them) for them to distribute some anti-malware in this situation, if "Third party ads are (usually) served from CDNs" then I think that the responsibility for this snafu lies fairly and squarely with the CDNs.
If they are to be allowed to push ads to thousands or millions of users then they must be made to GUARANTEE the ads they server are malware- and virus-free.
It's not like they are serving millions of different random ads, there would only be a relatively small number saved on their site somewhere, it is just so plainly obvious they should actually scan them to make sure they have no problems.
"forthcoming" ? Nope - it's already out.
There is no reason for an organisation to spend thousands (or more ?) upgrading all of it's PCs from XP to Windows 7, if the PCs and applications are currently working fine then there is no reason for them to "stop" working fine, no reason to justify all of that expense.
And "XP fails to take full advantage of today’s hardware" just doesn't cut it - first of all if a PC had "todays hardware" then it would in all likelihood be a new PC that will have been bought recently with Windows 7 already installed on it, and I'm not aware of much hardware that Windows XP doesn't like, power management works fine with existing motherboards, I've only ever come across a couple of really old laptops where it didnt like the ACPM.
And Duncan is quite correct - there is no genuine reason why IE9 couldn't work with XP unless it was "made" deliberately to NOT work with XP.
Now that is just plain stupid. I unfortunately have to use eBay when buying/selling stuff on eBay, and the sellers or buyers may be all over the world but that does not mean that I "have ties to" wherever they may be. These are just one-off purchases/sellings, the only "ties" I have are in my home town in the UK.
I'm sorry but there is no way that prices are "going to plummet" just because there are no retailers in the middle - look at the pricing of books/eBooks in a recent Reg articale, where the price for an eBook was actually higher than a hardback.
The games industry will still want as much profit as they can, hell they'll probably increase the prices due to the user getting the benefit of their super-duper hardware rendering back at the game supplier.
What absolute twaddle - no "app" is going to be able to tell where an apple (or anything else) was grown simply by looking at a photo of it, there are millions (billions ?) of apples produced every year, millions of these grown in thousands of places will look almost identical.
"Joseph Bonneau, the Cambridge University researcher who carried out the exercise"
So this scientist has openly admitted to cracking passwords - when is he going to be arrested?
Considering that even some penetration testers have got into serious trouble for doing the job they were employed to do ...
"Xerox it" - come on, who actually says that?
I know that photo-copying was invented at Xerox Parc but I thought everyone had called it photo-copying since the 80's!!
Reminds me of the judge in that "Not the 9 O'Clock News" episode, that didn't know anything about technology (digital watch etc) but knew all about blowup dolls - "The one with the real hair!".
I dunno -
generally speaking the "copyright" etc bits that are attached to emails sent from a company go on the BOTTOM of the email not right at the top after the "Dear Sir" or whatever.
And people in the UK generally use "£" and not "GBP".
And the inconsistencies like having both "TAX REFUND ID NUMBER" and "TAX REFUND NUMBER ID".
But you are quite correct - they are usually so obvious mainly due to the ridiculous spellings and grammatical errors!
no comprende - this is going to make exactly zero difference to the company figures.
Over the year there are X working days, some of which will be taken from the employee's yearly allowance of paid leave.
So if there are, say 40 working days from now until April (just a guess, I haven't worked it out) then the employee will get paid (and hence the employer will pay) exactly the same amount, whether the employee works for 40 days, or works for 35 days and has 5 days holiday, or works for 20 days and has 20 days holiday.
So what are they on about?
"Tablet computers are forecast to need 353.3 million gigabits of DRAM this year, on the back of 57.6 million tablets shipped"
That doesn't sound a lot - it's 6.13 gigabits per tablet, or 0.766 gigabytes, the nearest commonly used amount of memory would be 768Mb.
It is apparently "834.7% more than in 2010". That would make the requirement 92Mb in 2010.
Yet my (2010) iPad already has 512mb of DRAM and 64Gb of flash memory.
He cheated, plain and simple, and was found out. And by the sounds of it his mother already knew that he cheated, but was possibly trying to milk it for all it was worth by going public and claiming mistreatment by Microsoft.
They proved he cheated, and his punishment? Being rewarded with a free month!!
Cryovalcanism was discovered when Voyager 2 flew past Triton, a loooong time ago (August 24, 1989):
look here: http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/cryovolcanism.html
I quote for those who cant be bothered:
The eruption of water and other liquid or vapor-phase volatiles, together with gas-driven solid fragments, onto the surface of a planet or moon due to internal heating. It has been observed on only one world to date: Triton, the largest moon of Neptune. Geyser-like plumes of nitrogen were discovered on Triton during the flyby of Voyager 2. However, there is indirect evidence that cryovolcanic processes may have taken place elsewhere in the outer Solar System and might even be active today on moons such as Europa and Enceladus"
and "One of Voyager's images shows an actual plume rising 8 km above the surface and extending 140 km downwind".