Can only benefit FOSS
If copyright continues to be enforced harshly, I'm sure many businesses would find the GPL limitations well worth the hassle -- most of what they would be interacting with would be LGPL libraries anyway... Sometimes I wonder if GPL fears are inflated, how many businesses could actually have to hack GPL code and distribute their modifications in-house anyway?
Anyway, there is a balance of risk - a choice businesses must make when choosing software. Harsh copyright enforcement swings that balance in favour of OSS. I expect a great many more businesses will find OSS the more reasonable option. A portion of those businesses will find it acceptable to contribute to OSS projects.
There are still OSS projects that need contribution to come up to the same standard as commercial equivalents, and there's always room for improvement in any software. If this kind of action spreads worldwide perhaps it could lead to a tipping point, where commerce can no longer compete in the software field except in niche applications.