Just how do you...
...recycle an electric car battery???
6 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Dec 2007
We're currently having this argument in our office. Someone in Management has recently decided that everyone should move over to Ubuntu, "because it's better". That's the same reason they gave for Open Office, as well. (We think that certain people are unfairly bitter over Big G's paycheque).
Unfortunately, it would appear that "better" is actually a code-word for "cheaper" - it's all very well trying to cut costs and so on, but you're challenging someone's expectations and asking them to remain effective all at the same time.
We've already had the usual File Format wars with clients - they don't care if we're using Open Office or not, they want to send that Excel Spreadsheet with a bunch of customised macros and they expect it to behave exactly the same when I open it up - that's not too much to ask. You want to wean people off of one system and onto another, then be my guest - but users are a resiliant bunch.
It's one of those un-winnable arguments. The proponents will always argue that one is better than the other - personally, I use Windows. I know it like the back of my hand, I know what to do when it goes wrong, I know what things to turn on and what to turn off, and how to do it. I can navigate my way around a Linux system, I can understand partitions and just about figure out how to install 'compile your own' drivers, but I have to loose all the things that I use daily and know so well just because the alternative is "better"? I don't think our IT department has the knowledge or experience to adequately administer a bunch of Linux machines when they go wrong - and that will be it's downfall!
Seriously... It's a games console! Yes, it was a bit shocking with the failure rates, but at least they sorted out their warranty policy in the end... I can't see someone claiming a loss of earnings on that one!
At least they should have gone away in the knowledge that if it were an Apple product, it would have cost twice as much, only have half the advertised power and skimpted on the most important features... Probably would have looked a hell of a lot nicer and been a lot quieter, mind you ;)
... a time when road safety was all about looking left and looking right before crossing and not running out from behind parked vehicles. Oh how things change!
But in all seriousness, if the powers that be are so concerned with "Road Safety", why do we not have more Police Officers on the road trying to catch out the stupid Land Rover drivers riding right up my rear and then swerving out almost into oncomming traffic? Why are we not investing money into upgrading the roads we travel on?
Half of the roads around me are very poor, aquaplanning is commonplace due to the nice ruts carved out by lorries... so why not resurface them and fix them, then you're halfway there? There seems to be this thought process thats going around that our Road Network is just another burdening expenditure, not an investment...
No to Speed Cameras, Yes to Investment!