Typical mail excuse.
Delivered Too late, too slow
Nothing new for Parcelfarce then
62 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Dec 2007
Course they have, security services have demanded these for years and with digital mobiles,
(Hello GCHQ, hows a you?)
So the first thing the spooks tell the programmers would be?
- Deny everything.
- You know nothing.
That's because the vast majority do know nothing - didn't think they were going to tell everyone @ MS the garden entrance was there, did ya?
No who's being silly?
I refer to the principle of Occams Razor in my defence.
The only country to have fall-out shelters for all their population; restrictive rights for females and excessive privacy laws for secretive drug companies and rich businessmen - what else would happen?
Personally I'm surprised they didn't stop them at the borders as ahas happened for the whistle-blowers of fame.
This is Blighty and this shit just should never happen;
after all the terrorist photographer could simply write down the vehicles reg number.
same-same information for hijacking weapons.
Mind you the fool also informed the photographer it was a good choice to attack!!!!
cos when Ms launched their last software, the boys in suits all ponced around in polar bear suits. Why they were asked?
They responded, "...because they eat penguins! (Linux) geddit?"
Obviously the jingoistic boys in suits have never examined the Globe.
Huzzah !!!
tech comes down market
Pls fit in all reps Mondeos
and while we are at it -all Audis and BMW
which I always find welded to by bumper on the M25
as they weave in and out of traffic to gain another 30 feet.
I also want rear mounted paint guns, could any chop shop make them for me?
1) Place the Boffin's by the reactor, so they will be first through the black hole.
2) Place them far away so they can figure out how to terminate the black hole as it swallows Switzerland and France.
Option 2 - it might be a while before anyone notices or actually gives a damn....
Opera may have done it -but its the least ever stable browser I ever used, bar none.
Firefox saved the day.
Question is -will Chrome rival Firefox; not for its useful add-ins for sure.
It seems to be a very simple no frills display program for quicky use only.
and the lack of an ad blocker is in their interest - but not mine.
I studied the public French attitude to nuclear power; they had almost zero covergae on chernobyl (whilst the Italians pulled full emergency powers)
and really don't seem all that bothered.
No surprises - France is 95% powered by Nuclear; so who has more experience in running them?
One thing I want to know though.
Where does Frances re-process spent fuel
and where do they they store the unprocessed waste?
(Not Sellafield surely?)
When I go through these things, I simply stick the auto-cruise on and steer.
Scratch my bum a little and relax for a couple of miles.
So how come I get polish trucks up my rear end(suitably scratched) and idiots in company cars and white van chavs speeding past me?
Do they get fined, what are the percentages for fined fools?
What are the tolerances for speed variation?
O a message to the geeks moaning about Clarkson - at least you listened and that's how things get noticed/changed/discussed.
Stop whinging - at least he proved that identity theft occrs.
We need road tests (sic), not geek whinging. Ok then.
Quote: "Still, at 200-odd comments and climbing, it's still worth bearing in mind that this discussion will probably change no-one's mind about anything, or serve any constructive purpose."
But surely debate is a good thing?
Or should it only be allowed when it re-inforces ones tightly held viewpoint?
Religious characters - this means YOU AND the unwashed characters
I've been in war Zones where two opposing forces kill each other claiming God is on their side.
When fails they try to kill women and children.
Medics from one religion help the other wounded.
Men swearing allegiance to their own God then kill the medics.
People cry for food, children die - starving
but there's always money for guns and bullets -always
yet no-one ever asks how?
Why not?
Nations maim and injure each other singing the praises of their Gods, some even induct them into the army as chaplains - holy soldiers if you like.
In peace time these various priests hurt, maim and rape children
or simply for not toeing the religious path or love-line.
This happens in ALL the Major religions -so don't try to get prissy and clever
Ignorance decrees that we ignore these obvious truths because we don't like them
Ignorance is Humankinds enemy and ignorant men with guns are the Devil incarnate
Religion = Ignorance?
Scientists design weapons - does that make them ignorant?
[Insert extreme expletives of your choice here to the contributors of this misery]
Personally - I have nothing whatsoever to do with any of them anymore.......
The product they were hawking is win95 code, adapted (badly) from the american market and the list of modules and functions that simply do not function is immense.
of course we, the NHS, wanted them fixed according to the specification -however Fujitsu wanted major cash to do this.
Simple reason -they did not author the software, maintain it or correct it -Cerner do, They have no contact with the NHS at all -so Fujitsu have to pay them to do it and of course according to NPfIT rules, the main contractor does not get paid until the damn thing works.
So they dumped us, Ba$t@rds
What is wrong with a simple no-bullshit plain-english worded contract.
No catches, no gotchas & no crap?
Do these companies not make obscene profits?
Of course.....
So why not adopt the British fair-play system and stop forcing these almost illegal nasty pieces of contractual trickery?
Its not nice, its not clever
and dammit its just not Cricket! What !!!???
Never invite these Johnnies around to tea
Ignore them in the street
Show disrespect for their gel formed hair
and never buy from them .........
Few years ago, I flew off Taif precipice in a Saudi airforce chopper to take photos for the mayor of Taif.
The airman said to me, please don't photographe the F16's.
Ok says me -at the time - the saudis were vehemently denying that the american military were present in saudi - course they were I used to drink Jack Daniels with the strike teams.
Anyhow, a couple of days ago -I used Google maps (not even google earth) to check out the old haunts.
Lo and behold, the F16 bunkers were clearly visible in considerable detail, plus 4 other bases that i know of which are 'officially not there'.
Does the Israeli Airforce know?
Of course, they used to fly touch and go on the northern base airfield in Tabuk to annoy the Saudis.
By the way, maps are old -Concorde is still sitting on the south eastern side of Heathrow airport; by the cargo depot.
Of course -you realise they sold it cos they dropped the thing, hence the CD slipping out of the tray into the machine.
This demonstrates an extremely poor build and I myself have pulled a disc from an end-users machine guts.
Makes a nice 'nails on chalkboard' numbing screech.
He might have able to bullshite the suits in the remoter world of carpets, posh seats, wooden veneer desks....
But we wouldn't let the chap anywhere near a clinical environment.
His messing with the non-functioning NPfIT non-integrated software created enough harm to the patient experience without letting him into scrubs.
There are limits in how far old blarney goes you know
So, contactless paying
scam artists swiping a tenner everytime your trousers goes past a waist height scanner.
This is not permission to board a tube train (Oyster), this is raw cash; of course its different -what was the fools name who said that? take him to the stocks now.
Records of exactly when and where you have been - its a doddle to register the card ID's location as you walk past, not even bothering to tell the punters or go to the hassle of asking them................
....................................................hhhmmmmmm is big brother's first name Halifax?
15% is the backbone of the grid currently provided by Nuclear electricity.
There is no way in hell that the UK is going to be able to provide that much power from wind farms - its just not viable as a mass power source.
We have not even started to tackle wave powere, despite all the bullshite promises over the last 30 years. I remember it happening in a 'couple of years' time on Tommorows World, 25 years ago.
Crudely put, if you covered scotland in wind turbines, you might be able to powere manchester on a windy day.
Its that inefficient.
Mind you, who would notice?
Its not as if anyone lives there.......