Am I alone in thinking ... why does he even want a mobile phone there?
There isn't any mobile phone network coverage surely???
Me thinks he was paid a nice amount to "endorse"....
20 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Dec 2007
@Mac Phreak
Mac ... whilst I agree with a lot of what you said, your last point ... and I quote:
"What, exactly, has cost got to do with an object being environmentally friendly?"
The original poster had a valid point, a 6000sq ft house, is going to be less environmentally friendly than a 200sq ft house. It wasn't about the cost.
Ah a fix for the old Google problem then ...
"With all due respect John, I am head of IT, and I have it on good authority
If you type Google into Google you cannn break the internet"
It's not a laughing matter, you can break the internet.
Legendary ...
It's not called a "goodwill" gesture for nothing.
Porsche can see it's taxpayers money, and it would be bad to just pocket it.
Therefore they give it away and stump up the £400,000 bill themself.
Obivously once the bug bushy eye-brows man gets his hand on it, the charity will get about £5, but that's besides the point.
£400,000 is nothing to a company of that size. Remember they also own 31% (I think?) of VW as well!
Google have removed the word Google from their copyright, to keep the word count at 2008.
I have no idea here, but I thought in some countries, you had to have the company name in the Copyright disclaimer for the Copyright to count. (Don't mean UK/US/EU etc, but just some countries?)
Not sure though.
@ jeremy -
You old git lol ... I take it you just skipped being a student/teenager then?
You're one of those rare breed who just went from pubeless to pubefull over one night!
Why oh why do so many of us forget what is was like to be young now we are old!
The security services will bug whoever they want anyway, the law doesn't make any difference.
I'm sure if they are quite capable of bugging large parts of Russia undetected then the local MP office will be no trouble.
The Home Secertary has the power in law, (i'm trying to find the exact part it says this, anyone help me?) to over-ride any other law - or his deputy if the Mr Straw happens to be busy elsewhere.
So I wouldn't worry. ;-)
@Anonymous Coward @Simon Neill
I too have been on hold on a 999 call. The operator was quite clearly trying his best to put me through, and was about as distressed as I was (I had just been mugged / assualted). After trying numerous numbers to connect me too, and around a 10 minute wait, he got me through to a police control centre somewhere miles away.
It really worried me, you feel secure knowing that help is just a 999 call away. When you factor in a 10 minute wait just to answer the call, things seem a lot more scary.
Re: Re Free advertising via 999
I agree. Give the operator a chance. She was trying her best to get the person off the phone as quickly as possible, but yet not be too rude. She just gave her the first numebr that came to her head ... which would be the first number that would come to mine too. Though in this day and age you're quite right - its the sort of stupid thing someone would get sued and loose their job over, I do wonder if it would be you doing the sueing?