* Posts by Christian Hagen

1 publicly visible post • joined 2 Dec 2007

Blu-ray discs outsell HD DVDs almost 3:1 in Europe

Christian Hagen
Gates Horns

No HD-DVD for me

Why? Microsoft. Plain and simple. I have been dealing with computers for twenty years and I have seen how Microsoft conducts business. With them on the HD-DVD team I know I will get ripped off. Probably sooner than later.

They do some real good marketing and scare-tactics (Mafia, anyone?), but that's all. Switching to (Ubuntu) GNU/Linux was, and is, a big step. But worth it. And when the PS3 can be installed with GNU/Linux, play games and show me wondrous imagery in HighDef, the decision is made for me. (PS3 coming soon in my home)