* Posts by Praedor Atrebates

5 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Dec 2007

Entering a storage jail

Praedor Atrebates

Well...I buy DRM encumbered stuff

But also go out and get DRM-defeating tools from the intertoobs and burn my own copy of whatever (DVD, game, etc) or otherwise sidestep the DRM.

Helps to do this outside windows or the Mac (ie, linux or *bsd) that are not encumbered in drivers and software with DRM/copy protection crap.

I will also (in future) refuse to buy devices that block MY data or MY software use/storage in hardware (or at least keep older open hardware around to defeat that nonsense).

Microsoft starts stoking hype for Windows 7

Praedor Atrebates

I have a suggestion for MS

I suggest that MS create a core/kernel to their operating system with a bunch of modular libraries. When critical updates or security fixes come up, users could do something like download files...you could suffix them with something like "rpm" or the like. They would install and there would rarely ever be a need to reboot (again and again and again).

If some new feature or app appeared that was simply a "must have", they could make sure it is based on a set of general, shared libraries (all in this "rpm" or similar format). Then, instead of buying a whole new OS, you just keep installing/updating these "rpm" (or similar) thingies! The only time one would ever need to buy a OS would be when the kernel or core underwent a major revision. There would be no reboots, no yearly race to the store to buy yet another largely redundant OS with only slight modifications in it to "justify" an entire new purchase, and everyone would be happier.

FBI sought approval to use spyware against terror suspects

Praedor Atrebates

Not quite true

The claim that there has been no terra-ist attacks since 9/11.

"We haven't been hit by terrorists since 9/11. And as long as the administration doesn't go ignoring intelligence suggesting there's going to be a terrorist attack, there won't be another one for a long time."

There was an attack shortly after 9/11, apparently pulled off my US-domestic terra-ists with a likely association with the government itself. Recall the anthrax attacks against EXCLUSIVELY Democratic politicos and a few "problematic" news agencies? Helped to shuttle the Patriot Act right through without thought didn't it? Hasn't been investigated at all (no properly or <i>seriously</i>).

Just saying. There WAS a big terra attack after 9/11. It just wasn't by brown dudes from the ME.

New Ebola strain kills 16 Ugandans

Praedor Atrebates

pchtechxp...you got it a bit wrong

There were 16 deaths total out of 51 infected. MOST of those 16 died from fever rather than the norm for Ebola: bleeding out. NORMAL Ebola has a kill rate of about 90% or higher. This new one is mild in comparison, having (thus far) a "mere" 31% kill rate.

Ugly view mars Windows Vista birthday

Praedor Atrebates

Not that bad

I am a linux guy through and through. My primary work and piddling the day away on the web boxes are linux (Mandriva, with an urge towards Kubuntu). I have Windows Vista Home installed on a dual-boot machine at home and I boot up Vista whenever I have the time and desire to play a big FPS. While that limits my experience with Vista (there is some web browsing and other incidentals done while I'm there sometimes) the experience I have so far is mostly positive. No speed or resource problems that I didn't notice with any previous versions of Windows (dual core AMD 64 dual-core - I was jumping the gun and expecting 64-bit to take off more than it has, which is practically not at all). Besides the really annoying "Allow or deny" questions that I am hit with repeatedly when I want to install software or flash updates, etc, the only issue I run into is an OCCASSIONAL problem with a game. Right now, the only game in my recent clutch that refuses to work is Bioshock. No other issues so far.

On another happy note, one of the reasons I went ahead and "upgraded" to Vista in the first place was the spyware, spybot, and virus plague my previous windows versions suffered...and I am not foolish enough to simply run anything off the web, nor did I EVER check email while running windows (that is a job best left to Linux with its virtual absolute safety from malware). It got so tiring and annoying to have to totally wipe my windows install and start over again to clean off the malware that I finally jumped to Vista. So far so good...but give it time and it will accrue a huge ecosystem of malware too.