The guy has some nerve
So... according to this guy, is it not fair for Microsoft to lower its prices to compete?
Here's news to you, Mr. Spaceman: it is you who is compiting on price, not quality. You are an hypocrite.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2007
"I have been talking about Open Source in general the entire time, I am the one advocating best of breed" regardless of source."
I do that too. Linux is ok for servers and other markets. Have I ever denied that? But we're talking about desktop Linux here. We're talking about Ubuntu. We're talking about a guy who admits he has not the slightest clue about how to make money with desktop Linux. THAT is reality. Face it if you want.
"Ferraris only have a small market penetration, does that make them worse the Fords? "
That's a common freetarded argument. Do you know a number I can call to have my new shiny Ferrary sent home for free? I thought not.
"Terribly complicated for someone like Gordon though admittedly."
It looked quite complicated for Ubuntu Dappers too. Maybe you could enlighten them, freetard. Keep distorting the truth and denying reality. It has worked so well for you in the past that the world is now using Ubuntu. Oh, wait.
"I bet an install on Win2k would take more *clicks* than that to open IE, download the executable, launch it, run through the installer..."
Maybe. But is your distribution eight years old? :-)
You feetards are soooo funny. You have an amazing ability to miss the point , change the subject and ignore the facts. It is truly worth of psychological study.
"I've never had to install firefox, because it ships with seemingly every distribution I've used. But, if I had to...
sudo apt-get install firefox"
LOL. Like I said, you've no idea what you are talking about. But it's so easy to make fun of your lies and your freetarded ways. As easy as this:
How to Run Firefox 3 on Ubuntu Edgy, Feisty or Dapper
It works. Here's the versions of the libraries I used (in the correct order):
pixman-0.12.0 (May screws up the environmental varables ... not sure)
gtk+-2.12.12 (2.14.3 would not build)
Pixman and GTK+ gave me some problems.
mkdir -p ~/firefox/src
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/firefox/lib
export LDFLAGS=-L${HOME}/firefox/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I${HOME}/firefox/include
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${HOME}/firefox/lib/pkgconfig/
export CFLAGS=-I${HOME}/firefox/include
cd ~/firefox
tar xvjf ~/firefox-3.0.3.tar.bz2
cd ~/firefox/src
cd (package dir)
./configure --prefix=$HOME/firefox
make install
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/firefox/lib ~/firefox/firefox/firefox
Really easy! That's Linux for human beings, mind you. For freetarded human beings.
But hey, keep trying. I'm having fun... and unlike you, I'm not telling lies. I repeat again: try it yourselves.
"You can install Firefox IN EXACTLY THE SAME WAY on Linux."
Bullshit. Seems like you haven't actually tried it. Try it. It doesn't have to be in a 2000's distribution. Try Ubuntu Dapper from 2006. Good luck.
"your implication that Linux isn't on 99% of desktops would be incorrect in any case."
0.91% actually. Eat some facts:
Yeah, the year of the linux desktop is coming. Again.
One more thing for the freetard who claimed Windows 2000 was released in 1997. LOL! That was a good one. Get your facts straight. Oh, right, if you cared about facts you wouldn't be a freetard. But it's ok. No one expects better from you.
"There is no single defined platform in the Closed Source world either. I guess that's why no ISV takes it seriously. Sheesh."
Sure. That's why you can install Firefox 3 on Windows 2000. Click, click. Try the same on any Linux distribution around that year. Good luck with that.
"Open Source is everywhere. "
Not on my desktop. It's not on the desktop of 99% of computing world, actually. And the rest are zealots and religious nuts who hate Microsoft so much they simply can't see how shitty and useless desktop Linux is.
Freetards will never learn. Even when commenting on an article on which their beloved Ubuntu leader candidly admits he has no chance in hell to make money with the shit he produces. At least he has his feet on the ground: you can't make money on something so lousy nobody wants for free.
"I use Fedora and Ubuntu pretty extensively, and I can't recall the last time I compiled anything other than my own code."
It doesn't surprise me, but you still don't understand. I'm not talking about end users. I'm talking about developers. Their too busy recompiling packages time and again like trained monkeys to actually develop something useful.
"Having all programs available through the system's installer means that users can't be duped into installing random trojan packages"
No, it means ever upgrading your system so you can have new applications because there is no defined platform. And it means no ISV can target your system and take it seriously.
Educate yourself: read the Autopackage FAQ. It was the only thing those guys got right.
" *nix packages are not compatible across all current *nix flavours, but why should they be? "
You are right. Who cares about making your OS actually usable if you can have awesome fun recompiling the same packages every 6 months? Talk about productivity!
Enjoy your fragmented, chaotic, crappy, non-working open system. The rest of the world will keep ignoring it... and you will keep crying it's all Microsoft's fault. Same as ever.
Reading freetards brag about standards is soooo funny. They can't even agree on a standardized package format. Fix your own shit before telling others what to do.
" Giving away software for free simply puts paid IT workers out of work."
Don't worry dude. That only happens if what you're doing is even crappier than what freetards are doing. That is a hard feat, and if that happens, you probably deserve to be out of business.