Not restricted to US
It is available outside the US, I was using it to call the US last night from sunny Lancashire UK thanks!
8 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2007
I went on holiday and sent some MMS from my iPhone, roaming data WAS turned off but roaming data charges were charged to my account. It IS a bug with OS 3.0 due to the fact that when the iPhone connects to the gateway to send the MMS it automatically downloads any email that's waiting for you in the background hence the data charge. So not a fault of O2 just a bug in the OS.
On return from my hols I checked my account again and the roaming data charges had been deleted from my account so pretty seamless to me and no contact with O2 made to fix it so fair play to O2.
Oh and yes I don't work for O2 or Apple!
Why is it every bloody M$ article we have to get the infantile "I use Linux cos it's free and M$ is the devils own work" brigade jump in. If you have to use Linux then good for you but just stop jumping on every M$ article, it's not big it's not clever.
I can only think that you have nothing better to do with your sad little blinkered lives........
(Steps down from soapbox......)
Thank you and goodnight
Ok enough O2 bashing already. I have 2 contracts, one with Voda (Wife's phone) mine on O2. I live in the North West and always have a 3G signal and she hasn't. Voda's s**t billing system is always 3 days out of date whereas the O2 one sometimes shows calls from the same day, if not up to 10pm the night before.
I get free O2 to O2 calls, 400 xnet minutes (Including video calls), 1000 texts where I can use them for MMS or video as well and 1mb browsing allowance all for £20/month. If that was on anyone elses network then it'd cost a bloody fortune as NO other network allows you to use your text allowance for MMS or video messaging so at least O2 are fair and don't bend you over like all the rest when you actually use ALL the functions on modern mobiles!
So come on all you Voda, Orange, Tbag fanboys and beat that............
Get a life away from your PC. I presume any other mass adopted things that people use in their lives you have re-invented your own as well. Built your own house, car, TV etc etc because you like to be different from everyone else and not be a sheep. We all have options in life but you Linux people always suck when anythings mentioned about M$. So what if you've used lots of different PC's, I've driven lots of different cars but doesn't make me want to build my own because I don't like th latest Ford or whatever.
Just go and live in your cave wiht the rest of the Linux donkeys.