* Posts by James Robinson

5 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2007

Mozilla delays third Firefox 3.1 beta

James Robinson

Resizable text areas

Re: Si "I don't care how much RAM Firefox uses."

Resizable text areas are available in firefox as an extension which i've been using for ages without a hitch - strangely enough, its called resizable textareas - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3818

Latest Vista SP1 tweak open to everyone with a week to spare

James Robinson
Gates Horns

Mission critical systems

> Caution: If you install this on any mission-critical machinery you are quite simply mad.

I take this to mean your talking about Vista itself, rather than the RC of SP1?

Barcode faking for fun and profit

James Robinson

Re: Karl

> I always use the self scan checkouts in my local Asda, I've noticed

> that if you don't place the item in the bag it recognizes this and

> allows you to select skip bagging resulting in it not weighing the item.

Expect, unfortunately it flags up as a potential security risk on the supervisor console in the middle of the tills, and they are normally required to override it before it will allow you to pay.

Counterfeit Vista rate half that of XP

James Robinson

XP performance

Bloody hell, even XP is still full of bloat that I'll never use and have no interest in trying. Have tried Vista, and it looks quite pretty, but on a day to day basis, I use a custom built (using nLite) install of XP - got rid of all the crap I don't need, and my four year old Athlon XP machine is running Windows in very little memory - thus allowing the bulk of my 2Gb of RAM to be used as I see fit, not how my operating system or Mickey$oft see's fit - same goes for hard disk space. Its /my/ computer, its up to /me/ what I have running - not what Windows tells me to - crap such as Aero, Windows Movie Maker, IE, LookOut Express, Windows Imaging, etc I strip out, taking it down to what is basically less than a W2K platform, but with the XP features/benefits that I want/need/can't find 3rd party addons for W2K - its blisteringly fast, moreso than W2K in fact, mainly due to the code prefetching in XP. In other words, XP is full of shit that 90% of the population will never need, Vista is worse - its the devils child.

Microsoft offers $300m for web-washing ad campaign

James Robinson


Windows Live (W)OneCare - more than just a knuckle shuffler...