Why is it that
Why is it than you only ever see these things from one angle. Are all spiral galaxy 2d, what would it look like from underneath?
16 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2007
I fear this is going to be yet another "Blame Linux" when it all goes tits up.
People who haven’t got computers already probably don’t won't things that equate to quite large pieces of plastic furniture hanging about. Cables and bits of tackle to plug in. It's just a mess.
If you offered a reasonably spec tablet at the same price I'm sure you'd be looking at a winner.
If they won't people online them give them a tool for being online. Not the whole *&^% tool box.
"Adobe’s stock rocketing on Wall Street yesterday following the rumor. "
JFC These Wall Street people must be real Muppet's.
A collision between Adobe and Microsoft would produce an even more expensive none-responsive operation system.
Ms-Bloat 8. I can just imagine it shipping on about 50 DVD's
How many people actually use there real name on facebook?
Or the internet for that matter.
Why would you? It's bad enough in the real world without letting them get you in the cyber space.
call me tin foil Tracy but I still prefer to make up names on the spot. Facebook was no exception.
I tested this when it first came out, It was slow and annoying on Windows.
It was a nice idea. but really its not going anywhere.
I think goggle just wanted something else to play with. Like a cat with a piece of sting they'll get bored of it.
In a year this software will languish in the "what ever happened to?" section.
I have recently (About 4 months) Had a brand new Laptop from RM (Educational supplier's).
2gig of ram dual core Intel core2 with Vista business edition on it. (runs like a 386 at times)
Vista is shit3.
I cannot adequately articulate how this non-operating system makes me feel, but I'll try.
1. not in control of anything.
2. nervous about when something will just inexplicably crash.
3. bored as I wait about half a day for it to start up.
4. bored as I wait about half a day for it shut down.
5. just fucking angry.
6. perplexed about what GNU/Linux operating system I'm going to replace it with and whether I should even bother emulating a Microsoft Op on in at all, after my experience with Vista only Photoshop and fruityloops are going to persuade me that its worth it.
i have never used such a bag of shite as Vista and I once used suse back in the day without an Internet connection. Vista really is as annoying as Dependency hell.
out of the 4 month I've had my new laptop one month has been spent in the "no drivers", "Windows is checking for a solution to this problem" and your basis "this program is not responding" state. All of those are clearly euphemisms for "This operating system is shit"
I just moved my web site to 1and1. paid that little bit more, thinking I was going to get better service than with Globat.com, who are unspeakably bad.
it looks like you don't get what you pay for after all. It's not a big ask is it? that your website is up and running.
I'm glad I don't rely on it to do business. F*&$^N£ B"*£s)%