Rubbish Software
if you look at the exploits on milw0rm, its laughable that lxlabs have even managed to string a product together. Im not a web apps expert but even i couldnt put out such shockingly bad software
9 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2007
Wireless power will never take off. It is just so inefficient. Nobody is going to accept loosing 50% of their power into thin air. What annoys me more is that wireless power companies hardly ever quote the efficiency. It’s not a technology that can be improved much more, unless we ignore physics.
Intel only stopped making the 386 in september 2007. They are used for highly critical systems like this because they have known failure rates and failure states. pretty simple really. its not that they dont need the power, they need systems that have had 10+ years of testing.
33Mhz is plenty fast enough for an embedded system as they dont have to run an operating system or complicated device drivers. Lots of the code is written in assembly and doesnt do much more than run timers and change outputs.
Yes, the chip in my 5 year old phone is more powerful, but my old phone has 100 times more functionality.
all the recent Dell PC's and laptops that ive seen are very well designed put together, and were very reasonable prices. The business laptops seem to be better than the home ones.
You can get a basic Vista Business Slim desktop for £200. You would struggle to make it for that money and with Dell you have support.
Good films generally dont come out of holywood so you are right there but you simply cant compare computer games and films.
You take a girl on a date to see a film. You dont take her round your mates house and watch him playng GTA4 for 10 days straight then discuss the amazing plot as you walk her home.
Game plots are written to make interesting gaming, They are not a deep interesting story that you recommend to a friend.
"ah mate, you have to buy gta4. its got the most amazing twist at the end"