* Posts by Mike Crawshaw

508 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2007


Virgin Media in talks to trial three strikes regime against P2P

Mike Crawshaw

@ Mark: sharing with yourself

Mark - seems a very convoluted way of having music at work! Personally, I carry a USB Flash Drive with a bunch music pre-loaded - 4GB covers the majority of the stuff I'll want to listen to whatever my mood.


I wasn't defending Virgin / BPI in any way. Just stating how their "system" is working in response to people panicking about their Linux distros, WoW patches etc etc etc.

How your scenario (or others from the thousands of "what if?" possibilities) would work, I have no idea...

Mike Crawshaw

Re: "Legal" Downloads

re a couple of queries above on WoW updates, Linuz distros etc.

The BPI are informing Virgin of the details of people dowloading material that they hold the copyright to. They join (e.g.) a torrent swarm for an item they believe they hold the rights to (e.g. the latest Britney album, based on filename) and make notes of the IP addresses that are also downloading the item in question. Once downloaded, they check the item to ensure that it is something they hold the rights to. They then pass the IP addresses for other parties who downloaded the item to the ISP.

So, **in theory**, it shouldn't affect anything that doesn't belong to the BPI, such as Linux distros etc.

The thing you need to worry about there is Virgin using their "network management" on you if you download more than they say you can whilst you're paying for "unlimited" (subject to undisclosed Fair Use Policy).

(no, I don't agree with what the BPI / Virgin are doing here, but let's keep it in perspective, huh?)

Apple lags MS in security response

Mike Crawshaw


"odd though, that it's always the anti-apple crowd that respond first to these stories"

- just as odd that it's always the Apple crowd that respond first to stories about any other OS's flaws...

Best Buy calls copper on unsatisfied shopper

Mike Crawshaw

Re ToysRUs use police to avoid exchanges

They also use security to avoid long-haired leather-wearing bikers running around the store shooting each other with Spiderman Web-Blasters (TM).

So I've been told.... *ahem*

<--the one with the silly-string all over it, thanks!

Canadians go out clubbing

Mike Crawshaw

Aren't these the guys....?

IIRC, these are the guys who were throwing acid on the Japanese whaling ships. I would like to see them try that tactic on a group of 6'4", 250lb loggers, each wielding a club....

Thanks to AC - "Based on Lies" @ 1413. As a Canadian (living in the UK), every year I get grief because of the propaganda surrounding this. Nice to see some people not taken in by the "cute lil seals!!!!" BS.

Religious MPs get free vote on hybrid embryos

Mike Crawshaw
Thumb Down

@ AC, Chill People

As someone else has stated - Mengeles' experiments weren't anything like this. I'm tempted to invoke Godwin's Law on you for comparing legitimate, controlled, medical research with a goal of reducing the impact of genetic disorders that cause anguish for millions of people (sufferers and those close to them) with a Nazi looney-tune with a scalpel and a bunch of live subjects who weren't able to say no. Injecting ink into children's eyes to try and change their eye color? Using dissection to prove the inferiority of the Jewish race? Yeah, that was a measured and rational approach just like this research...

I stated that "THINGS LIKE THIS (added emphasis) should be decided on scientific merits alone" - I would have thought that it would be obvious I wasn't talking about dissection for fun and profit. But I guess not...

Scenario: My MP is a Catholic. The majority of his constituents are not. So the RC Church should dictate to him the direction of his vote based on the threat of "The big nasty Sky-Fairy won't like it!!"?

I think not.

If an MP represents a community where the majority of his or her constituents have a single viewpoint (e.g. in NI where the Catholic population will be quite large in some constituencies) then I have no problem with him or her voting against this bill, because, whether I agree with him or not, he is representing the people who he is supposed to.

When an MP votes according to his own religious beliefs, in line with his religious leaders' views, AGAINST the wishes of the people he is supposed to represent, THAT'S what annoys me.

Mike Crawshaw

Jesus Wept....

And we complain that Iran, Saudi etc are too controlled by "religion" holding back development... Things like this should be decided on scientific merits alone, rather than demands of some bloke in a dress that represents one of the most corrupt establishments in the world.

When an MP has a choice between the Wrath of Gordon or the Wrath of God, which way will he jump? My money's on an easy life right now and taking his chances on the New Testament being more accurate than the old (ie a "loving, forgiving father" god rather than a "vengeful, wrathful" god).

Ofcom says yes on more TV ads

Mike Crawshaw

This is FANTASTIC!!!!

Suddenly I'll have WAY more opportunity to go for a piss, grab coffee, hells, even make a sandwich during the commercials, rather than the current "racing around like a dervish" scenario!

Sorry, I'm supposed to stay in one place, mindlessly absorbing the ridiculous claims of marketing types desperately trying to attract my attention by using fine-lookin' girls in bikinis to promote toothpaste? Hmmmm.... no.

Well done Ofcom! My bladder thanks you for your decision!!

(do I really need to add sarcasm tags?)

Ofcom to hold operators responsible for dodgy dealers

Mike Crawshaw


Yes it all costs money.

My point is NOT: "it should be free unlimited like they say it is."

My point IS: "they should not be telling us it is free / unlimited and then hiding behind the small print when people do what their adverts are telling us we can."

It ain't free, it ain't unlimited - so stop telling us it is. Like I said above, most Reg readers know what the reality is, but most Joe Public types don't, and this advertising is misleading for the 75% of the target audience that are of that type.

Stop this nonsense? Indeed.

Mike Crawshaw

@ W & pctechxp

W: I'd say the difference between the 95% claimed and 79% getting their cashback is probably due to the hoops the reseller makes the punter jump through, meaning that a number start the claim, but are unable to get their money back due to one caveat or another. "Oh, you're claiming three days after the expiry, hard lines!" etc. Claiming cashback is one thing - getting it is another, as Tom mentions above.

pctechxp: The "Unlimited" doesn't just apply to broadband. EVERY mobile operator has jumped on this, and advertises "unlimited calls! unlimited text! Talk all day! Text everyone in the world and it won't cost a penny!!!" - subject to FUP which means it isn't anything of the kind. The fact that the broadband market has got away with this for so long means it's encroached itself into other markets as well, and is continuing to do so. Seen BT's latest weekend calls promo? "FREE UNLIMITED WEEKEND CALLS!!!!" (subject to FUP and hanging up and redialling every hour...). So it ain't just the broadband hogs who are complaining about "unlimited" now meaning "quite a bit, but we're not going to tell you exactly how much".

Reg readers are generally astute enough to read the fine print, but most punters take the advertising at their word, and are quite surprised to find charges on their "unlimited use" deal of whatever kind.

Smiley cos I'm on my 3rd coffee and the day is starting to seem bearable...

Phorm agrees to independent inspection of data pimping code

Mike Crawshaw

@ Messenger Shot

Damn, I hoped he would get away with it and carry on feeding us tidbits of info!!

Seriously though, I feel for the guy. He saw corporate policy that was incredibly wrong, and did what his conscience dictated, making it public. Hopefully a firm that deals ethically will ignore the BS reference he's sure to get from BT, and take him on.

US State puts violent videogames under scrutiny

Mike Crawshaw

Who decides?

I love the fact that the Americans will take 17yo's into their military but not let them play Leisure Suit Larry until 21...

A third of online shops undermine consumer rights

Mike Crawshaw

"Restocking Fee"...

The bane of anyone trying to send anything back. Where they charge up to 15% of the item's value to receive it back, and deduct that from your refund. Completely illegal, and very, very common. Also commonly believed to be ok by the drones manning the customer service phones/email because "it's in the terms and conditions".

Analysts call for secure Facebook access for workers

Mike Crawshaw

Do. Not. Want.

I don't use it, I don't want it. Nor do I want to be picking up extra work because everyone else is playing fucking scrabble instead of doing what they should be doing.

This might sound old-fashioned, but here it is. A business pays you to do a job. Not piss about prodding people and playing with friends lists. If your business doesn't REQUIRE you to be using FaceAche, there is no reason to be using it. And if a business did require me to register with / use FaceFart, I wouldn't be working there. It's unnecessary and annoying.

If you want to use it, that's your prerogative, but don't expect me to join in, and don't expect me to pick up your slack because you were too busy sending ninjas after your "friends" when you should have been working. What you do in your spare time on the net is entirely your own business, whether it's on FaceBook or YouPorn, but whilst you're at work, you're supposed to be doing what the company pays you to do.

Like adding unnecessary comments to El Reg.... (hey - I'm waiting on some data to crunch!!)

The 'green' car tax grabs that don't add up

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters


Really? Tax should be lower on fuel to offset the environmental impact?


Next we'll find out that the tax increases on tobacco and alcohol every year don't actually do much about reducing consumption, and are more about raising easy cash to cover expense accounts and white elephant pet projects like ID Cards and ill-thought-out and unnecessary computer systems...

<-black helicopters emit no emissions, that's why the government uses them to crack down on dissenters.

Darling budget fails to paint Brown government green

Mike Crawshaw

Charity? P'yehright....

"If "sufficient progress" is not made by the end of this year, a charge on plastic bags will be levied. The money will go to "environmental charities", presumably including organisations such as the Greenpeace Environmental Trust. "

Or perhaps organisations such as MPExpenseFund.org, MPPayRise.org or MinisterAsACompanyDirector.org....

Darling talks, UK growth slows

Mike Crawshaw

More like...

fags will have already gone up 20p/pack in every newsagent in the country...

Qualcomm buys into Phorm-alike firm

Mike Crawshaw

Orange's "Targeted" Advertising...

I keep getting calls from Orange, trying to get me to upgrade my phone with them, as I'm near the end of my contractual period.

Unfortunately, I don't actually _HAVE_ an Orange phone, nor have I ever had one. My mobile number (that they call me on) is O2, has always been O2, and has an O2 prefix. Trying to get the person on the other end of the phone to understand this is often an excercise in utter futility, because they usually don't speak any English apart from what's on the screen in front of them, and sentences like "This is not an Orange phone" seem to be too complex....

If this is how Orange "target" their advertising on their established business, gods help any Orange broadband users* once this starts!!

*or, more accurately, any Freeserve customers who were sold to Wanadoo, who were then bought by Orange. Yeesh.

Microscope-wielding boffins crack Tube smartcard

Mike Crawshaw
Paris Hilton


"With anything proprietary, you can never guaranty that."

"guarantee". The word is "guarantee".

CPW builds wall between customers and Phorm

Mike Crawshaw

As a CPW user...

I'm actually marginally impressed with their reaction to their punters. Over the last few days, I've been looking at alternative providers to the one I have with CPW, even though this one is free (I have my landline with them). I would have been prepared to leave a decent enough* free service with CPW and pay for another one purely because of this Phorm stupidity.

Based on this, I'll delay making a decision. If CPW make their arrangements with Phorm on a purely opt-in basis, and they **guarantee** that none of my data will be piped **anywhere**, anonymous or not, then I'll stay where I am. Obviously I won't be "opting in" to Phorm's malware...

*yes, yes, I know, everyone hates CPW Broadband. But it's free, it's a reasonable speed (I average 5MB/s) and the download limit (40GB/month IIRC) is more than generous enough for my needs, especially when compared to comparable offerings from Sky / Orange etc which limit to 2GB/month.

CBI calls for major overhaul to UK tax

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters

How about that then?

"ordinary people would suffer from tax hikes which in turn could lead to spending cuts on public services."

We hear this line every time there's talk of ANY tax being reduced / changed, whether it's on cigarettes, booze, fuel, income tax, whatever.

Funnily enough, whenever there's any talk of spending cuts, it always seems that it has to come from the NHS/law enforcement etc, rather than MPs' expense accounts...

Plastic bag campaign falls apart at the seams

Mike Crawshaw
Thumb Up

Daily Hate* strikes again

I look forward to the Daily Mail running a front-page editorial admitting that "OWR CAMPANE TO SAVE TEH WURLD!!!! WE MAID GORDON BAN PLASTEK BAGGS!!!!!" is actually based on inaccurate information.

Waddya mean I might be waiting a while?

(you forgot one vital use for these - as a dog owner, plastic bags are a life-saver....!)

Has your shifty foreign neighbour got 16 mobes?

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters

The possibilities are endless...

Group of kids hanging around in the vicinity of your house? Well, they probably change their mobile every couple months, and they wear hoods, which are almost a turban, and they're always filming things on their mobiles...... soooooooo..... THAY MUSS BE TERRAHRISTS!!!!

Voila. End of kids

Neighbour's hedge getting overgrown? Maybe he's using fertilizer! Which is a bomb ingredient! And I saw him making a home movie in his back garden! Which could be able to be zoomed to the CCTV camera on the motorway in the distance! soooooooo..... HE MUSS BE A TERRAHRIST!!!

Voila. End of neighbour's uncontrollable hedge.

(As a foreigner with 3 mobile phones, a penchant for wearing a DPM (camouflage) jacket, a beard, and an Asian gf, I can hear the 'coptors in the distance...)

Malaysian woman jailed for worshipping teapot

Mike Crawshaw

Re: AC 16:21 "England is a OFFICIALLY Secular Country"

The missing word is "officially" - apologies for skipping that.

Just like we have freedom of speech, a caring Government that listens to its people ("we didn't REALLY promise a referendum, you must have misread it...") and a law system based on "innocent until proven guilty".

Oh, wait...

Mike Crawshaw

England is a Secular Country...

So we should immediately take this wonderful idea from Sharia and send to jail anyone who "converts" from atheism (or agnosticism, I'm a fair guy....) to any of the Sky Fairy religions.

I await the flames....!

Dungeons and Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax dies

Mike Crawshaw

Never played D&D

But played a lot of RPGs inspired by it as a kid, everything from Dragon Warriors to Maelstrom to Paranoia. Still read the GW novels to this day, despite not having the time to play any more.

RIP Gary, and thanks for inspiring so many.

El Reg decimates English language

Mike Crawshaw

Greengrocers' Apostrophe's

Nice reference...

Spelling, incorrect usage and general grammatical incompetencies do get my goat (and I want it back!), but language is evolving, and those who do not evolve with it will soon be left to the pages of hostorical dictionaries. Or something.

The golden suit with the winged hat, thanks...!

Nine Inch Nails cracks net distribution (maybe)

Mike Crawshaw

Even if I didn't know them..

At that price I'd be willing to "give them a try". I used to do that, back in the day when record stores had more-reasonably-priced music and a decent selection - before it was £15 an album / "you may select from this approved list of cloned artists".

If the concept takes off, I'd be willing to pay £2.50 to sample a lot of bands. If I like em, I'd buy more of their work. If I don't, I delete the tracks and I've lost less than the price of a pint. I won't, however, go into HMV or wherever and spring £15+ on the off-chance that I might like someone, the way I'd try a tape/LP when I was a kid.

As it is, I've liked NiN for years, so I'll be springing for some of this once the initial frenzy dies down and they increase the availability.

Microsoft cuts Vista price

Mike Crawshaw
IT Angle

"Cheap enough now?"

No *@!$ing way.

Not without a 2lb bar of gold thrown in, along with Paris' phone number, and a disclaimer indicating I have no obligation to install the thing!!

<----MS Vista. What IS the IT angle????

Paramount, DreamWorks rip up HD DVD release list

Mike Crawshaw

Re: James Bassett

"Everything HD DVD is being heavily discounted at the moment. It doesn't look good for a brand-new film release to go straight into the Woolworths bargain bucket!"

ESPECIALLY when the same film on Blu-Ray will still be retailing at full price - I'd like to see the scenes in HMV where a clueless member of staff tries to explain to a clueless punter why THIS Hi-def copy of <insert film name> is £20 more than THIS hi-def copy...

US gov now says Eye-o-Sauron™ border masts are crap

Mike Crawshaw

@AC "They started too big..."

Why would anyone North of Watford WANT to come to London?? To pay to get in (congestion charge), pay for parking (if you can find one), pay for the tube (risking being shot if you run to catch it), and then pay £4 a pint?? I'll stay in Sheffield - and that's saying something!! =;-)

Terminator Salvation is go for May 2009 release

Mike Crawshaw

You said it in jest...

"But can we wait until they've released Alien v Terminator v Predator v Batman Requiem, please?"

You do know that there is a graphic novel out: "Superman & Batman vs Alien & Predator", right?


<- the one with the entire Marvel back catalogue in the pockets, thanks..

Public don't want internet filters, MS tells MPs

Mike Crawshaw
Paris Hilton

Parenting - RIGHTS not responsibilities, dammit!!!

"Lambert said it was unrealistic to expect software companies to act in place of parents - they should set limits on their kids' surfing. He said parents needed to be educated about what their kids are doing online and be aware of filters and other controls."

Wow - y'mean it's the parents' job to ...well.... PARENT THEIR KIDS??? Who'd'a thunk it? But isn't asking a parent to take any sort of responsibility for, or interest in, what their kids are doing a breach of Human Rights for everyone involved? Or something?

Paris. Because she'd make a great Mommy.

Doctors back more tax on booze

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters

A pattern emerges...

Cigarettes are bad for you: we're increasing the taxes further and demonising anyone who smokes.

Alcohol is bad for you: we're increasing the taxes further and demonising anyone who drinks.

Driving is bad for you: we're increasing fuel taxes and congestion charges further, and demonising anyone who drives.

Junk food is bad for you: we're going to increase the taxes further and we're already demonising anyone who eats a Snickers bar in public.

Next Week:

Disagreeing with Nu-Labour is bad for you: we're increasing taxes on having an opinion, and demonising anyone who objects.


French telecoms chief says 'non' to EU-wide regulation

Mike Crawshaw

Cost MORE!

Not to mention the fact that if it's anything to do with central European regulation, you can quadruple the highest possible reasonable price, then add an extra 0. And that's your conservative estimate...

Dial-a-phone 4u?

Mike Crawshaw

@ Peter Redding

The best way to waste time of phone shop staff is:

* Find a shop with a relatively high volume of browsing customers.

* be REALLY interested in the latest offering from Network X and be wanting to "upgrade" *RIGHT NOW*

* enquire about the "unlimited" offer on calls / texts / whatever

* "discover" that "unlimited" doesn't actually mean that due to a FUP that doesn't disclose the actual limit.

* be loudly incredulous about the misleading nature of the promotions.

Great way to spend 10 minutes. So I've heard.... not that I've ever done anything of the kind.... *ahem*....

Points mean passports: Citizenship Smith unveils 'like us' plan

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters

Re: Oxymoron

They've been working on this for a while, trying to get the public used to these being normal, everyday items.

Examples include "Unlimited Texts/Phone Calls/Downloads (subject to Fair Use Policy)", and anything combining the words "efficiency" or "value" in a positive context with a governmental department....

Doublethink, anyone?

And if she (Ms Smith) thinks I'm going to have anything to do with the glue-sniffing, cider-quaffing urchins in South Yorkshire just to get "citizenship" which I've been summarily refused a number of times previously*, voluntarily or otherwise, she has a another think coming...

*only my Mom's English, so I'm not entitled to citizenship. If it had been my DAD who was English, I'd be handed a UK passport just like *that*.

Northern Rock FOI gag 'out of order' say Tories

Mike Crawshaw
Thumb Down


"If we are ever to see our money back on this (which I think we will, probably a few times over, if competently managed) we need to prevent the competitors viewing the inner workings of the company, as they will gain competitive advantage. It's obvious. Once the sell off, back to the private sector has completed, take the gag off, where applicable."

Unfortunately, you set a condition in there unlikely to be met.

"if competently managed".

Bye-bye £millions...

Mike Crawshaw

Lemme just check here....

Ron Sandler, the guy being paid £1,080,000 per year (£90k/month) of OUR money, not including any bonuses for being able to contain his laughter when he tells us how well our money is being spent, to "rescue" this bank, is also a Non-Dom and eligible for tax breaks???

There are no words. Really. None at all.

Jedi to open Surrey academy

Mike Crawshaw


are they teaching lightsabre techniques?? I mean, really, HOW??

"OK, imagine this stick is actually a lightsabre. Now I'm going to teach you certain techniques that would only work if it WAS a lightsabre, and you also have telekinetic Force powers. Which of course you do."

As a martial artist, I want to sit in on one of these just for the grins.

Star Wars animation heads for the silver screen

Mike Crawshaw

Live Action????

"Forget 3D cartoons, bring us the live action TV series, damnit!"

Hells, Eps1-3 only just classed as "live action" with all the CGI characters....

Mine's the brown hooded cloak, thanks...

Calls to ban hoodie-busting sonic weapon

Mike Crawshaw
Thumb Up


can I buy one of these? And does it also work on dog-owners whose pets have "taken a liking" to my driveway?

More videogames to face censor scrutiny

Mike Crawshaw

@ AC "Leave DR Tanya out of this"

I don't give a toss if she's a PhD or has an accreditation in Certified Ethical Hacking. She's not qualified to decide what games I play, or what I look at on the net.

Controlling what children do in terms of games, films, or the internet is up to the parents - not to be surrendered to outside control lightly, or indeed at all, IMO.

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters


Will be the first to go... with a name like that, it's OBVIOUSLY encouraging anyone who plays to turn into a Sociopathical Jihadi Islamist Fascist Suicide Bombing TERIREST!!!!

I love how the report is being done by a "TV therapist". Can we please have a day without someone whose main qualification is "LOOKIT ME!! I ON TV!!! HI MUM!!" telling us how to live??

OFT mulls Egg probe

Mike Crawshaw


Following Egg's decision, it was reported this weekend that Barclaycard are following suit, and ditching a bunch of customers on a similar basis - but a couple more customers. About a million of them, to be precise - about 10% of their customer base. And are reducing the credit limits of lots more, apparently - which should be interesting, seeing as those who are the highest credit risks tend to carry balances within spitting distance of their target, sorry, limit.


Main difference is that BCard aren't claiming that these people being dumped have slumped in credit rating, but that they are "dormant" - whatever that means. I'm pretty sure that people who have their card available for holidays and emergencies, but don't carry a balance, are going to be included...

At least it looks like I won't have to worry about getting more letters saying "Good news!!! We've trebled your credit limit!!!! Please spend lots of money on tat and get in hideous amounts of debt to us!!!" any more...

Stopblair.eu tries to halt Tony's march on Brussels

Mike Crawshaw
Black Helicopters


To get him away from any prospect of power HAS to be A Good Thing.

Even if it means I have to agree with some (mainland) Europeans.

Can you hear the SS, sorry, MI5 coming?

Brit firm levitates floating chair

Mike Crawshaw

Can I....

power it with a knee generator phone charger pacemaker thingy that's just been invented too?

( http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/08/knee_generator_phone_charger_pacemaker_thingy/ )

DHS official moots Real ID rules for buying cold medicine

Mike Crawshaw

@ "Your papers, please"

Surely you mean "ihre papieren, bitte"??

(so I played Medal of Honor too much. So sue me.)

Healthy? You're a burden on the state

Mike Crawshaw

RE: Chris W / AC "Live And Let Die"

Live & Let Die AC -

"1. They mustn't inflict harmful or toxic by-products on other people (including their children)

2. They mut never get healthcare priority over people who aren't hell bent on self destruction

3. Smokers caught with non-duty-paid cigarettes should lose their NHS entitlement as they're ripping off everyone else

4. I shouldn't have to kiss them / be breathed on by them"

Does 1 also apply to automobiles? Airplanes? Manufacturing? All these produce much more harmful / toxic by-products on other people. And you can't just stand upwind of them.

Does 2 also apply to alcoholics and drug addicts? How about people who contracted HIV/AIDS through people hell-bent on self destruction by having sex? How about people who crossed the road thinking that car would slow down for them? Or who went and climbed a mountain, then needed helicopter rescue because they didn't bother to check the weather before they went? People using mobile phones? Eating beef? They're all asking for it, right?

3. Fine, as long as you apply the same logic to people who pirate music/movies/software, sneak into concerts etc cos they're all ripping off everyone else. Contractors? Yeah, they probably use some creative accounting. Strike them off too.

4. I don't want to kiss you either.

At £5.50 for 20 Marlboros at the moment, a 20-a-day smoker sees £3.18 of every pack go straight to the Treasury (22% retail price, plus £108.65 / thousand cigarettes), totalling £23.66 per week, not allowing for smoking more on a Saturday night. That's an extra c£1,250 tax a year more than a non-smoker. And a conservative estimate.

(PS how any "beer swilling fat gits" on Jobseeker's Allowance of £59.15 a week can afford to smoke in meaningful amounts - let alone drink - is beyond me)

16GB iPhone to launch today

Mike Crawshaw

@ Andy

The O2 shop's in Sheffield city centre, right in the busiest part. At lunch time. In the rain. Even so... 2 people!!!!
