Last One...
Cos I don't like posting over and over on the same subject.
"And you're still missing the point about the hype and the froth. You're completely suckered by it. Just because she is surrounded by a lot of the same crap that lesser artists get by on, doesn't make her one of them."
Nope, I'm completely suckered by the fact that I find her music dreadful, and that people I personally know have gone to see her, with the result that it's been a complete waste of time and money for them, and has massively put them off her as an artist. Like I said, I ignore the tabloids. I don't give a monkey-fart if she junks herself up to the eyeballs in her spare time, but when it's causing massive negative effects on her performance, then to laud her for being the next Music Messiah seems nuts.
"Of course it's Very Bad that she often can't get her shit together (although it doesn't occur as often, or as badly, as the tabs have told you) but I think anyone who's seen her perform at all will value it more in years to come than any number of smoothly executed, identikit, unimpeachably professional gigs by The Whoeverthefucks."
The tabs haven't told me anything. I don't care what they say, as I know it's generally a crock of shit about whatever the current flavour of outrage is. It's based on people I know going to see her because they liked her before going, and supported her, and felt it would be a great night.
I certainly wouldn't value a performance like they got.
Incidentally, I'm hardly a "The Whoeverthefucks" fan, as I'm more into rock/metal than anything else - though with a healthy smattering of everything from opera to blues. (No, Good Charlatan and other such "We're totally rock!!1!1!!" identikit bands don't count...) - but I value a performance that I can enjoy over one where I would be saying "what the hell is she doing?" throughout. I'm certainly not into "smoothly executed, identikit, unimpeachably professional gigs" but I think expecting the artist not to stumble around like a zombie and forget all her lyrics isn't unreasonable.
Like I said, last one. I often agree with you on other subjects, but I reckon this "you (don't) like her so you've been suckered by the publicity and I (don't) like her and I haven't been suckered by anyone so there!!!" debate isn't going to go anywhere.... (And because I have work to do...!)
Stop because that's what I'm doing.