And there I was thinking that 'hui3cafhem1@gmail.com' really DID love me...
508 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2007
Netbooks are targetted at low-tech users more than any other party. Most of these users, who only want to pay £200 for a netbook for email and porn, sorry, basic surfing, are not particularly tech-savvy. HP saw what happened when CPW etc were selling Linux-based netbooks, where the returns increased massively, and support costs went through the roof, because nobody understood what was happening. In most minds on the street, if it ain't Windows, they don't get it. Even more so for the less technical types who struggle to rip a CD.
They're not going to be concerned with losing a few dozen sales from techies who want Linux, when they know they're not going to have high support overheads from people looking for the Start button, followed by returns of the equipment.
It would be nice if they had the option of Linux / Windows XP / Vista, and pre-installed / costed based on your choice, and that way we could order what we wanted - but that would, most likely lead to everyone choosing the Linux option (because it's the cheapest) and ending up back at the start as soon as it gets switched on and there's no Clippy to "assist" them.
@ Law: Poor bugger! You can't even blind her with science to justify the expense!
@ AC: The trick is to officially have a 3-hour "strategy meeting", followed by an hour or two at the pub. So the odour of beer & fags is apparent and expected, without the accompanying cries of "You're always at the pub with your mates! You never take me anywhere! I have nothing to wear! I need more shoes!" (ok, so I still get them, but at least not as much).
@ Andy: Like I said, she's a technophobe, and wouldn't be able to get to the comments section of this site.... =:-D
No more will we be able to get away with "I'm working late" or "I'm looking after my sick aunt" or "I'm feeding my colleague's cat" when we're actually At The Pub (or something more naughty, if such is your habit).
Thank Christ my OH is a technophobe who'd never be able to figure this out, or those "strategy meetings" at the pub would have to come to an end!
BAD Google! BAD!
How many people will suddenly *only* speak Welsh, no matter where in the UK they live?
Seriously, how many people in the UK speak Welsh but not English? I can't imagine the number is that high.
(but it's another obstacle towards the ID Card. That has to be A Good Thing, regardless of the intention....)
Actually, no rant, just 2 little additions to above comments. And not a naughty word in sight.
@ Pascal: you are the reason why adults fear to integrate with children, in a healthy way. You are the reason that I refuse to teach martial arts to anyone under the age of 18 - despite parental pressure to do so. You are the reason that I insist on parental presence in the same room when I tutor maths. You are the reason that fewer and fewer adults volunteer to run youth groups, such as Scouts or Cadet forces - which leads the youth to have "nothing to do", the most common excuse for causing trouble. You are the reason that children have no idea how to speak to adults, and that adults have no idea to speak to children other than their own (and often not even that). You are the reason that nobody intervenes when they see a lost child crying for his mum in the middle of a town centre. You are the reason for the breakdown between the generations in the UK today.
I feel sorry for your children if they are taught that all adults should be feared - just for being adults, and therefore *obviously* predators - rather than engaged and respected for that engagement, and their willingness to pass on their experience of the world.
@ Kain: I got it. I'm bemused that others didn't. I vote for a "if you need me to state in caiptals that this isn't a serious comment, and is in fact a jibe at popular alarmism, then you shouldn't be allowed unsupervised access to the interwebz" icon.
"The EP report also proposed to make providing online chat rooms and forums where pedophile activities take place a crime."
I'm pretty sure that FB MUST have had some grooming take place at some point, so let's throw the bitch in prison!
But seriously. WoW etc could be classed as this - a 14yo girl plays a character who wears little clothing and talks to a 25yo bloke - who doesn't know she's 14 because it's anonymised - and BANG! You're under arrest for grooming! And I thought WackyJack was bad!
"And besides it's several inches of snow here. It's hardly a 'sprinkling'."
I'm from Canada.
"several inches of snow" == "sprinkling".
in March 2008 we had up to 183 inches (that's over **15 FEET**, folks....), and we still functioned. Apart from where people stole the snowblowers... (you can't trust those Quebecois!)
Londoners*. Their reactions to snow are so predictable.... God.
(*includes anyone living there and joining in the local pastime of whining about 3" of snow making life impossible.)
<enters ruddy-faced and glowing>
I love how the police, travel companies etc say "only travel if your journey is essential". I keep trying to convince my bosses that my coming to work isn't actually essential, but they disagree, dammit.
And if London split from the rest of UK, they'd get to keep all the politicians, as well as the vast majority of consultants, financiers, lobby groups, homeopaths, hairdressers, middle management and telephone sanitisers, which would be just perfect for the rest of us!
<goes to make snow angels>
Bang go my semi-regular Saturday night visits to Manchester for Jilly's Rock World. I get stopped and hassled quite enough by the Mancunian Plod as it is* without them dragging me off because I don't have a WackyCard, and therefore must be a terryrist**.
The only thing I can't wait for is to be rid of this lot. We need to learn something about civil disorder from the French and Italians, because the gov don't seem to understand that they are headed by the most despised people in the country, and we're fed up of their bullshit and draconianism.
*long hair, leathers. I thought the police stopped hassling metalheads in favour of gangsta rappers years ago, but they seem to make an exception for me...
** Asian missus and I have a beard. Nuff said, just ignore the fact that I'm usually arseholed at this time and chainsmoking, and Islam forbids beer & fags.
"Side note: Did you know that all (most?) of those TV screens in supermarkets which blare advertisements at you can be muted via remote control? Sometimes its a blissful couple weeks before someone figures out how to turn the sound on again ..."
Sir, this will be tested on my next visit to such an establishment. If this proves correct, then for the first time in my life, I will be grateful to someone for "enhancing my shopping experience"!
Twenty-five whores in the room next door, Twenty-five floors and I need more
I'm looking for the can in the candy store, Two thousand hamburg four
And colours I aint seen before
Its a small world and it smells funny, I'd buy another if it wasnt for the money
Take back what I paid, For another motherfucker in a motorcade
I prefer the SoM Vision Thing. It makes more sense. I wonder if I can get back what I've paid for that Fat Twat Gordon in his Motorcade?
' "If there is a member of the public who is concerned that they have an illegal image in their possession, they should seek legal advice," the ACPO concludes.'
Legal advice from whom, exactly?
The Ministry of Justice?
The Crown Prosecution Service?
The Police?
Who will all say "erm, dunno really... we don't know what's illegal...."
I'm genuinely surprised at the number of people saying "WTF? Eating poisonous fish? No way!" here. I expected more net machismo about how people ate live fugu straight from the sea, and washed it down with acid whilst juggling knives...
I've tried fugu (yes, from a licenced restaurant), and, like jsp above, I'm not hugely keen - I prefer other types of Japanese food. But the attraction is the danger, not the taste. Y'know, like the extreme sports that westerners are so keen on. Take away that "danger-buzz", and there's not a lot else there to attract.
On the subject of "how did they think that up?", I've always wondered who first thought it was a fine idea to:
1. pick some leaves
2. dry said leaves
3. shred them
4. roll them up in a piece of paper
5. put tube of paper filled with shredded dried leaves in mouth and set fire to it
6. inhale the smoke
Whoever that person was, they were a lunatic. But I'd like to thank them for making my mornings so much more bearable.
"If it could be set to 'text only' that would be fine, I could here it chime and then stop when convenient to read what they have to say. Perhaps we should campaign for all new phones to have a 'text only' mode"
There is such a beast as "text only" - it's called "Divert All Calls to Voicemail".
I generally have mine set to a 5-second divert to voicemail, so I have the missed call on my screen, and I know who to call back if they haven't left a message. Or who's being a twat by calling over and over and over, and thus should be ignored in perpetuity.
5 sec divert, if you're not using a phone with the option to set delay on unanswered calls in the divert menu, can be set up by keying:
**61*(voicemail number)*11*5# <CALL>
"MirriAd successfully takes the concept of product placement, the only advertising format that CAN'T BE SKIPPED BY THE VIEWER...."
This says how much regard advertisers have for their audience. People are skipping your ads? No problem, we'll stick them all over the bits they're watching so they can't be so horrible.
This might be a weird concept, but, rather than pissing people off by forcing them to see ads they don't want everywhere they look, wouldn't it make more sense to try and make ads that don't piss them off, and that they DO want to see? Or is that not Web 2.0 enough?
(Apart from one review I spotted for Blockbuster entertainment - it reads:
"I rented Trainspotting here in 1997. The end.")
Content is minimal, and what I looked at seems mostly to be written by self-important idiots on crack, with little command of the English language.
Lazy construction as well, it keeps trying to take me to the US site and referring me to places in SanFran when I'm looking for stuff in the UK. Tip, guys, if I'm looking for a sushi place in Leeds, I don't mind you telling me about one in (e.g.) Sheffield, but I don't have much use for one in SF...
So.... crap user-generated content, crap functionality - it's bound o be a Web 2.0 Winner, then....
*SHOCK* - adverts exaggerate???
Pretty much every retailer does this in one form or another. Argos are particularly inventive with (e.g.) their console packages - "SAVE £54.99!!!!" on a package - or buy the pieces individually from Game (hardly the cheapest place in the country) for about twenty quid less than this hyped sale price. Furniture places, anyone?? "One day only, save 40%!!" - every other weekend!
Let's face it, anyone with half a brain will look at the actual price and compare that to what they can get elsewhere, rather than comparing to the obviously-inflated price quoted by that retailer trying to make their discounts look better than they are.
That said, I use Play.com sometimes, they're often cheaper than the high street (though not as much as they claim to be). I have no problem with their advertising being complete lies, it's no different to pretty much any other advertising on the planet.
"So, if you do want to kidnap someone and the ARE determined to use a mobile phone whilst doing it, stick to the coast. They'll never find you!"
Bassey, you are under arrest for revealing information possibly of use to a person for activities not approved by The State. Stay where you are, the helicopters are on their way...
"Is it just me...or does anyone find it very strange that hardened martial arts masters are hanging around on a tech web site?"
I assume you're referring to the people who've stated they have some form of experience (a few of us above)?
Well, I never qualified (or tried to qualify) as a master, I just like the training, which I've been doing since I was a kid. It's a pastime, in the same way as people go running or whatever - jogging five times a week for 20 years doesn't mean you're an Olympic athlete, just like training in martial arts for 20 years doesn't mean you're a "Master".
Also, teaching as a F/T career doesn't pay very well unless:
a. you're very lucky
b. you throw "ethics" out the window and work on conning people with flashy tricks.
c. you lie about how much you earn whilst you're actually flipping burgers.
The people I know who make a full time living out of teaching do so because they enjoy it (and they consider enjoying their work to be the most important thing), not because of the fantastic money. Apart from the "big names", most of the good ones are on moderate incomes, which can fluctuate wildly from one month to the next. Not what you want if you're trying to pay a mortgage and raise a family, really. You also need to be a very specific type of person to effectively teach AND make a business out of it AND put up with all the shit from your students - or 'customers', as they are these days, who expect "service" in the same way as they do at a restaurant
For me, I don't have the patience - which is why I went into a career that rewards grumpy surliness...
I wait with bated breath for the "expertise" of all those Genuine Ninjas(TM), whose training experience extends to having read the back cover of one of Frank Dux's books (before realising it used difficult words like "multiple" and giving up) and having watched a bunch of 80's films that have "ninja" in the title.
Maybe one or two of them sent off for a "Genuine Ninja (TM) Training DVD - You TOO can become a faceless assassin in just 3 hours!!!" (I can't help wondering if Computeach are aware of this market potential?) and maybe they even switched it on before they realised that even this half-arsed method of Really Bad 'Training' would require them to get off their sweaty arses and switch off Virtua Fighter to do anything with it.
And a 5-day course? WTF?
(disclaimer: I am a martial artist of over 20 years of actual real-life training, in-a-dojo, with an accredited master. I also love those dodgy ninja films, they're hilarious.)
Bless 'em. They're so crap, it's not even funny.
I'm currently studying a MCSD (no, not with Computeach!), to complement my experience as a dev and some decade-old certifications. What I'm finding at the moment, is that many companies regard qualification > experience. So, by splashing out a couple grand on a course that I can fly through with my eyes shut, I'll have both, and will end up with better odds of being employed after getting laid off here sometime in 09-10, and that makes the course a decent ROI for my needs.
But the people I have met... oh dear. Most of them have no background in IT aside from downloading porn from Kazaa and running a blog on MySpace. This scares me...
And on the second occasion, approx a year or so after the first, he remembered my name and the book I got signed the first time. Even asked how the dog was doing (I'd just got a dog the first time, which was why I was replacing Sourcery on that occasion....). Of course, the response had to be "BAD DOG!!!" (a slightly-chewed coconut Quality Street to anyone who can name the book & character....)
That, folks, whether you like his writing or not, is the mark of a true gentleman. IMO, Good Omens is, partly due to the sheer brilliance, and partly due to it being a collaboration with one of my other favourite authors, amongst the top 3 of my all-time favourites, and he makes quite a few other appearances in my top 50.
Well done, Sir Terry. I'll cook up some old boots & mud for a celebratory feast!
And you have to show ID if the face-recognition software thinks you look under 25. Well, they sell alcohol, and we don't want the kiddies to know what a bottle of beer looks like, do we?
"There is content that should just not be available to be viewed. That is my view. Absolutely categorical."
Mine too, mate. Anything that you say, for a fucking start.
"so it beggars belief that the Royal Family's security staff - who are supposedly drawn from the upper echelons of the Police and UK Security Services - didn't pick up on the need for IT security on the photos."
Unfortunately, no, it doesn't beggar belief at all. Standard thought processes seem to not be able to tell the difference between encryption and password-protected. I've been asked what the difference is by people who really should know better too many times to be comfortable.
There's a very simple reason I don't play WoW, or any of the others - subs cost. In any given month, I may have no time at all to play games like this - because, let's be honest, you need a couple of hours free for a session to make it worthwhile. I'm not prepared to pay money on the offchance I'll have enough time to make use of it. I have a family, I work away from home sometimes, I like to do other things, like going outside, or playing with the dog. Crazy, I know.
That's why I bought Guild Wars (and the expansions), because it doesn't matter if I can't play it for a couple of months, it's not costing me anything to have it sitting on the shelf. Sure, it's not as polished as WoW etc, but then it's not costing me over £100 a year after purchase.
If there was an alternative option to be "billed" for MMO actual use - even at, say 50p/hour charged to a card, I'd buy a few, because then it would be worthwhile, as I'd pay for what I used, rather than for the time it sits on the shelf. If in a given month, I could play for 3 hours, it'd cost me something more reasonable than the current pricing model does. I'd take the hit if I ever had a month where I could play more than 20 hours, as most gamers undoubtedly do.
I'd love to play Warhammer, and the new Star Wars looks great, as I loved the old KOTOR games - but being forced to hand over my money every month whether I play or not means they will never grace my HDD.
Downloaded a copy this morning as WL was gone bye-bye throughout yesterday, and have just finished data-cleansing it to make it useful. Goddamn BNP morons couldn't even set it up so that the name field contains a name and the address field contains an address! (add a phone number, e-mail address and comments free text in a bunch of these, just for fun, even though there's separate fields for these).
Surprised at how many people have addresses abroad - especially in places like Saudi Arabia & Oman - how do they manage day-to-day when they don't like anyone with a "tanned" complexion?
Also, does anyone know what the appellation "activist" actually means?
Haven't found anyone I know on there yet, which is reassuring.
Look, I just want to carry on using my Hotmail, as best as I can since you fucked with it again. I don't want to integrate Instant Messaging - I don't use Windows Live Messnger, AIM, ICQ etc. I don't want to integrate social networking sites - I don't use FaceSpace or MyBook. I don't want to integrate picture albums - I keep them on my hard drive, thanks. I don't want to integrate my Amazon account - I haven't used it since that Print on Demand debacle earlier in the year.
Nor do I wish to integrate my toileting routine (930-945 every morning, thanks for asking) to "enhance my experience". The only thing that would ehance my experience there is a PSP. So forget that one before you start, you fuckers.
So can I PLEASE just have a working e-mail? Pretty please?
Here are the news headlines.
The new series of "I'm a Desperate Wanker, Get Me On TV!!!" has started tonight. Full character profiles of all 26 celebrities involved to follow.
The latest instalment on the Beckham marriage crisis.
Jordan says she doesn't fancy Pete.
New wonder-drug to instantly cure obesity has been discovered. Available on the NHS by 2035.
The cat that ran away last night has been re-united with its tearful owner. Full interview to follow.
Oh yeah. Some war somewhere still going. We think.
Are accepting orders online with a wait period due to stock (just ordered one, £9.49, c2wks wait) and still have it on the shelves of some stores, so it looks like they're not (yet) following Amazon's lead.
Available in store (at time of checking) at:
No! Really? Wow, that would be unexpected. Next you'll tell us that Axl is actually "a bit of a twat"!
Lies & Appetite were good. Nay, they were beyond good. Use Your Illusion 1 & 2 were... ok, a mixed bag. Spaghetti Incident was, to be polite, a fraying Netto carrier bag, full of sloppy dog turds. Not even polished ones.
But I don't doubt the sales will be massive from the 30-somethings desperate to relive their youth and the teenagers wanting to know what all the fuss is about. Which means Guns'n'Roses (these days, Axl & whatever session musicians are hungry enough to put up with him...) will be touring again. Dammit.
"The benefits of the NDNAD lie .... and in building public confidence that elusive offenders may be detected and brought to justice.”
Not if the people I know are in any way representative of "the public". Even taking into account all the people I know whose wardrobe does not contain a tin-foil hat, I don't know a single person that thinks it's a good idea to have all these innocent people on the NDNAD "just in case". Not one.
Just had the forced migration. Horrible. When the browser isn't full screen (which is my normal), the folder options and "Other places" merge into and over each other. And they took away the "empty folder" options previously placed next to junk and deleted, so now you have to go into that folder to have the option to empty it all, which is a pain in the arse.
But it's free and I like my address, so I guess I'll suck it up. It's not like MS get any money out of me using it (click on adverts? HA!) so I guess I don't really have any leverage...
It's called reverse-billing. Used in a lot of things delivered by text, such as ringtones, wallpapers, fonts, games, pretend-girlfriends etc. You opt-in, usually by sending a "yes please" text of some sort, and that is your agreement to pay for texts you receive back.
(Notoriously unstable, and oft-abused by unscrupulous merchants such as TV stations.)