Same here too. My P10, over 2 years old, just got updated two weeks ago.
Posts by Ryan Clark
97 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Nov 2007
Huawei smartphone sales up but only thanks to China as US trade ban gives punters the jitters
July is here – and so are the latest Android security fixes. Plenty of critical updates for all
Huawei P30 Pro: Nifty camera tricks haven't made mobe mandatory over last year's model
China still doesn't want iPhones despite Apple slashing prices, say market watchers
Huawei Mate 20 series: China's best phone, but a pricey proposition
Huawei joins Android elite with pricey, nocturnal 40MP flagship
Current Huawei owner
I have a P10 plus and don't see any problems with some of the features complained about. The EMUI is no better or worse than other Android skins or native Android. I don't have any problems using it or things that annoy me about it.
I don't have a problem with the fingerprint sensor where it is either. Never had a problem unlocking or dropping the phone while trying to unlock. Having one round the back seems odd as you would have to pick up the phone to use it.
Mine does have an SD card slot, but with 128Gb onboard, I still have 90Gb free after a year of use and plenty of photos, videos and music stored. I am not seeing the loss of that slot as such an issue as it was when phones only had 8Gb storage.
10 PRINT "ZX81 at 37" 20 GOTO 10
Wearables are now a two-horse race and Google lost very badly
Re: Why is Garmin
Two new wearables in our family this year. Both Garmin.We have had 4 Fitbits over time, my daughter has lost the two expensive ones and the one I had lasted OK for a year and the battery gave out and Fitbit replaced it with another one which lasted another year before getting the same problem. I wouldn't have paid for it, came free with my last phone.
Daughter also got a cheap Chinese tracker last year, but that didn't last a month.
Huawei's Honor 9: The only mobe of its spec asking 'why blow £500?'
One-third of mobile users receive patchy to no indoor coverage
Re: WiFi Calling
I have recently switched to EE and have wifi calling, it doesn't appear to be that good. Still have problems with signal and calls in the house.
I do live in a village, but only a few miles from Birmingham and between two large towns. The land round here is pretty flat and yet still none of the networks have good reception, Vodafone was passable, but still had a not spot at the pub in the middle of the village.
Oh my Word... Microsoft Office 365 unlatched after morning lockout
Windows 10: Triumphs and tragedies from Microsoft Build
Win10 for business
For all those who don't think businesses are adopting Win10, you are mistaken. We are currently doing several projects, all for several thousand seats, packaging Win10 builds. We have more in the pipeline too. There are plenty of companies moving over at the moment.
Despite the prevailing El Reg commentard opinion, Win10, Intune and Azure AD join are all proving popular.
US Marines seek a few supposedly good men ... who leaked naked pics of a few good women
Engineers say safety features got squished out of cramped Samsung Note 7
My wifes phone died recently and I dug out some old phones to see if any would do as a temp replacement. Among them was my old HTC 7pro. Despite having a much smaller screen than my current Lumia 930, almost twice as thick and an awful lot heavier, I would love to have that form factor back. The full keyboard makes doing writing tasks on the phone so much easier. flings £400m at gold standard, ‘full-fibre' b*&%*%£$%. Yep. Broadband
Re: 5, 6, 7, 8G...
I live 3 miles from a city and 4 miles from a large town in a village of over 1000 people, mobile reception is flaky for the one network that works here. No 3G let alone 4 and no I don't live in the mountains or back of beyond but only 15 miles from Birmingham.
Fortunately we do have Virgin here and I have a good broadband connection and also BT fibre as an option, but that only appeared last year.
British banks chuck smartphone apps out of Windows
Securing Office 365? There's always more you can do
Got a Fitbit? Thought you were achieving your goals? Better read this
5G is looming, but network innovations are needed far more urgently
Vodafone too
We got txts a few weeks ago from Vodafone saying there may be some network disruption as they upgraded the masts in the area. Got txt last week to say the work was completed. Still no 3G here and I will lose network on the ground floor in our house. Only a few miles from Birmingham and less that 5 miles from 2 large towns.
Stop! Before you accept that Windows 10 Mobile upgrade, read this
Three scoops 'most reliable network' crown, EE takes every other title
Vodafone maybe rubbish most of the time, but they are the only network I can get even semi reliably where I live, less that 20 miles from Birmingham and in between two other large towns. Even then I still lose connectivity to the mobile network every now and then. The coverage maps all show our area as having 3g for all networks. They are lying.
Microsoft's big Tuesday reveal: New mobiles and slabs? Win 10 shock?
Re: Looking forward to seeing Windows 10 for phones
I see delays in Skype for Business quite regularly. I get an IM on my laptop and have a conversation with someone. 10mins later my phone will fire up a notification for the original IM. Don't know what in the process caused the delay, but it is annoying.
iPhone 6s and 6s Plus: Harder, faster and they'll give you a buzz
Things you should know about the hard work of home working
I have been working from home for nearly 10 years now and it suits my lifestyle and having a young family very well. Every time I think about possibly doing something different, the potential change to the working day comes as a large barrier. I have an office in my loft so I am separated from the family when they are home. I do miss being in an office sometimes, but it does make a nice change when I do visit ours.
Baidu now backing Uber's bid for Nokia maps
EE 'best' of the UK mobile network bunch, but how good is that?
I have Vodafone as they are the only network that works reliably where I live and as that is where I am most of the time, that is where I need my phone to work. However a couple of miles away in the nearest large town, the coverage is dreadful. This survey does not surprise me at all
On no network in Wales, I love it when we go on holiday there as no-one from work can get hold of me.
Microsoft: Even cheapo Lumias to get slimmed down Windows 10
Son of Hudl: Tesco flogs new Atom-powered 8.3-inch Android tablet
She managed to make the cheap chinese tablet we bought her last nearly two years. We got the hudl as the chinese tablet performance was really not fair on her any more. Whereas my son broke his first tablet within 3 months (broken screen) and his second (which he bought with his own money) did slightly better at 9months.
Women! Worried you won't get that Job in IT? Mention how hot you are
Ballmer leaves Microsoft board to spend more time with his b-balls
Apple 5S still best-selling smartphone 8 months after launch
Whoa! NUDE! SELFIES! for! Marissa! Mayer's! Blink-gobbling! Yahoo!
WhatsApp no threat to BBM: Blackberry bod says pretender's buyout will HELP ailing firm
Virgin Media's flaky broadband network turns Bolton off
Re: A happy customer?
You are not the only person who is happy. Our cable TV with V+ and Tivo has been very good. I added broadband last summer and it has been much more reliable than my previous service (all faults were with the wires not with ISP which is why I got off ADSL). The superhub has worked fine with all devices we have and we see very good speed.
A BBC-by-subscription 'would be richer', MPs told
DEATH-PROOF your old XP netbook: 5 OSes to bring it back to life
I recently re-invigorated our netbook with win8.1, It was running slower and slower on xp so I formatted and but 8.1 on. It now starts and runs much quicker. The screen size issue has so far not proved a problem and the main user (Mr 5) has been happy with it so far when he is not on his cheapo chinese tablet.
Microsoft bags another glamorous Office 365 customer
Apple slams brakes on orders of (not so cheap) plasticky iPhone 5C
Third of Brits now regularly fondling their slabs, say beancounters
Re: We'll see the usual pattern ...
I bought some (very) cheap tablets for the kids at Christmas. My son managed to break the screen on his in 3 months. He got some money for his birthday so I bought him a new one, for less than the one I had bought a few months earlier. In those few months the cheapo Android tablets had moved on from the barely usable, but fine for the kids, to a pretty darn good device. I never see any need to spend the money that Apple want for their kit.
Nokia drives cars into the clouds: Hear HERE, you're here, hear?
Last time I used HERE as a satnav it kept thinking that I was heading in the wrong direction down the motorway everytime I used the outside lane. Don't know if it was a problem with the accuracy of the GPS or the app, but I haven't had that before. Fortunately it re-calculates routes very quickly so it would recover once I moved away from the central reservation.
Microsoft waves goodbye to Small Business Server
Public folders
"SharePoint is the mandated replacement for "public folders" in Exchange"
And yet public folders have now been brought to Office365.
We have migrated a lot of businesses from single local servers onto Office365, the lack of hassle and predictable costs make a lot of sense for many.
For those quoting privacy issues, many small business are already using hosted email services so where is the difference?
HTC profits PLUNGE 98%: Pins hopes on HTC One, 'Facebook mobe'
BlackBerry: THE TRUTH about that 5.1 per cent UK market figure
Re: I know who I believe,
Did a migration for someone last week who had BB10, WinPho8 and Android phones. As well as win8 tablet and a mac book pro. Of the phones, windows was his favourite device although he did seem to use the note 2 more.
I was surprised last time I was on the train how many windows phones I saw. They does appear to be some traction there.
Nokia: OK, Q1 has been weak, but there's 'underlying' profit
Re: a massive operations fuck-up caused by a shortage of components
When I was down on the smoke last month I saw a few windows phones, which surprised me as I thought I was about the only person with one. I have just changed from winpho7 to 8, but my new phone is not a Nokia. Echoing a post above I wish there was a winpho with a keyboard. I had an HTC 7pro when winpho first appeared and it was great. I don't get on so well with onscreen keyboards whereas I used to be able take my 7 pro as my only device when travelling to meetings as it was more than good enough for taking extended notes in meetings.
Microsoft: Here's some cash, channel. PLEASE sell Office 365
Apple's iOS 6 maps STILL muddle Mildura
Re: Big intake of breath
Paper maps are a peice of technology, just a different technology. Given the prevelence of electronic maps, cases like this get identified pretty quickly and hopefully resolved, whereas your paper map (if it has any) will always have errors and get progressively worse as it is out of date as soon as it rolls off the printer. OK major features are not going to change, but roads do, a lot.