@ AC 12:45 GMT
Your comments represent the greatest piece of historical revisionism since the Holocaust deniers were peddling their lies around the world a few years ago, implying that places like Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen were nothing more than comfortable rest homes for retired Jews. (See David Irvine et al.)
What we are now witnessing here in the UK is thirty years of Thatcherism finally crashing into the buffers of economic reality, with the painful prospect of another thirty years of payback for the citizens of this country.
When Blair, Brown and Mandelson devised their 'cunning plan' to steal the Tories thunder by adopting their economic strategy of privatisation, deregulation, and free markets they did so for reasons of short term political advantage with no regard to the long term consequences. So when they were elected in 1997 they followed through, selling off taxpayer funded public assets to their new-found corporate friends who promptly instituted the culture of Rip Off Britain with all the enthusiasm of someone who had been given a license to print money.
Unsurprisingly, even the people we elected to have oversight of the executive, our MPs, decided that they wanted a piece of the action in the shape of a hidden pay rise disguised as unaudited expenses.
So there you have it, forget all about party labels and tribalism and just acknowledge that they are human beings who are as susceptible to temptation as the rest of us. That is why we have evolved legal systems and laws to constrain the baser instincts of the greediest in society. When Thatcher kicked off her 'big bang' deregulation in the City of London financial markets she set in motion the runaway train that has ended in global financial chaos we see around us today. At the next general election if you can't find a Raving Loony Party candidate to vote for just turn over and go back to sleep.