* Posts by Bucky

11 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Nov 2007

Ryanair trades blows with 'idiot blogger'


Driving down the cost of air travel...

...by employing overseas agency staff with little grasp of the English language.

Their cabin crew also seem to have an inability to smile or be polite - but that's just my experience.

The last time I flew with them, I vowed it'd be just that. They're all a miserable bunch of people. Hardly surprising given the wages, and pressure they can be under to do everything they need to so quickly.

OTOH last time I flew with EasyJet they were all having a laugh with each other, and the passengers and it made the flight much more enjoyable. Gotta be worth the extra fiver!

T-Mobile G1


@Al Taylor...

"And yes, you could use the "back" hard button to navigate to a previous web page if you really wanted to but we still reckon a button in the on-screen menu would have been a good idea - perhaps in place of "refresh". Its not too much of a criticism either way."

So you'd rather press 2 virtual buttons instead of one real one!? hmm, each to their own I suppose.

Yeah, battery life is baaaad. It's better after a week of full charging/discharging, but it's about the same as the n95 was when that was first released. I'm hoping the right firmware release for the G1 one will do the same as an update for the n95 did and improve it - maybe then I'll get a full day of medium usage.

Mines the one with the charger and spare battery in the pocket...

G1 Android launch pictures leaked?


Looking good...

It looks much better than the Fisher Price looking white/cream version we've seen so far.

Finger crossed it'll live up to the hype!?

I'm sure I'm due a hol to the States to go pick one up...

US utilities plot remote switch off


Why won't the kettle work...

I can just picture the missus jumping to the kettle in the ad break for corrie...a few seconds too late and the power would've spiked. No brew for you.

She'd think she had worn out another kettle.

Swan and Tefal will be in on the act too.... 12months and 3 days since first switch on...pzzzzt

it's a conspiracy I tell thee, a conspiracy! :)

T-Mobile doubles 0870 call costs



I received an SMS yesterday stating 'From 28 July we're increasing the charges for calling some numbers beginning with 08.'

I always knew 08 numbers were outside of my Flext allowance but come on, doubling the price!? Every company I deal with have an 08 number.

So I pay a stupid amount to call 08 from my mobile, and I'm with Virgin Media at home. I'd better sell the car to call the bank on 0845....

Ofcom, have as many teeth as a gummy bear!

Mines the one with 'saynoto0870.com' printed on the back.

Apple takes the operator's shilling


@Adrian Jones

Russell was talking about the Pay As You Go prices. The prices quoted on the O2 website are for contract.

We'll probably have to wait until launch day for the PAYG prices!

BBC should not pay for fibre, Ofcom tells MPs


Losing battle?

I agree with most people here. The ISPs have been overselling and underdelivering for too long.

The service providers just seemed to hide behind the reasoning that if you're actually using most of your bandwidth regularly, then you must be downloading something illegal - dodgy movies via P2P etc.

It's really shook them up when they realise they're actually going to have to start providing the service they've been promising for all these years.

Apple cuts UK iTunes prices


Re: Re: Not much of a saving

But it's not 99p, it's 99 Euro cents / 79p.

So it'll be a saving of 5 GB pence.

I guess after buying a full album or two, I'll have 'saved' enough for a tin of beans or something!


Google preps magic GDrive


@Jason Togneri

Yeah, Omnidrive does a similar kind of thing. You get about 1GB free and you can pay for additional storage. Windows/Mac client only atm.

Google will probably do something similar with a vastly increased basic storage amount.


UK punters lose faith in phished brands


@ Neil Hoskins

"It's very easy: even I can do it. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but there's a hidden agenda here somewhere. Nobody can be that incompetent accidentally."

Mmm, maybe. I can say they're not incompetent accidentally, more ignorant/oblivious than a conspiracy.

Marketing departments worry too much that the stuff they send out might not get to it's intended recipients. Honestly, I've actually seen people in marketing shun perfectly good suggestions and upper management side with them although the suggestion is to protect customers. They generally change their minds when they find out the true size of the security hole and have a very good style phishing attack shown to them.

I may even suggest the SPF to the Techdesk at my bank. You never know, sometimes all it takes is a flash of a torch light to set them on the right track.




"Who can usually do nothing at all about it, since as you say it was "pretending to be from" them. Even sending them the headers merely means that they are then in the position of having to check that the source is a botnet that they can't do much about."

Granted they can't stop more ails being sent out, but most of the banks do work hard to get the phishing sites shut down asap. If it's forwarded to them properly they have the address of the scam site, so are able to work on shutting it down. It's in their financial interest after all - they have to refund customers who lose cash when the account's been compromised.

(I know it's ultimately our money that goes, but they want some for their fat cats too.)