* Posts by notchas

7 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2007

Support chap's Sonic Screwdriver fixes PC as user fumes in disbelief


Re: There is no such verb as "to helm"

Yes there is, and now the fog's cleared I'm off to do it.

How to get root on a Linux box, step 1: Make four billion system calls


Re: FUD...doesn't work 2 cases...

"...then flipped and counted up again (from -2147483648)"

In an unsigned integer?

Microsoft and Samsung uncloak slimmer Surface



is it full of Little Green Men moving the pixels about?

Motorola Razr Android smartphone



US robochopper cargo skyhook gets another $47m


Not easy to see

but it is right. Two hubs side-by-side, each canted outboard so that a 2-blade rotor sweeps over the other hub, and intermeshes with the othe rotor at 90degrees. Wikipaedia has a picture that helps.

Chinese go beyond binary with ternary molecule


" ...munches three bits"

Oh no it doesn't!

What do you mean the panto season's over?

Commuters shouting into their mobiles? Just jam 'em

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Don't you think the train operators might be p***ed off ...

... when you stop the R-GSM working? So if the twonk with the leaky earbuds turns round and lumps you one when you complain the train staff (yeah well, I know, probability vanishingly small) won't be able to shop him to the BTP.