* Posts by duncan campbell

58 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Nov 2007


Ex-Googlers reinvent web search

duncan campbell

Incompetent IP pirates


"We didn’t find any results for “fubarhak”"


Hackintosh maker gets legal greeting from Apple

duncan campbell


What I can't figure is why Apple insists on bothering with this. OS-X is pretty

much a rpiif of FBSD to begin with. They should sell a SERVICE contract with

every one of their boxen that implements an up-to-date OS on that box. All the

Open-Sauce fanbois will do is popularize the desktop at no charge. Apple will

be in the same position IBM would have been had they not given away the

PC OS for a blow-job: not having a monopoly can still make you rich, so who cares?


Google and the End of Science

duncan campbell

head hack

Hmmmmm. Interesting theory, that science is dead. Likely there's something

wrong with the Platonic perfection required by this conclusion, which is regularly exceeded by reality.


Google penetrates fake sex world with Lively

duncan campbell

Woops.. dead link

"Requires Windoze XP ..." flush...

Google defends open source from 'poisonous people'

duncan campbell

Seems to me

That these _are_ fairly poisonous idiots intent on plastering _their_ names

on other people's work. Hairy T once said "its amazing how much you can

get done if you don't care who gets the credit". Something these blokes

appear to have missed. And Subversion? I think I'll keep my eyes open

for something better and a little less anal.


Al Gore dodges inconvenient green-tech questions

duncan campbell

"Ground Truth"

... "judging by the numbers of people reading and commenting on El Reg's environment stories."

What kind of variance do you observe between explicit polls of your

readership and the actuality of our behavior? Does this vary by

subject material as well?


Why you should care that Jimmy Wales ignores reality

duncan campbell

The science of navel lint

That Wikipedia lacks "authority" I'm pretty sure is intentional. One cut thru and

it's all economics: I guess most of Wiki's contributors are professionals who would

have to ju$tify their contribution if they were to put their names to it. As long as

it is non-authoritative it cannot be sued too easily, either, I expect.

There is an uncertain trade-off between authority and useful/accurate info I s'pose,

and Wiki seems to want to keep its cupcake and eat it too.


China celebrates first lunar pictures

duncan campbell

"Standing Tall"

... ooh. do I detect some sneering from a lot whose beagle balloon burst???

sudden impact.
