Free Flights, what about the landing...
I thought most of there flights were free, it just costs £50 to Checking, and if you want to take anything more that a passport and a toothbrush on your travels that will be another £50 please....
8 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Nov 2007
Hi there, TIM SPENCE, I am guessing you are the one that I knew from school all those years back! Like the Peanut example.
There is loads of software out there for tracking satellites. I know that a Ham Radio program that I have on my Ubuntu box can track the iridium sats. Surely if Sats are in any obrit there paths can be predicted and alerts can be sent out, its a bit like air traffic control really.
I raised a ticket regarding access to the way back machine last week as when posting the form with the URL you want I appeard to get a 404 error back.
However, I have tried it this morning and it is working.., I guess that they will close my ticket claiming that it must have been down to my setup!
Looked at Be's terms, they let you go with 3 months notice, but will charge you to expedite leaving... But what ISPs would you move to? Who is not going to get all protective and block anything which mildly offends?
Thumbs down as there is not a fingered salut for my ISP
I have emailed the IWF and the Police to ask...
1) What other sites are banned due to images that no one can really agree on.
2) What should I do with my Virgin Killer amlum which is in my record collection, afterall its good music but not worth having if I need to replace my front door after the enforcer has knocked it down!
So har they have both not replied my email was sent over 24 hours ago!
The Grave Stone, because this is the start of the end for the internet, we will all be going back to Text based browsers and ANSI / ASCII art very soon!
"No where in the article was any reference to interception of communications mentioned, it is not required for the technology to work, they are just reading your TMSI which you broadcast."
The Wireless Telegraphy Act would cover this the TMSI would be classed as information that is not intended for the reception of the shopping centre! If the TMSI is encapsulated with other data, but recieved and separated, surely that is an offence just in the recieving part of it!
The TMSI's purpose is for handsets to be identified on the network, therefore the only people who would have a use for this is the handset and the phone network. Clearly not the third party (Shopping Centre) !
>P.S. - Anyone done a quick guestimate on the cost of sending letters to each of
>the 7.25 million affected families?
Im sure that people like UKMail get their post delivered by Royal Mail for about 13 pence, if we work with that value we are talking of a cost of £948,000 I probably about a million.
These must be a joke in there somewhere about the government having lost the data and do not know where to send the letters :P
One, question I have, if the government have broken the data protection act, will this allow the people who's identify has been breeched to claim against the government?