Hosted in the.....
Meanwhile from Canada, the jobserve.ca (as well as US, Aus) website are hosted in Blighty & has been taken out by the numpties in Ilford working on the Olympic venues.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2007
"Still, we Brits aren't so smart anyway. Don't we have a naval base at Yeovilton? Hmmmm . . ."
The RN have a fleet air arm section based at Yeovilton, also as the crow (or Apache) flies they have Westland helicopters at Yeovil close by. The coast isn't that far away to the South or North East either.
Helicopters obviously.
I had a call drop into my support teams group late one evening & I took the call as it was one of my less clued up (despite enough letters for two whole alphabets after her name) users in one of my supported building.
The call read as follows:
"Ya**in is in Spain on a audit, every time she tries to dial in for remote access, she hears the "engaged" tone. Please contact on her mobile phone & assist user with connecting via Remote Access".
I sent her an e-mail (typical BOFH attitude), stating that if she was hearing the "engaged" tone,
that perhaps she might want to :
1 - Wait until other remote users dropped their connection.
2 - Identify who she wanted me to kick off the remote access server so she could take their place (I didn't have those powers, but no harm in letting her think that).
3 Check that she was in fact dialling the right number.
I closed the call with a note that Level one support should have stopped this one at the first hurdle.
She never followed up my e-mail, on her return to site, though she did log other classic calls such as this classic Remedy Request & subsequent phone call:
"My printer isn't printing out"
Are the lights on & any flashing error lights?
Yes & No
Have you checked the printer cable between the docking station & printer?
Have you reseated the laptop & docking station.
So I walked down to 225 (in the pouring rain on a winters afternoon IIRC) & strolled into PQA (nice bunch of ladies, aways trying to poison me with weird& exotic chocolates from their jollies.....I mean overseas QA trips, their sole male manager had his own office with shutable door inside the department seperating him from this gaggle of 5 women & understandably rarely came out, except for meetings, bog breaks, his own jollies overseas or to go home).
A quick examination discovered an "air gap" of some 3 feet from the end of the printer cable & the printer itself, moving the printer closer & reconnecting the cable resolved the problem.
Cable was disconnected love, thought you said you checked the cable
"But it was connected"
No it wasn't
"Yes... but no... but yes.... but no.. but yes" in true Vicky Pollard (she was oblivious to the character) style only in a Indian accent, before conceding defeat..
PH because we have all been there.
Did anyone else wonder why, when after his hand and lightsabre fell, they werent waiting for him at the bottom when he also came to a halt ???
/mines the one that ISNT the one you're looking for
IIRC Luke falls & "forces" (Sorry) himself into a ventilation shaft, then stops on a trap door which opens & drops him to Cloud Citys Freeview aerial.
I always imagined the hand\weapon being picked up by one of Vader or his lackeys.
Severed hand FOR.
"Please excuse my American ignorance on this matter, but you people over there are really charged a fee to view your TV? What kind of nonsence is that?"
It's the way the BBC is funded, with a complete lack of ads during the programs, with ones for BBC TV & radio channels (& BBC merchandise ocassionally) along with trailers for shows between the programs.
The commercial channels show ads I would guestimate every 12.5 minutes or so
"I was wondering if it was possible to buy a Dish network satilite on line and view our American TV? I dont know if the Dish Network Satallite is viewable from the UK's vantage point or not. It might be kind of low on the horizon."
I wouldn't think for one moment that's practical or possible, but it wouldn't change anything as the licence is required per household to watch TV irrespective of the method of delivery be it Satellite, cable, digital or analogue or indeed the channel being watched at the time.
Getting my coat & moving to Canada despite the frequent ads during programs (sometimes even between the opening credits & this weeks special guest stars) & the "This program contains content of a adult nature - Viewer discretion is advised" announcements that pop up at the start of each episode & resumption after the ad break when watching something as tame as Stargate SG1.
"To paint little targets on the aeroplanes?"
The Germans used them for that very purpose, cue requests from pilots to make them smaller as The Bosch were shooting them down rather easily.
The Germans obligingly in the spirit of fair play gave the RAF a nice big X to aim for on their planes & the Japanese had a nice big red spot on their aircraft.
Piracy for the copyright infringement & marking up the number of kills on the side of the cockpit.
"One of the full time workers in the IT department is contemplating giving up his job because he can't afford to travel into work every day."
I am thinking of taking 6 months gardening leave myself, as I don't get mileage to site anymore & the cost of fuel has gone up making my current contract untenable.
Master Kantractor: Quickly as you can, snatch the wages from my hand.
Young C(h)aincellor tries to do so and fails
Master Kantractor: When you can take the wages from my hand, it will be time for me to leave.
With apologies to Kung Fu, I'll get me Shaolin monks robes.
I had a Acorn Electron (bought at my first trade show while working for Modem House in Sunderland), work had Beeb's with 3" (Amstrad PCW) floppies.
Fond memories, bought & used a works Beeb for my HNC in electronics in Swindon.
Now contracting in IT for Somerset CC, seen a few Beeb's thrown out for disposal & about 5 (still in original packing & in one complete hit) Masters.
I would have rescued them, but THO would have divorced me & not very practical to export to Canada in the next year or so (& theres enough crap (as she calls it) floating about to junk already).
I have been the unfortunate skinny person sat between two very obese middle aged American females on a centre aisle seat on a 13 hour overnight flight back to the UK.
Not one of my more pleasant flight experiences, especially when coupled with the pain of the inflight movie The Wild Wild West.
I now book my seats in advance.