* Posts by John K

7 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2007

Google dumps all 11+ million .co.cc sites from its results

John K

Other search engines are available

Bing - o

Facebook fever prices social network at $70bn

John K

At this rate...

FB will be able to bale out Greece with petty cash. Either that or it'll end in tears from some investors. You know what they say, if you can see the band wagon coming, you've already missed it.

Lucky Mancs could get ID cards first, Jacqui declares

John K

ID cards, my @rse

I don't particularly have a problem with ID cards, so long as I don't have to carry it around with me, don't have to show it to anyone and don't have to pay for it.

I'd just lock it away along with my passport, driving license, EHIC, Birth Certificate etc....

The thing that I don't get about ID cards is they are supposed to help in the fight against identity theft and terrorism. Surely the Government and others could help in that by keeping our personal data secure. As for terrorists, it seems to me that they wouldn't bother too much, since they seem to like posting videos on the internet advertising exactly what they've done.

NHS Direct launches text message service

John K

Automated service

If NHS Direct is anything to go by, it will probably by an automated reply with "Go and see your GP".

Pirate Bay hits ten million peers, one million torrents

John K

Pimp my bank account...

Watching programs about celebrity cribs, boasting huge plasma tvs in every room, and flash cars for every day of the week, not to mention obscene amounts of bling, its difficult to feel any sympathy for someone like who thinks they might have had some of their copyrighted material downloaded for free.

Running queries on the HMRC database fiasco

John K

The combined resources....

HMRC may well outsource their IT, but are they saying that from the combined resources of both the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise, they don't employ one person capable of stripping out a bit of data from a system they own?

HMRC data loss could be tip of iceberg

John K

The Data Protection Act

According to the Data Protection Act:

As an individual you may claim compensation from the data controller for damage or distress caused by any contravention by a data controller under the requirements of the Data Protection Act.

The laughable thing is we'd end up paying for our own compensation.