here we go again
"And you won't be worried or see the point of asteroid deterrent until someone spots the one that'll hit next week."
Even if they do spot one next week, what are we going to do?
It's not possible to predict where an asteroid will impact exactly and with the relatively (to the circumference of the planet) diminutive size of the UK, there is more than enough of a margin of error for it to fall short and hit Russia (in which case the Russians might want to deal with it) or overshoot us and hit the Atlantic (in which case I guess the USA would do something about it to avoid the resulting tidal wave wiping out their eastern seaboard).
Can't see Russia or the USA waiting to let us have a shot at it first can you?
Can we all accept that the asteroid argument is just bollocks please?
And no-one who would want to attack us with Nukes has the facility to do so.
Yes, they may in the future, but a cold war submarine launched weapon isn't the answer to an attack from Iran or North Korea is it.
If a Nuclear launch is detected by any nation, everyone panics. The one thing they won't do is sit and see where it lands before deciding what they are going to do.
If they do wait for us to be hit, how do they know where our retaliation strike is going?
They don't, Russia and China shit themselves and launch against us anyway as it may be an automatic response to an attack, and it could be heading their way.
To launch at us, Iran have to overfly most of Europe so any member of Nato could be at risk not to mention Israel. This will bring about a Nato/US/Israeli response.
Korea on the other hand would have to overfly China, Russia, Canada or the USA, none of whom would take kindly to being in the possible firing line.
If anyone launches at us, we aren't going to be able to retaliate, with or without Trident.