The Donald has said a lot of things that he has been known to refute, i.e.: simply stating he never said them. The future will be no different!
Posts by Brian Allan
52 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Mar 2007
The hated Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal will soon be dead. Yay?
Panicked WH Smith kills website to stop sales of how-to terrorism manuals
Humans – 1 Robots – 0: Mercedes deautomates production lines
Who hit you, HP Inc? 'Windows 10! It's all Windows 10's fault'
I love you. I will kill you! I want to make love to you: The evolution of AI in pop culture
Come on kids, let's go play in the abandoned nuclear power station
Ex-Apple bods suing Apple for bag searches get class-action upgrade
Feds look left and right for support – and see everyone backing Apple
Terrified robots will take middle class jobs? Look in a mirror
Welcome the Singularity (and beyond)!
At some point, with the current level of AI development, "robots" will ultimately match human intelligence then rapidly expand beyond that point. Humans will become redundant, i.e.: have no purpose or place in future development. I view this as our ultimate goal even though it will mean the end of biologic humans.
PDF redaction is hard, NSW Medical Council finds out - the hard way
Even Google is abandoning Google+
Google has a rough time competing in the social media arena. Not sure why? They have the manpower and $$$ resources to do so BUT simply don't understand the marketplace. Their recent move to "delete" PICASA and try to force everyone to useless Google Photos is typical. PICASA and Google Photos are only remotely similar... And leaves so much of PICASA behind as to make the move to Google Photos simply laughable!
Facebook and Twitter back Apple's privacy stance
Sick and tired of modern Windows? Upgrade to Windows 3.1 today – in your web browser
How to build a starship - and why we should start thinking about it now
Eighteen year old server trumped by functional 486 fleet!
Women account for just one fifth of the EU’s 8m IT jobs
I've been an IT manager. You ask "Where are the women in IT"?
First, there aren't that many women with IT education and/or experience to begin with.
Second, people in IT are usually fairly young. And young women quite often want a family and leave on pregnancy leaves.
Third, IT is a fast moving profession. Women out on a year's pregnancy leave have to be re-educated upon return... An expense firms don't want, though they won't admit it.
Fourth, even if there were more women with an IT experience, I doubt they would remain in IT jobs.
Trump's new thought bubble: Make Apple manufacture in the USA
Oh wow! Just think of all the uneducated Americans this would put to work at maybe $1/hour... Oh, wait, isn't there something about a minimum wage in the USA!? And what about all the unemployed union members that might want $50-75/hour to do this!?
Oh well, let's just let the Chinese, etc. do it!
Microsoft confirms Surface NOT DEAD YET, next-gen version coming
'No, I CAN'T write code myself,' admits woman in charge of teaching our kids to code
Pay-as-you-GONE: Help! T Mobile's swiped my phone credit – customers
GIMP flees SourceForge over dodgy ads and installer
Alleged Peeping Tom claims First Amendment right to upskirt
Lenovo to ship all new PCs with Start Menu replacement
Bradley Manning is no more. 'Call me Chelsea,' she says
'But we like 1 Direction!' Rock gods The Who fend off teen Twitter hate mob
New NSA tool exposed: XKeyscore sees 'nearly EVERYTHING you do online'
Knocking China with shocking phones and mocking tones
Ex-prez Carter: 'America has no functioning democracy' with PRISM
Cloud backups: Where's my get out of jail card?
Same 'ol, same 'ol...
I started my IT career when the IBM's of the world were offering up data centers for service, i.e.: companies just didn't have internal computing capability. Their centers provided service; sometimes good, sometimes terrible. I cannot count how many times we lost information for various, unaccountable (acts of God), reasons.
We made the decision to bring computing services in-house as soon as we could justify the cost. That reasoning still holds true 40+ years later. If you want security, control and access to YOUR data, do it yourself and do it well. The computer services of today are no better, and may even be worse, than those provided by data centers of the 1970's+. And the excuses for poor service, security breaches, unaccountable loses are still "Acts of God"...
Microsoft's murder most foul: TechNet is dead
Americans attempt to throw off oppressive, unresponsive rulers on 4th of July
Microsoft: Office 2013 license is for just one PC, FOREVER
Ubuntu? Fedora? Mint? Debian? We'll find you the right Linux to swallow
Wow! I'll just stick with Windows...
After reading this article, 90% of which I didn't understand, I'll just stick with Windows!
Why is it that Linux people have to use abbreviations for everything? What the heck is a "distro"? Ubunto... sounds like something out of Africa!? Fedora is some sort of hat, no?
No thanks... but an interesting read...
Schmidt 'very proud' of Google's tiny tax bill: 'It's called capitalism'
McKinnon will not be extradited to the US, says Home Secretary
Metric versus imperial: Reg readers weigh in
The $$$ Cost is Phenomenal!
I don't think any government at the moment wishes to expend the billions of $$$'s required to convert units. Just take a look at Canada. Billions of $$$'s later for signage, training programs, printed materials, law suites, seminars, conferences, international meetings, etc., ad nauseum over the past 20 years and we're still only part way to converted. Carpenters still refer to wall studs as 2x4's, even though they are actually 1-1/2"x3-1/2" in size. Sheets of plywood are 4'x8'. Radios still announce temperature in both units. Thermostats are still set to degrees F. Fields are still acres (and sometimes hectares). Pipelines are inches, although their length is in km (or meters). The spelling of metric units can be metres or meters depending upon whether you side with Anglo/Franco phones on this issue. Ocean depths are meters, fathoms, feet or miles. Young people who have never used Imperial units cannot even converse with oldsters who don't normally have a "feel" for metric units.
It is a frigging mess!
UK electric car funding - another subsidy for the rich say MPs
Jury awards Apple $1bn damages in Samsung patent case
Facebook: 83 million IMPOSTERS stalk our network
Flag-waving Lego Canuck soars to 80,000ft
Which actor should play Steve in upcoming biopic?
Samsung sets back smartphone launch for Steve J
Hands on with the Windows 8 fondleslab
BT feathers ruffled over pigeon-based file transfer caper
The same applies in the colonies (Canada)
Xplornet satellite in Canada, at least Alberta, is not much better. They have never attained their advertised rate and they charge a fortune for their "preferred" service. Downloads are not bad; however, just try uploading anything greater than a 5MB file and feel the hurt... almost impossible to maintain a connection that long!!