Serious serial killers...
...never kill indiscriminately. They are careful, methodical, and leave no evidence. Gratuitious killing is for amateurs.
65 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Mar 2007
I did the upgrade path on both my Dell Latitude D400 and my desktop with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200; I'm having no problems. On the Dell, mobile broadband has gotten easier!
Although I have been noticing that gnome-panel goes a little wonky at times. I just go into System Monitor and end the process. It restarts, and bob's my uncle. Or Bob cries uncle. Something like that.
You said, in part, "Now I know it's America, but surely common sense has to kick in somewhere, or on previous experiences, maybe not."
As an American, my response is this: Sadly, common sense no longer seems all that common here. Pray to the Spaghetti Monster and/or Void to save us from ourselves.
I'm annoyed that more is made of such tomfoolery than is made of gratuitous violence.
There was a television info-mercial the other evening where someone was asking if "that certain part of a man's anatomy" could be broken. The presenter stated that yes, "that part of a man's anatomy" can indeed break. WTF is wrong with saying "penis" on late-night television, cable or otherwise???
"Montalban died Wednesday morning at his Los Angeles home of complications related to old age, said his son-in-law, Gilbert Smith."
He contributed much to our culture, and will be missed.
I'm an American - more precisely, a citizen of the United States of America. I wish, like you, that my fellow citizens would learn and use proper English. British English would be my preference, but even standard American English would do.
A tombstone because English is mutating. Badly.
I was a tad surprised when I first saw the new layout, but as redesigns go, this was one of the cleanest and least disruptive I've seen. I'm comparing this to the Dilbert and GoComics redesigns, which I quit the Dilbert website after trying for a week to like it - or at least get used to it. GoComics I've gotten used to; not my favorite, but tolerable.
ElReg's redesign is far and away better than those other two. I don't really have an opinion - yet - about the fixed-width thing. It's not bugging me.
One question, though, since you brought it up: what is "The Other Place"? This is akin to being told "you will have no other gods before me" and I didn't even realize there *were* other gods - now I want to know who they are and where to find them! =) Not to worry, though; I love the Register and I'm staying.
So I'm just watching this from the sideline, fresh popcorn in hand.
Silly Micro$oft - it's not YOUR computer, it's MINE. You don't get to control it, *I* do. To quote a Star Wars line, "the more you tighten your grip, the more we slip through your fingers." Or something like that.
I'm from the United States, and the drivers here can't chew gum and drive at the same time. Yet, they try to read, put on makeup, change clothes, talk on a cellphone... now this. *sigh* I better go increase my insurance limits.
Mine's the motorcycle jacket with the "Log off and drive!" bumper sticker.
...but not very.
Checking out their website, there's free download buttons all over, but nary a word as to the price for this service. I've always gone with the axiom of "if you have to ask, you can't afford it."
Additionally, I've seen cra... er, offered at New Age convention booths that smelt similarly of a way to fleece the believers.
You want free bible study tools? How about biblegateway.com for starters - it's free, and you can do searches, multiple translations, etc, etc, etc.
If you're really so concerned about getting Teh Evil from the intertubes, maybe you should just give up the net. Everybody knows (*wink* *wink*) that nothing good is out there.
A coat, because I left religion behind some years ago, and find science to be far more pragmatic in the cold.
...that BushCo thinks it can still cry "Wolf!" Don't they realize we don't believe them anymore?
Stupid gits. It only took me about a year after Dumbya took office for me to figure out that I listen to what they say, turn it around 180 degrees, and that'd be the real truth.
If John Edwards hadn't dropped out of the race, I'd be voting for him. Instead I'll vote for... yeah, I'm not tellin'! ;D
1) http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0203/0203hydrogen.htm
2) http://www.dalefield.com/slspartners/hydrogen_fm.html
There are more websites out there that explain all this, but just go read those two to start with. Hydrogen is an energy *carrier*, not an energy *source*. There are energy losses all along the way of getting hydrogen out of water and getting it into a vehicle; there are more losses in using that hydrogen in that vehicle.
It is much wiser to generate the electricity from wind and solar and use a pure electric vehicle to start with. Hybrids are just a good step towards that.
...knowing that there are VMS machines out there with uptimes longer than any given M$ Windoze release lifetime.
I can't imagine owning a computer, only to turn its operation over to a company that thinks it knows your needs and desires better than you do. Everything I hear about Vista has been bad from the get-go; why on Earth would anyone subject themselves to such torture?
Thankfully I dumped M$ for Linux on my home PC several years ago.
...and fondly. Then I switched to the then-superior Netscape. It was fantastic, and I preferred it to IE any day - that is, until AOHELL bought it. As soon as I found out, I went back to IE until I found Firefox. I will never, *ever* willingly or knowingly buy/use an AOHELL product. Even to the point of using a *shudder* Microsoft product instead.
Thank goodness for Linux and Firefox!
Based on the responses in the thread here, I think "galactic insane asylum" is quite apropos of the situation. Wow.
I mean, radio waves don't travel through space??? How do you think we're getting those pictures and data from the Mars rovers? Or the two Voyager spacecraft, rapidly approaching the edge of the solar system? Or the many manned missions to the Moon? *shakes head sadly*
Screeching about whether or not there are aliens out there is a fantastic waste of time. As someone pointed out, not only are the distances prohibitive, the time scale makes things improbable as well. Still, I think there is Life out there - somewhere. *If* they exist in our timeframe, and *if* they are capable of visiting us, I highly doubt they're going to be aggressive. The level of cooperation needed (as has already been pointed out here) is going to sublimate aggressive tendencies simply because they're counter-productive. Do you really think (using a Star Trek reference myself) that the Klingons could advance far enough to get off-planet, let alone develop a star/warp/FTL drive? I cast serious doubt and aspersions in that direction.
C'mon, people. Use your heads for something besides a hat-rack.
It wasn't said in the article, but in my experience it's always so-called "christians" who have such delicate ears that upon hearing a cuss word, they begin bleeding from said ears and are teetering upon the precipice of Hell itself.
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of having someone *gasp* or look shocked when I let loose a cuss word, and I'm just waiting for some gobsmacked idiot to ask me to watch my language!
Too right she was acquitted of the charges. She should never have been brought up on charges in the first place.
...but to me, an operating system is supposed to *assist* me in utilizing my computer. Have it control my hard drives, memory, CPU, and all the other peripherals so that applications can read data / files, present information on a screen or printout, and store the information for later retrieval.
A piece of software that deigns to hold my computer ransom if it takes a fancy to do so is what I call a virus or a trojan.
I'm so glad to be Micro$oft free.