* Posts by Carlton Riviera

3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Nov 2007

Missing: 80GB PS3. Last seen: Sony's website

Carlton Riviera
Gates Horns

@ Steve Rowsell

Sorry to disappoint you Steve, but the PS3 has been outselling the 360 globally for several months now, so your contention has little weight.

The US and UK were the only regions in which the 360 was selling more, but since christmas the tables have turned and Microshaft's sophomore effort has been relegated to third place in all territories.

I assume that by "label-obsessed Sony fanboys" you actually mean discerning consumers that aren't prepared to bend over and take it up the poop chute from M$ by buying a rushed-to-market product that is widely known to have a fundamental design flaw.

Nintendo Wii: the world's greatest console?

Carlton Riviera

To quote Disco Stu...

"Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continues... AAY!"

Bike bonk bloke cops three years' probation

Carlton Riviera

To clarify...

Yes, "flashing" or indecent exposure is illegal. The crime he was actually charged with was "sexual breach of the peace". He was NOT arrested for having sex with a bicycle and he was NOT in the privacy of his own bedroom. He was in a hostel (not hotel) and committed an offence that he subsequently pleaded GUILTY to. The bike being there is totally irrelevant to the offence, although it is the only reason it has been reported in the media.

@ Davey Bee:

Don't believe everything you read (or hear). There has been no 14 year old boy placed on the sex offenders register for having consensual sex with his 12 year old girlfriend. And your presumption that she would be of similar maturity to him is unfounded. The law does not work on presumptions, other than the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Also, cases where young men (teens, 20s) have consensual sex with 15 yr olds rarely ever make it to court as the chance of conviction is negligible. In cases where there is a conviction it is usually due to extreme circumstances (e.g. abuse, sexual immaturity of the girl etc.) and would in most cases rely heavily on the testimony of the girl in question. And while we're (sort of) on the subject: no paediatricians have ever had their house burnt down because people thought they were paedophiles - that is yet another media constructed URBAN MYTH.

In summary: this case is not evidence that we are living in a fascist state!

Now that rant is over, I should probably add a couple of jokes. It is a story about some guy fucking a bike after all...

Let's see... how's about...

This brings new meaning to the term bicycle pump.

... or maybe...

The bike usually turns to the man and says: "Not tonight love, I'm two-tyred."

Wait a minute - who's run off with all the coats???