App store search
Someone complained about the search function in the App Store: This drove me crazy, too. Until I realized that you should *not* just type in some search string and then select from the automatically listed apps. Because if you do that, the name of the selected app becomes the search string and you'll have to type in a new search all over if that app is not what you were looking for.
No, type in your search string and ignore the auto-list. Instead press the Return buttom on the keyboard. Now you get a real, good old search with a list of hits and your search string stays in the entry box, even after looking at an app and returning to the search.
WRT the battery: Just plugged my iPhone 4 in again, after the weekend. Since the last charge it had logged 9 hours and 15 minutes of active usage and three days ten hours standby, it was down to 7% battery now. The usage included a birthday party where I shot 168 photos and some videos, as well as quite a bit of ebook reading, map staring, surfing, email, web radio and gaming. Only three phone calls though. The 3G and WiFi radios were on all the time. I have no idea what people who complain about their battery not getting them through a single day are doing with the thing. Eight hours of non-stop Angry Birds in the office maybe?
I have about 50 apps installed, although I use only about a dozen of them often (more or less every day).