At last...
The Evil Monkey that lives in my closet will not be able to sneak up on me in the dark, although, seeing that glow moving around may be a bit more disturbing...
66 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2007
So glad I'm not the only one that was laughing :)
To all those saying this is animal murder, no, it was an accident... The car was on the road, the deer was on the road. Car wins. If it was dangerous for the car to take action then tough, I'd have made the same call and taken Bambi out to. The most I've ever hit before was a couple of Grouse (sp?) that decided to run out from a hedge as I was going past. No point picking them up though, didn't feel like soup for tea.
And peguin, well, I bet it tastes like chicken
Is removed the cash, opened another bank account with it and left it in there and not touched it... When the error is discovered, they have the defence of "Yes, we have all your money that yu deposited into our/my account. Please allow 3 - 5 working days for it to be transfered from our location". Transfere the exact amount back, pay the bank, close the account and move to other new bank. Depending how long it is, may make anywhere from a few pence to a couple of quid... And it would annoy the bank, which is the whole point really...
Sure I remember a while ago an article or write up about this that basically compared the computer to an electronic safe. If there is a physical key, the police can take it from you but if it only a software encryption or two part (think finger print and code) then they cant demand it.
Never want to really test this out but yeah, it is a possiblity. Also a reason why none of my passwords are wrote down... anywhere... <-- they become a physical key...
Or, maybe if they were sent via mms then they may have her caller id, then you look through contact book and viola, the full name and address of her. Possibly.
There is no mention as to who phoned up and who's name was given to be picking up the phone. If "phillip" gave his own name, then there must have been sopme other way to see who the naughty nude with burger love handles was...
Almost as good as the beer belly that they do...
Although the advantage with that is as yuo drink it you lose weight and hence look even more fantastic as the night progresses...
I think asking for a sip for the chest may go down, well, like the Hindenburg but hey ho, be amusing :)
Me included...
Ask most shoppers who PROVIDES the ratings and they wont have a clue. Ask them what the BBFC ones mean though, and they understand - not so with just the PEGI icons although they are much more informative and in depth.
My local Gamestation enforces age ratings amazingly well, have seen two teen-year olds try to by a game when only one had ID and the other was paying. Transaction refused. 5 Min later, ID boy comes back, the guy behind the counter refuses to sell again. Kudos to that man...
Gamers get stick because parents/media/"adults" (yes, tar with same brush and all that) because they all think games are, well, games. Most are, some aren't. It is like films but until people realise this, then there are always going to be complaints about little timmy learning how to kill cab drivers based on GTA67... Doesn't matter that timmy's darling mother bough it for him for the realistic driving experience...
And yeah, I support PEGI. Give them the same legal backing and enforcement as BBFC and slap the parents who still persist in trying to buy gmaes for their underage sprogs...
From a 25 year old gamer...
Well, is there? I know crayon on paper doesn't come through very well (and heck, we know its all the government can be trusted with) but with them missing for a tleast an evening.
On a similar note, would it be illeagal to disclose these now seen as it can be argues that they were released into the "public domain"?
@Scott - The question was "unobjectional" not "objetional" only a minor difference :)
How can this not be invasive thoguh as the police activlly follwed him, used intimidation and bullying tactics and another department to get his name and address (not clear if they actually did or not from the article). The storage of the photos is fine as long as they are either anon photos or media records of the event. As mentioned, he was attending in an "official" capacity so his being there, especially as he asked a question, was resonable.
Just so long as we can still take photos in the street, keeps me happy... :)