* Posts by Alistair James

8 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Merseyside plant to punch out Chevy Volt

Alistair James

Oh Goody

Really when will people realise that an Electric vehicle will not save resources. It's electric it needs to be charged, hmmm strain on the national grid anyone...leading to more useage of fossil fuels.Why can no one realise that 'global warming' or 'climate change' or whatever the hell you want to call it is a natural occuring phenomenon and it is the way the planet will continue to survive long after we are extinct and more than likely the Turkish Ants will become the dominant species.

PayPal glitch freezes sellers' cash for weeks

Alistair James

Paypal Honest

Paypal holding onto payments for anything up to 21days, how can that be honest, this new system is making paypal more money on top of the fees already paid, where are the funds held? surely these funds are accrueing interest and therefore paypal are coining it in if money is being held in an account for up to 21 days before it is released, I would be surprised if Paypal announce massive profits in the very near future.......

Fancy a shattering ORG45M for £150k?

Alistair James

PEN 15

Steve Parrish 'stole' the number plate from Linda Lovelace (of deepthroat fame) many years ago but eventually he had to buy it.

BTW I know this as I grew up in the Village he was born and lived in.

DVD distie goes titsup

Alistair James

I used to do IT maintenence for them

They were a good bunch there, I used to work for a company that did their IT maint, mind you they were using old ICL kit, maybe they still are.

Sony confirms major PS3 firmware update features

Alistair James

@ Anonymous coward

I am not talking about drive speeds you muppet, I am talking loading times, I have made a cuppa in the space it takes to load, and that includes filling the kettle.

So if the Wii has such a tiny amount of memory why do the games look better then?

What exclusives make the PS3 look good then? Haze? Uncharted? GT5 Prologue? C'mon where are the exlusives, oh right Resistance, please.

As for comparing multi platforms, how else would you decide which looks better seeing as the arguement is always over which has better graphics for this or that game, comparision is the only way you muppet. Why is it that when people see the same game on both PS3 and 360 side by side, they go for the 360 version? or buy the 360 and the game if they are looking to buy a console.

I am not saying the 360 is without fault, however the ps3 does not deliver all it was hyped to give.

As for being anonymous stay that way, because you obviously don't have the courage of your convictions.

Alistair James

PS3 loading times what a joke

Long loading times from disc, long install times for downloadable content, i gave the PS3 3 months of my life, what a waste of time. The graphics are no better than the 360 (I ran comparisions between the 2 on multiformat games, the 360 has better quality.) It has less memory than the Wii. (The 512 of the PS3 is split between CPU and GPU before any of you Pony monkies start argueing, look it up.) and the worse thing of all no Backward compatibility for the only version available, now that is something that Sony should add to an update, not trophies....

Sony Alpha 200 digital SLR

Alistair James

Bit late with the review

I purchased one of these back in April, the main reason is I inherited some minolta lenses and seeing as Sony have incorporated the minolta fittings.

Date set for next major PS3 firmware release

Alistair James


Have any of you actually properly compared the PS3 to the 360? I mean Same game on the same setup? The PS3 is lacking, there is nothing that puts the PS3 over the 360 fact. Until someone designs a game that will fully utilise the PS3 it will continue to be lacking. Everything so far has been poor even the 'Exclusive' games for the PS3 Haze for example, GT5 is no where near as good as Forza 2. As for most of the ported games they are piss poor in comparison. The only reason I have both is for MGS, I pray they have done a decent job on that.