No, in fact Google are not distributing the play store, or other GMS services to newer Huawei devices since the trump ban
100 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Nov 2007
Desire HD they did that to me on, but I relented and bought a 10 which just didn't do it for me so sold that and bought a OnePlus3 which is by far the best phone I've ever owned and very dev friendly, unlock bootloader and root etc without losing warranty cover
That's exactly the point are arguing Apple they've not had any special treatment,which position the Irish government appear to support. I wonder if they do win on appeal will that open the floodgates to other companies suing the Irish tax authorities because they have been paying more than 0.005‰ affective tax rate?
It is indeed a defect, according to ifixit its due to inherent flex in the board which is exacerbated due to the thin device design. Apparently it is manifesting in increasing numbers of devices in the repair business. Why yours still works is possibly due to how you store your device.
How do you know what's in the oil being whipped up in the back of your local head shop, the idea of regulation is to ensure that you do know what is in them! Locally some oil's have been shown by trading standards to contain quite high concentrations of ethylene gycol I personally would rather that wasnt being blown in my face
1. Apple boast of their ethical manufacturing thus deserve to be judged against such standards.
2. Apple unlike many tech companies make huge profits on their hardware, they could afford to reinvest these in setting up ethical manufacturing companies, I believe the cash reserves apple are sitting on exceed the GDP of many of these countries they source from, yet they choose not to.
As a business we have stuck with Xp, inspite of withdrawal of support, because an upgrade to win 7 would require replacement printers, and whilst 7 is supported by the main pharmacy software suppliers win 8.x isn't so there is no guarantee that any new printers would be supported going forward. So we'll stick until win 9 or 10 is adopted.
Unless your email is explicit "Hey George w bush let's go an invade Iraq a week on Thursday I will supply the ground troops to soften up the palace guards, yours Tony Blair" it'll be missed completely unless the ip address is already flagged, in which case it would've been picked up anyway, data slurping of this magnitude will just overwhelm the system.
"On a paperback you print it with the price, so it's stuck at that price. eBooks however you can change dynamically as time goes by."
Many resellers charge less for common second hand books, and conversely rare / out of prints books can be sold for way in excess of the jacket price. The Jacket price is a suggested retail price if you don't want to pay what i charge then don't buy it, Same with ebooks
"But it's down to the the manufacturer of any product or service to set the price and as they're a business they'll charge what they think the market can bear."
That includes, the acceptance that it will be pirated, So they balance the price just low enough that piracy doesn't erode too much of their massive profits.
I'd seriously love to know what the issue was/is with these cards, the actual information appears to be minimal and the story appears to be rehashed from the same sources. My main worry is when the fix was implemented and if it's likely to be affecting replacement cards?
Yep, RMA'd mine it's funny the card still works when plugged into a pc, but when in my sgs3 I randomly find it remounting and scheduled tasks failing as there's no SD card available. Hoping retailer (a play marketplace seller) will step up to the base otherwise it's gonna be returned to Sandisk (at my expense) for replacement, which seems a little rich for a manufacturing fault.
I believe the proper use for a phone may be given away by their name "PHONE", all the smart phone gubbins is a perk to us power users. Most of the iPhone users in work spend considerably more time on FB on their iPhones than I do on my android phone so yes they use the net more is that anything really to crow about?
Personally i select the best tool for the job, so if im doing intensive web search prior to buying something it's normally done via my pc.
Go over to XDA, and on most sub forums you can find users spending all day everyday whacking out benchmark and obsessing over the results, and how the latest update has them crying because they've lost a 100 points and now their phone is a pile of sh***.
Benchmarks are in essence an indicator of performance nothing more nothing less.
I bought my android phone based on the fact that it was hackable and that I would be able to install an AOSP (android open source project) rom on it, and my wife a Hannspree Hannspad for the very same reason, granted I am not a standard consumer but I am a consumer none the less.