Seconded :O)
And I for one welcome our new and improved shiney orbiting overlords....
77 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2007
This is precisely why when I received the letter informing me Morgan Stanley/Goldfish had been acquired by Barclaycard I rang them up and promptly cancelled my card with them.
Was perfectly happy with the service I'd received from MS up until then but having dealt with Barclays before I'd vowed that I'd never deal with any part of that organisation!
... I'd be having a f**king word with the surveyor about that.
"Yes the electrics could really do with replacing but other than that the construction is sound...."
Except for the slight exception that the entire firebreak has been removed from the loft space and you've got some illegals camping in the loft!!!
lol :)
Neal I think £200M is going to turn out to be chicken feed compared to the overall budget once everything is added up (not that we'd ever get given a figure that was anywhere near correct in any case, I dare say you'll end up being screwed out of more than £200M when all said and done).
What makes me laugh is that people in the rest of the UK don't want it, no fucker in London I know wants it and yet we're all collectively going to end up picking up the tab. And don't get me started about tickets, no doubt they'll all be snaffled up by the corporates and the man in the street if he's lucky will get tickets to some obscure event that nobody has heard of! So we won't even be able to go and bloody see it!!
I live and work less than 10 minutes drive from the site and short of people in the building trade in the area its of no use whatsoever to the local workforce. We've had several clients who's premises were on the site who have had compulsory puchase orders issued against them and received a fraction of the lands true worth so as we see again from this government the man in the street is the first to be bent over.
...only being £100M over budget by government standards is quite good. You should wait and see how much the Olympics in 2012 is going to set us all * back.
* Of course when I say all I mean the council tax payers of London, because despite this being a HUGE benefit for the whole country (the politicians emphasis not mine) we are the only one's that get to pay for it! How lucky are we! Because its not like my wallet doesn't get raped enough by the state as it is. We'll be paying for this for the next 20+ years and for what, a overgrown sports day for 3 weeks.
PH Icon because even Paris knows, that blows.
...when I checked my El' Reg RSS feed in Firefox I just knew that Mr Haines would be the author of such a fine article!!
Keep up the good work sir! Although I feel it only appropriate that on behalf of the El' Reg's readership I request that you use your powerful position in international journalism to request a similar study concentrating on Bulgarian airbags!
Exactly how the f*** can a Chinook which im assuming is laden with avionics not be capable of flying on instruments?
Or is the a case of health and safety gone mad and the MoD not 'knowing' how to certify the aircraft as I refuse to believe that Boeing would supply an army spec helicopter to any airforce that wasn't capable of flying on a cloudy day!??!
I mean christ there are flying 40+ year old gas tanks (Nimrod's) in service in a Afghanistan and nobody is concerned about them but heaven forbid our lads could get their hands on some up to date kit that doesn't have the correct paperwork, that would be far to dangerous!!
Cupid Stunts.
"Sorry I've not been in work for the last week but I've been off my face after a Georgie Best style bender and have only just remembered where I live.
Oh and if you try and sack me I'll take you to a tribunal as your victimising my 'disability'."
Utter joke, who'd be an employer in the UK.
...it's really just a case of natural selection. If people are stupid enough to run out in front of me I’m doing the world a favour by turning them into fender meat and I should therefore receive a discount when my road tax comes up for renewal.
I shall expedite the mater to my MP forthwith!
Common Chris don't be as slow as the guy that lost the tape!
One would assume that the bulk of the $3m would be spent on arranging credit protection facilities for those that have had their details compromised rather than just sending them a letter informing them of the incident.
Certainly I've seen other large organisations offer this service for 12-24 months after the disclosure to those affected, its the least they can do.
And which country do you think has done more than any other to keep Cuba the way it is?
Yes you guessed it, those good 'ole boys in the US of A, perhaps without 50 years of trade embargo's Cuba wouldn't be the way it is. Perhaps if the US concentrated on matters a little closer to home rather than persecuting a Caribbean island < 100 miles away the people of Cuba would have a better standard of living. And before someone trots out the Cuban missile crisis as an excuse, this all started way before that happened.