Firstly I agree with you, this will have no effect outside SL.
To the rest of your comments,
SL is AIM with pictures + mp3 broadcasts with a request feature + on demand movies in an international setting (not to mention the voice chat feature which is basically a free international conference call). I know the international thing scares some people, strange thoughts and ideas from around the world, who in their right mind would want any part of that.
And I do the Tai-Chi with my online character. And podcasts are for pod people. And most of the time I am fixing dinner, or actually doing other things while in-world.
I really hate it when the press convinces the unwashed masses that SL is just a bunch of sedentary losers who have no life, when in fact in most cases the opposite is true.
When was the last time you took time out from your day to chat with a terminally ill cancer patient from half way around the world, just to brighten up their day, for me it was last week.
It usually takes most people (usually?, most?, now there are some qualifiers) about 3 months of regular online visits to get the hang of SL and actually enjoy it. Any less than that and you haven't really experienced it at all.....
Just saying, don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Mines the one with righteous indignation stenciled across the back.