I'll repeat that: www.SayNoTo0870.com
Can't big them up enough! They've saved me a small fortune over the past year or two!
One more time: www.SayNoTo0870.com :-D
162 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Nov 2007
"And for a moment we forget that Simon Pegg couldn't even do an authentic American accent in Band of Brothers"
To be fair that goes for 2/3rds of the (predominantly British) cast of BoB - inc. Damian Lewis, who I see has managed to swing a major part in some new yankeee drama show I can't be arsed to recall the name of...!
"Strange that an AC complains when he tries to force the wrong driver to work on a card it doesn't work."
I install the OS from the distro, it does it's stuff and leaves me with a working but rubbish looking desktop. I said I'm a newbie to the OS, right?? Well I'm comparing that experience with the very similar "Vista Capable" one Intel 915 and other PC users were left with.
And yes you are Penguin smugtards 'cos EVERY article about MS turns up with the same old "shoulda run Linux" pre-recorded message.
What scares me so much about this woman is, yes she thankfully never became Veep, but she now goes back to her old job of RUNNING A STATE. Fuck me, admittedly not a heavily populated one, but still she'd scare me pouring coffee in a diner!
Regarding Dubya, I heard a cool quote on Newsnight the other night: "forgotten, but not gone" :-D
Thanks Vlad for explaining real high fidelity to the plebs :-)
If reading a CD was so simple why ARE there so many expensive players, using all sorts of esoteric means of improving the audio signal retrieved from the same disc you can put into a £20 ghetto blaster? Try listening to a seriously good hifi system sometime, and you WILL hear the difference.
And yes there probably is also an economic benefit here, but if it means CD manufacturing plants can turn over to Blu Ray production on the same lines, then there may also be a win in bringing down the costs for everyone. Of course pricing of the content has never really been based on the cost to produce the media, so that's all down to us, the buying public, voting with our wallets!
"Starting to notice that predominantly this is the private sector (under contract to the Gov) that is losing this data? Thought not, but its true none the less!"
Is that because the PS are inherently incompetent, or simply because pretty much all governmental IT is run by them nowadays?
Having worked for both I have serious doubt a civil service run IT function would be a lot more competent. Accountable maybe...
I'm guessing BMW will lease these rather than sell them to you 'cos they'll need specialist support and servicing, and as it seems to be some kind of trial they'll be wanting to keep a close eye on them over the period - and also have the option to swap it out sharpish if anything unexpected happens!
Assembling the drivetrains in Germany, assembling the finished vehicles in the UK, then operating them in the US... yep that's sure one way to reduce emissions! :-O
Agreed, it does seem a damn wasteful way to do things. I'm sure a million scientists could talk me to death with the answer to this, but what exactly are we frikkin' well getting (of actual use!) from all this exploration of Mars? Interesting pictures yep, but otherwise...?
And watching that video of the thing coming in to land, was anyone else reminded of the dropship sequence in Aliens?? "Prepare for immediate dust-off on my mark"! :-D
Windows 3.1 didn't have a Safe Mode (oh that it should have!). It had Real and Protected modes, which related to the way it accessed the CPU and stuff (think DOS vs virtualised modes etc), and possibly a third full 386 instruction compatible one but it's all such a long time ago and I can't be that bothered to Google it.
As for CPU heatsinks, I think they first appeared around the time that the clock doublers (486 DX2s et al) started to arrive...?
It sounds funny, but your categarisation of virtualised applications and machines as non-existent is a bit of a misnomer surely? Since ALL software is really just bits of data in transit, running those in a virtual layer instead of within the host operating system isn't really fundamentally changing their state of existence is it??
What is the plan for 1Gbit per house? If anyone replies with "rich multimedia" content, then if that means broadcast content (TV and radio)over IP then why are you effectively duplicating bandwidth already covered by digital television and radio? Otherwise why not bin rolling out/upgrading DAB and digital TV (or at least scale it back) and divert some of the licence fee into this?
On the face of it paying for termination sounds like something I wouldn't like.
But thinking about it, I currently get a 600 free minutes a month package, so that means my provider must be paying the termination fees on the bundled calls to other operators ON MY BEHALF. So if things changed to paying to receive calls, then wouldn't all that would happen is they'd start covering that cost instead/as well?
MS (and Netscape in their day) created this problem by deliberately ignoring standards in favour of their own proprietry implementations, simply to try and maintain market share.
So now they're in something of a hole: imagine the screams if IE8 became standards compliant overnight and 'broke' all the pages they'd spent years cultivating?
Actually, as a general rule I tend to be against the idea of tabs: you already have a 'tab bar' of sorts with the Windows Task Bar, and it seems logical to continue to use that as a single place to find things rather than creating another one. For that reason I prefer Word and Excel to use separate Task Bar entries for docs. However when Windows starts stacking them into one that can get annoying!
Have to admit though the tabbed browsing first in Opera, and more recently Firefox, is weaning me off this way of thinking. Whether I'll bother with IE8 though after the mess of IE7 pushed me to FF we'll have to see.
Does it fix the shocking bugs in v9.5x though, including one where the download manager routines loses partially complete downloads between sessions? After reading the forums I ended up reverting to v9.27.
The first time I've ever been bitten by the version upgrade thing with Opera as well, and I've been a user since something like v5.
So, like why when the rest of the world just forks out for tried and tested carriers big enough, and the aircraft designed to work on them, do we go for the bodged different approach?
And am I the only one who'll feel just a little bit sad at the sight of the BRITISH Royal Navy flying US warplanes?
I tried Vista SP1 (as a dual boot alongside my existing XP installation) a month or so ago. I found it ok enough, and would've put in the effort to learn to use it full-time, but the graphics chipset on the PC (an nVidia 9100 IGP) wasn't supported so I only got the crappy default driver, which was unusable for playing video etc.
So it's gone. I've now fill the empty partition it left with the latest Ubuntu. And guess what? The IGP isn't supported properly by that either... :-(
XP forever!
If you think that one of their aims is to undermine our 'free' society, then by the actions of a very small number of people they've provoked disproportionate reactions from the authorities, effectively slowly but surely turning us all into suspected terrorists, simply based on what we might be reading.
Congrats Bin Laden and co!
I decided I need to check up on MS patches for this little baby last week. MS08-037 seems to be the one that covers this "gaping hole that bring an end to all of online civilisation" I believe.
So why isn't this offered or even LISTED on Windows Update, for either my XP clients or 2003 server (which runs in-house DNS)??
English?? Scottish?? I think you'll find Robbie Coltrane's passport (the legal document proving his nationality) states he's BRITISH.
And @ David: I think you'll find the police force in question are New Zealanders and not Australian.
All we need now is for someone to call Canadians Americans... :-D
Y'know it's funny you should mention gyms... it's crossed my mind more than once down my local, packed to the doors with sweaty people and high-tech electric powered machinery, bright lights, air-con, and a pumping sound system, what their electricity bill must be like, and how ironic it is all the energy they're *paying* for so that a load of people can *expend* a lot more energy??!