You have a very good point. And they'll have a _really_ nice war chest if they don't do anything stupid (not guaranteed).
Posts by Not That Andrew
1055 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2007
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be coders, Jensen Huang warns
Tesla's Cybertruck may not be so stainless after all
Royal Navy flies first mega Mojave drone from aircraft carrier
The end of Microsoft-brand peripherals is only Surface deep
US officials probe Tesla's incredible detaching steering wheel
Ex-Tweep mocked by Musk for asking if he'd actually been fired
Re: Not necessarily……
Weell, SpaceX was cobbled together out of several failing aeronautics companies. And wouldn't be half as successful as it is without Gwynne Shotwell and others. And he was a cofounder of which merged with Confinity and he blagged his friend Theil into making him CEO of Confinity. It was renamed PayPal after he almost destroyed Confinity & Theil sacked him.
Elon Musk to step down as Twitter CEO: Help us pick his replacement
Re: Ughhh...
The huge problem with that laptop is even if it was Hunter Bidens at some stage, its passed through so many hands with their own agenda that the only material that can be confirmed to is that which matches stuff previously hacked from his email account. Which anyone could have put on there.
Why did Guiliani wait so long before handing it over to the FBI? What happened during the period he allegedly lost it? Why would Hunter Biden hand his laptop over to a hole in the wall computer repair shop on the other side of the country without leaving any contact details? The story has more holes than a BTR-D that's been used as target practice by a A-10.
Musk tries to stall Twitter takeover trial following whistleblower claims
User secures floppies to a filing cabinet with a magnet, but at least they backed up daily... right?
Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way
Yeah, I remember getting a floppy through the post stapled to the accompanying letter. IIRC it was a replacement for a faulty disc accompanying an IT textbook. Luckily the staple only went through the corner of the sleeve and the disc was still usable
Hands off Brock! EFF pleads with Google not to kill its Privacy Badger with its Manifest destiny
How many Reg columnists does it take to turn off a lightbulb?
Attention all British .eu owners: Buy dotcom domains and prepare to sue, says UK govt
Re: Wow, it's almost...
Seeing as the present referendum needs to be voided due to interference & criminality, Remain is the status quo it should remain so in case of a new vote. However if in an unbiased referendum without interference & criminality leave won a supermajority of at least 60% of the vote, I would accept it. I would be cheesed & would not stop campaigning for a reentry to the EU, but I would accept that vote.
The problem with this referendum is even without the interference & criminality, 51.7% is by any sane standards, & the government & EU's guidelines for the referendums far too small a majority for a major decision that will change the political, economic & social landscape for a generation.
Windows 10 can carry on slurping even when you're sure you yelled STOP!
Identity stolen because of the Marriott breach? Come and claim your new passport
Windows 10 Pro goes Home as Microsoft fires up downgrade server
Official: AMD now stands for All the Money, Dudes!
Till Microsoft finds it a place on the path unwinding, it's the circle, the circle of Skype
AAAAAAAAAA! You'll scream when you see how easy it is to pwn unpatched HPE servers
GitHub given Windows 9x's awesome and so very modern look
Schneier warns of 'perfect storm': Tech is becoming autonomous, and security is garbage
Re: ahum, dumb fucks ?
The warnings are there because McDonalds was selling takeaway coffee at temperatures well over 70 degrees C closer to 90 degrees C. After being warned multiple times that was dangerous. A woman accidentally spilled a cup on herself, causing 3rd degree burns to her legs and pelvis. Which required reconstructive surgery. Something that a hot cup of coffee generally doesn't do.
McDonalds refused to cover her medical costs so she sued for them and won, And was giving several millions in punitive damages as well (which IIRC she hadn't asked for). The punitive damages were reduced (but not eliminated) on appeal, but the case was upheld.