The Angry Voice of Reason
As far as the anonymous cowards talking quaintly about "USAians" in the dark ages, I could point out all the stupid, evil and corrupt legal decisions in Canuckistan, the United Condom* and other third world hellholes, but I don't see the point. The majority of the posters here are Americans, equally outraged.
Fortunately, our adversarial justice system ensures that a judge above this twit will shoot it down. Also fortunately, since we live in a nation of laws, the judge will not be slowly tortured to death for his stupidity, though there's no crime in imagining it. Consider the Code Napoleon, Sharia or even the Ever Changing Meaning Of The British Constitution in comparison.
*I was born a Brit, raised in Canada and now live in the states. I've served in various countries including parts of the Middle East. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to visit, much less live in either nation, certainly not in anywhere even less civilized, which would be everywhere.