* Posts by Solomon Grundy

901 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2007


Anonymous confusion in clash with Mexican drug cartel

Solomon Grundy

Wrong Logic

You're using the wrong logic. You assume that Zetas logic is something like yours, and you're very wrong. You're assuming a defensive strategy and they don't do that, they use insanely aggressive strategies to deal with those who threaten them; even if they aren't 100% sure who they are. Know your enemy and all that.

Solomon Grundy

Long Time

It will be a long, long time before the neckbeards that are Anon have a military wing. They don't fight with violence, they fight with their minds and skillz. Hahahahahahahahaha. They will die.

British Library defends flogging of orphaned artwork

Solomon Grundy


Having had quite a few of my photographs published and even a gallery show in Boston once, I can assure you that putting a photo on Facebook does not make you a published photographer.

Cyberattack Blighty and we'll use 'military means' - UK gov

Solomon Grundy

What We Need

is another Cold War.

Shale gas operations triggered Blackpool tremors

Solomon Grundy

Fracking Frackers

Most people don't know that coal excavation causes minor earthquakes but because of all the press fracking gets everyone will know about this non-incident. They should have picked a better term than "frack" anyway. It just doesn't sound friendly and it is perfect for press sound bites.

There was a radio ad here in the Washington D.C. area a while back that specifically said that fracking did not cause earthquakes, which is obviously a lie, but in today's age of sideways lobbying you can't always tell who is creating the lie: Is it the industry itself, is it scientists paid to validate something with certain findings, is it pet journalists who get fed exclusive information but may not know they're getting lied to? Who knows. I guess we never will.

Public transport 'is bad for commuters' health'

Solomon Grundy

Car Quality

I wonder if those making the long car commutes also drove nicer cars. A long drive in a nice car can actually be fun.

‘Want to be more secure? Don’t be stupid’ redux

Solomon Grundy


Us Yanks spend the GDP of Australia on two aircraft You really can't compare the OZ spend to the USA. I'm not talking effencies; just overall spend.

Airbus brews Scandium smackdown for carbon Dreamliner

Solomon Grundy

Sales Says They Will

Like I said in my original post, the initial aircraft designs last for decades and take into account future needs. As history as shown carriers will always try to get more passengers onto the existing craft by pushing the seats closer together. Commercial aircraft are over designed and built with the assumption that propulsion will improve. That's why none of the planes you have been on crashed when they were terribly overloaded compared to their initial specs.

Solomon Grundy

The Hub Model

is total crap for those of us that have to fly on a regular basis. I fly from Washington D.C. to the San Fransisco area at least three times a month, every month; for 3+ years now. Every single stop/transfer exponentially increases the chances of some sort of failure: Meaning I'm late for my meeting and that requires shifting many peoples schedules around, cancelling other meetings, getting a different hotel room and tons of other direct and indirect problems along with their associated costs (not just to me).

The hub model is fine for those who only fly occasionally (airports can even be fun if you aren't on a schedule and have some money to blow) but for people who have to travel on a schedule the point-to-point model is the only way. I'm not flying because I want to and I'm not going on vacation; it is work. There are so many people that I've met on a recurring basis on planes through the years; I can't believe there isn't a decent market for direct flights that don't require crazy scheduling yoga. Especially when the product (airplane) in question has a 50+ year lifespan for the airlines. Each plane is a long term investment and should be viewed as such.

I foresee a mix of both options from major hubs with increased flight-time options for all customers: "If you're willing to pay we can put you on a direct flight right now" as normal course of business vs. "oh. We have to send you to Cincinnati and Seattle if you want to fly anytime in the next week".

Solomon Grundy

Seat Size

Sure, the seat sizes in the new planes are a bit better now, but after a few years they'll cram a few more in there. The declining size of the usable commercial passenger aircraft fleet guarantees that they'll try to cram more "self loading cargo" in to the craft after a while. Why do you think the seats are on rails? It's built right into all planes, even the brand new ones.

Cops should help us slay trolls, says Facebook wonk

Solomon Grundy
Thumb Down

Not Exactly Correct

Wikipedia does have a lot of faults, for sure, but if you're interested in a solid subject then it will lead you in the right direction. As the web becomes more defined/constrained, general users need a resource that gives them the correct search terms to use; which Wikipedia often provides.

Everyone forgets that print encyclopedias weren't exactly peer reviewed before their publication. All that's changed has been the speed of "publication" of the info, any commercially viable interest has access to is still the same tripe that's been being pushed out for years.

Demand for Ruby, Hadoop and HTML5 rockets, C devs still best paid

Solomon Grundy

Sue in Marketing

Sales is where it's at. Sales forgives all sins because it pays all the salaries of the tech staff & everyone else that keep the business in business - no sales = no jobs. Tech is an operational function and shouldn't be compared to sales/marketing functions.

Solomon Grundy


Nothing wrong with contracts, especially if you are young or your lady doesn't want you at home very much. The contract game is a great way to develop a skillset that you can someday use to negotiate for a decent salary and a fulltime job/career.

After about a decade I was billing out for contract work at $335/hour. I make far less than that now but have a solid job. That being said though, the contracting days were some of the most fun times in my life.

Solomon Grundy

Yep. Weak.

A fresh uni grad with your attitude wouldn't get through HR in most decent size companies. You've got to put in your time in business if you truly expect to meet what you appear to view as "your right now that you got through school". Recent grads are generally terrible hires: You always have to fight them in order to make them understand the real world doesn't work like school did.

Solomon Grundy

Why the Surprise?

As IT has become more mature it should come as no surprise that salaries have dropped to a reasonable level. Devs aren't exactly hard to find anymore & that means pay shouldn't be through the roof either.

Why can't civil servants keep a grip on their BlackBerrys?

Solomon Grundy

Disproportionate Cost

This nifty little loophole was put into the FOIA acts in both the UK and the USA not so much to prevent people from making impossible requests, but to give management an opportunity to not answer a question. This clause also gives the agencies/ministries a really good reason to keep data in disparate silos where they comply with data retention regulations but because the data is difficult to compile/analyze they can answer uncomfortable questions with "it costs too much".

Solomon Grundy
Thumb Up


That's one of the funniest things I've heard in days!

Miley Cyrus cracker: 'I'm too short for the slammer!'

Solomon Grundy

Great Idea

I'm 6'5" and 225 pounds - does that mean I might be able to skip out of any future prison sentence beause I'm too large for the big house?

Windows XP and iPod: A tale of two birthdays

Solomon Grundy

Not Customizable?

The Ribbon not only does all the things you describe with the "heritage" UI, it is also, and has always been simple to customize. They even make a point & click tool if you're not into XML: see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386089.aspx

The Ribbon lets you do anything you want. But has been met with some disdain because it looks different. If you want your productivity applications to tell you how to be productive without the option of making it your own, then I suggest looking at a Mac.

Solomon Grundy

Ribbons & Sales

Of all the MS problems, sales isn't one of them. They are the predominant OS & will continue to be so for many, many years,

Also the Ribbon isn't that bad, is customizable with simple XML & has been proven to increase productivity with real world users. Being stuck in the stone ages & refusung change is what holds IT back.

Inside WD's flooded Thai factory

Solomon Grundy

UK or US

Sure, the facility is flooded & millions worth of manufacturing devices have been lost, but it is still cheaper than building & running a plant in the UK or the US. The annual labor savings alone offset putting three facilities in the West.

Euro banks unhappy with proposed e-payment rules

Solomon Grundy

Interchange Circle Jerk

There is really no reason for interchange fees when using a common currency inside a defined trade area. It is just another way for banks to screw the customer & keep giving themselves handjobs lubricated with greasy money. Bastards.

Return of native: HTML5's enterprise battle

Solomon Grundy

always wondered

If employee "happiness" could be better if enterprise tools didn't settle for "good enough". While development costs would certainly increase, could it also lower other extremely high priced line items like employee turnover & training costs? I know that an eccentric in-house application is a major source of "back burner" frustration at some places I've worked.

5 SECONDS to bypass an iPad 2 password

Solomon Grundy


Sure, there are many ways to prevent this issue; but at the end of the day it is still an issue. Systems security is paid to prevent problems (forecast them, if you will).

In hindsight there is ALWAYS a way to get into any system/product. If your job is to PROTECT something & your measures have been found failing then it's on the Sec.

People poke holes in any/everything and at the end of the day someone has to pay for those decisions. Don't blame Micosoft or Apple. The persons that decided easy vs secure & thought they were taking the easy route are to blame.

Look to the Admins and their greasy, "keep my job because I deserve it" attitude. Truly secure products do exist, but they don't dominate the "fandom" entry level staff. Real security means people telling their bosses, staff, etc NO. That's where most IT folks fall down. They're not interested in security, or even their jobs, they just don't have the stones to say no.

BlackBerry users back online after outage

Solomon Grundy

Network Equipment

You didn't think RIM could install all that eavesdropping hardware for those Commie countries with out a little bit of an outage did you?

Chaos feared after Unix time-zone database is nuked

Solomon Grundy

Wrong Target

The strategic target never was the timekeeping service. The targets are all the commercial services that have been using the "stolen data" through the service. If they can prove the distributor of the service was using stolen property they can go after all the commercial entities (who have money: As opposed to some volunteer in his basement).

Wouldn't it be funny if the timekeeper was working with AstroLabia to try and make some money off his years of work?

OnStar backs down over GPS tracking of ex-customers

Solomon Grundy

Everyman Problem

is what you just defined. I don't need help to find my car either but you have to realize that the mass of meatbags out there either do need help to find their car or they just feel 'better' because they have the option of using the system (and they are paying for it)..

I don't think you are wrong: Those people shouldn't be driving at all but we can't stop them and the OnStar system helps make sales and helps the stupids. The down side is that if you are in a single person crash where you are injured then there won't be a person to push the button, the system just has to work . Those people obviously need help and I don't think it is wrong to deliver an intrusive service if they are asking (and paying) for it. Most of El Reg readers are a bit above the tech curve but you're running a business then revenue has to come from somewhere. It obviously won't come from the select few who read this but we're kind of different.

Solomon Grundy

It is a real-time system. If it isn't collecting, correlating, and giving the human operators useful info then it won't work. That means you might die. Volvo collects/process the same info as OnStar; see my post below.

Solomon Grundy

Bad Press Person, Bad Lawyers, Great System

Firstly I'll say that GM didn't handle this well and their lawyers (who decided this whole thing was a good idea didn't help) but I can say with absolute confidence that GM didn't set out to screw anyone with OnStar.

I wrote the book (literally) on the initial retrofits for OnStar in Cadillac; where the system was first available from GM and you could get it as a dealer installed option: And have done several updates since. It is designed and used as a safety and convenience tool that lets you have a live person at your disposal for about anything and will call emergency services if you are in a crash and can also find your car if it is stolen or even if you lose it in a huge parking lot/garage. It's like a navigation system that works combined with a concierge!

The system can't do that if it isn't tracking you all the time. That's why it works so well. Every real time notification system (even those from Volvo and Mercedes) has to know where you are at all the time or it won't deliver the results you want: Then you will complain that it didn't work as advertised.

I'll close my rant by saying that GM is trying like hell to make money by making shitty cars that nobody really wants and the board and investors demand revenue from something. That something shouldn't be your privacy for sure, but on the whole GM doesn't give two shites about your daily goings on. They are just trying to make everyone happy by giving you what you want from technology.

If you've got a complaint it should be with GM's house legals and Ms. Linda; not OnStar.

PlayBook stock mountain: RIM slashes prices

Solomon Grundy

No Doubt

If your mission is to keep the enterprise space then "Play" anything doesn't come off well. The lack of features not withstanding; the name alone killed the device. Those crazy Canadians.

RM flogging or axing units in painful shake-up

Solomon Grundy

Education Software

is a joke to begin with. They sell sub-standard wares to the institutions that suck up all our tax dollars. The world will be better off without RM and their like around. Let'em burn.

Reebok used 'very fit woman' in buttock-related deception

Solomon Grundy

Exercise > Diet

Absolutely not true. You can eat anything you want as long as you exercise enough. The exercise enough part seems to be the part everyone is missing though. Granted the modern diet here is the U.S. takes a lot of exercise to overcome but it can still be done.

Adobe rushes out emergency fix for critical bug in Flash

Solomon Grundy

"lets's email the Interwebs around" is how it was designed to work man. Easy sharing and all that. You can't really blame the people making their living from doing it for doing what we all want. They are just taking advantage of all the thing we all made happen. Most of the people reading this wanted this monster they created.

Solomon Grundy


Between my three homes I only have 11 Windows 7 machines and I will say that Adobe and Mozilla products cause me more downtime than power outages, network failures, hardware stoppages and drugs combined.

OSS is "better" because they update more often. Closed/In-House products are better because they update to target "real" issues.

The fact that most OSS if FREE makes the updates palatable. If I had to pay I'd actually be upset. FOSS or FREE closed source. Doesn't matter to my wallet.

HP may NOT spin off PC biz

Solomon Grundy

No Shit

Selling off the PC business idea wasn't well thought out. HP is and always will be a printer and PC manufacturing company. To attempt to be something else is just stupid. Fire Leo and pick someone at random to manage the company. It'll do better than it is now.

EMC exec flames El Reg

Solomon Grundy


This isn't a flame. It's a well written response to an El Reg "drama" piece from a guy who obviously knows his stuff. The Register got put in its place.

Amazon staff toiled in 100°F+ warehouse

Solomon Grundy

low pay - warehouse

Yep. The majority of workers here in the U.S. have to deal with the climate cycles. God knows we've tried to unionize the seasonal tempeurature shifts but we still aren't gaining ground. Fillibuster on Sol!

What a bunch of weeping vaginas. If it's too hot for you to lift and carry 49lbs then you're a useless American who doesn't deserve a job. Your parents & Grandparents didn't cry when they had to actually put in work in the same conditions. Are you really going to tell me your Grammy is stronger than you??

Rumor: HP giving Apotheker Das Boot

Solomon Grundy

Ten Years Tomorrow

Ten years ago HP was unstoppable. Sure Carly helped spend some of their money but the company overall could do anything it wanted. Apple is currently in that position but now they have no Leader. HP is in their Sunset stage and Apple is in their Daytime/Plateau stage. Smart people are milking Apple for all they can get while the fruit is still ripe. Smart people are also bailing out of HP as fast as they can.

Sorry for the stupid metaphors and awful cliched statements but I didn't invent them and there is a time and place for that sort of shite.

Solomon Grundy

What Else

are you gonna do with the money? After the jets, cars, drugs, sex partners, monkey butlers, private islands; what the hell are you going to do with that kind of money?

Sure you could donate it to a "good cause" but then the ED of those organizations would just be driving your fancy German/Italian car instead of you. I think she was a horrible political candidate for any position but she *did* create a lot of jobs.

Georgia Parole Board blocks Amnesty email campaign

Solomon Grundy

It is a sad thing. The case is old and the evidence is iffy - they won't even let the guy take a polygraph; they've got to fry someone for killing that cop. Half of my family is from Georgia and I grew up on the Tennessee/Georgia border: Georgia is a fucked up place and they're still quick to blame a "darkie" for any crimes. The worst part is we will never know the truth and someone is going to die in about 50mins. Sad.

Yahoo! apologizes for blocking Wall Street protest emails

Solomon Grundy

Huh. I didn't even know this was a thing. If blocked Yahoo! stopped their movement then I'd suggest they failed at marketing. (I bet Yahoo! did block it as part of a conspiracy though!)

Google now a serious rival to Microsoft in cloud email

Solomon Grundy

Nice and Fluffy

Wow. Someone woke up on the be a buddy to Google side of the bed this morning.

NASA unveils its chosen Shuttle successor

Solomon Grundy

Thought About This All Day

And the whole thing is rubbish. I can't believe we gave our space program to the Commies and the only alternative we come up with is an incredible waste of reusable parts cannibalized from our past programs. Jesus. We suck.

Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the hard disk

Solomon Grundy

This was a great article. I really enjoy these.

LightSquared offers low-power olive branch to GPS

Solomon Grundy


LightSquared was a lobbying gift to begin with. Laws were changed to give them access to bandwidth that really couldn't be used and everyone knew it. Now that the implications are becoming clear they're offering concessions but at the end of the day they had nothing to offer that would compete with the many uses of GPS by the govt at civilians in the U.S.

GlobalSign says 'isolated' webserver was hacked

Solomon Grundy

Blacklist Em

If you accept their excuse today you'll be buying into the corporate double-speak that costs us all a lot of money and time. The browser companies should add them to the blacklist just as a point.

'Amazon Tax' California decision pushed back a year

Solomon Grundy

Not True (Not Practical...)

10% is crazy high sales tax. Here in the States most people pay a Federal Income Tax and a State Income Tax, with sales/use tax on top of that. We don't even get health care out of the deal but the real cost via taxes is HUGE. We just suck at math.

Linux.com pwned in fresh round of cyber break-ins

Solomon Grundy


You don't close sites for maintenance after they've been compromised. Once the cat is out of the bag you close them for repairs.

British warming to NUKES after Fukushima meltdown

Solomon Grundy


I would put El Reg right at the top of the pile for scaremongering in regards to any kind of energy article. If it's not nuclear then it'll make you go deaf, infertile, and poor.

Apollo 17 Moon landing: Shock revelations

Solomon Grundy


All of those images are obviously Photoshopped.
