* Posts by triky

60 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Nov 2007


Fox News: Filthier than the internet

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about nipples

on my first trip back to the US since i was a kid, i was more than amused when the taxi man who drove me from the airport asked if it was true that in France (which is where i live) they had nipples airing on deodorant commercials and that as a result of this, french people were porn-loving shameless nudists... that comment was worth the whole rubbish business trip... thank you illinois.

Korean cyber junkies march off to bootcamp


that'll sort em

stuff the boot camp... a good old fashioned rave in the woods, dancing until the police come, followed by a nice long morning recovery in a tree somewhere and then a 4 hour hitchiking trek back home would certainly toughen them up a bit...

Datapocalypse Now


love it...

... datapocalypse baby ! yeah :)

Wii grasses up cheating wife



... is overrated. i personnaly think man is not meant to live a monogamous life. if it was in our nature to be so, no one would be cheating on any one else and marriage wouldn't be necessary. we would always be with the same person.

personally i think cheating's only considered wrong because our supposedly moral ethical society makes it so, and i will boldly proclaim that religion is the cause of all our jealous sufferings.

and no, those mormons and muslims are not in their right either. if the bloke can have all them wives, i certainly can't see why i can't have loads of blokes too... curse the man who decided monogamy was the fad.

Drunk US man asks drunk son to take the wheel

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alright, not only in america then... i take that back (only partially though)... my point was that if you put an average 13 year old in a manual car, he is certainly going to have more difficulty (especially if he's drunk) getting it started and going and out of first gear, than if you put him in an automatic..

and because there seems to be very many automatics in the US as compared with Europe (i know 1 person who has an automatic and i've lived in Europe most of my life), it seems only logical to deduct that this scenario is more probable and more likely to happen in the US than in Europe.

and i just want to add that i second (or third) Michael's comment. right on mate!


only in america...

... does this happen ! the kid wouldn't have been able to drive had the car been a shift gear... automatic rhymes a lot with danger seems to me. look at lohan/ritchie/hilton. they don't have the brains to work a shift gear while theý are shit faced (excuse my french). of course, we wouldn't have the pleasure of reading about these incarcerations were not all cars automatic... haha!

Tim Burton to shoot 3-D Alice in Wonderland


frankenweenie and syndromes !

i loved frankenweenie when i was a kid... it had an eerie kind of attraction to it but it was wicked !

on Alice in Wonderland, I can't bloody wait. loved the books, couldnt get enough of the, had AWS syndrome as a kid... it just couldnt get any better that Burton's giving it a go ! brilliant..

Great War diary reveals original Captain Blackadder


@ neil barnes

ah ok. i see. indeed, i had a quick look at US copyright law and it does seem that it is automatic there as well... however, the law also states that 'mere ownership of a book, manuscript, painting, or any other copy or phonorecord does not give the possessor the copyright. The law provides that transfer of ownership of any material object that embodies a protected work does not of itself convey any rights in the copyright.'

So i wonder, if one were to get a pirated copy online, and consequently discovered by law enforcement, whether one would actually be liable for copyright infringement. do you think that through inheritance, the copyright would vest itself in the heirs automatically?


no copyright

the duration of a copyright is between 50 and 70+ years depending on the country. however, copyrights only exist where the person has actually copyrighted the work. i don't think that someone down the line can just appropriate the work (even if family) and copyright it in it's turn... in any case, copyright only exists where the person who has created the peice of work has himself copyrighted it...

Remembering the Commodore PET 2001


too young too remember but not too old to care

i'm no tecchie (wordsmithing's my game) but yeah, that machine makes great sounds ! i got an emulator and dled some funny files that makes all the original sounds from that machine. ideal for chip tunes ! viva el commodore! and thanks to 8 bit weapon for the fantastic idea :D i do love those sounds...
