Corvette Summer is the name of the movie. And yeah, a Corvette ate his face. Is why Empire started off with goggles and scarfs and then the Wompa attack.
227 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Mar 2007
I have a Quadra 650 (upgraded to 128 MB of RAM!) and it still runs. Ok, it takes three different adapters stacked on top of each other to connect up to a monitor but still, it's never died in me. And the metal case makes a great stepping stone when I need to reach a high shelf.
Now, about the TI-99/4A that still runs...
Heh! There's a web comic using still images from the Star Wars films, but the storyline is it's a bunch of teens and a 10 year old little sister playing a space based RPG (laser swords, laser 10 foot poles, etc). The game quickly goes off the rails when the "cheddar monks" head down to a hastily created planet and Lil' Sis creates her character: a tall dinosaur with bunny ears and long eyes. He then tells the monks they have to travel through the planet to reach the wise old queen who is 14.
It makes as much sense as Lucas' version.
But, but, but, I thought Apple was just a marketing company, peddling copycat designs from real companies like HP and Dell, for 3x the $$$, for similar shaped boxen! How could they make so much money over so many years when geeks have been telling the apple customers how stupid they are?
Heh. Over the holidays, dug out my Quadra 650 and fired it up. I ended to scan in some blueprints (USS Enterprise blueprints) on my old Agfa Tabloid Scanner (scsi, no USB/FireWire adapters for modern iMac). Man, was weird but fun. Still had Photoshop 2.5 installed, as well as original Marathon by Bungie.
Scary thing: Base model Coffee Cup Mac Pro costs about what I paid for Quadra 650 (12 MB RAM/230MB HD/ CD drive) and monitor in 1993.
Locked down corporate pc's here. We're pretty much a Microsoft shop here (except for those pesky engineers who keep asking for Linux systems. And it's not like they do any real work; just sit around designing new products and such.) and what MS ships is what we get. After repeated requests to IT for Classic Shell or Start8, we've taken to piling up extra meeting room chairs in front of our Win8 test system. Deafining silence from IT has most of us thinking they're waiting for Win9.
/mine's the one with the Mc Mini in the pocket.
When Xerox-PARC let Apple engineers view it's GUI work, the Apple guys mistakenly thought they had seen overlapping windows. They then clean sheeted designed that into the Lisa OS. Guess MS needs to send some of their Win8 guys over to Xerox. Or maybe just as far as the Win7 area?
The same Henry Ford who raised worker wages and instituted car loans so his workers could buy his vehicles. Later, when workers tried to organize, he had machine gun emplacements at his plants and home and several workers were shot and killed by local police and Ford security when a march occurred.
Sigh. In WWII we had rifles with big .30 cal rounds and pistols with big .45 cal rounds. Know why we went to smaller rounds? Be cause big weapons and ammo are heavy! And every year they're coming up with more and more stuff to carry, while still keeping things in the mythical 80-90lb range (275 kilos-centigrades/hp per gallon if my American metrics maths is correct).
Also, there's all sorts of special forces that do get to choose their own gear. Ya don't hear about any of them using DE's do ya?
Im from the time Lego was crossing over from generic block sets to models with unique parts (70's) and I remember how cool it s when I finally got some jet engines in a helicopter set so my spaceships could get away from the long single wide pieces as engines.
As for girls, my daughter is 11 and on a trip to visit her grandfather in Florida, her one request was a visit to Lego land there. She spent $40 of her own money on LotR Legos because she thought the spider looked really cool. Ok, maybe I'm raising a Wednesday Addams but still, she loves all the Star Wars, Batman, and LotR sets. Not sure how Lego would market to girls with these sets; she just likes 'cool' stuff. Same goes with comic books: another male bastion. She loves the stories and does gravitate towards the female characters (Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Power Girl) but she also follows several male storylines as well (Batman, Thor, etc.). In comics she's aware enough of the marketing to boys and is quite vocal in the store when she spots a particularly suggestive cover. Who bows, she may grow up to be an executive at Lego or DC one day and decide how the marketing will be done.
Mines the one with the bloodstained 2 dot brick I just pulled from my heel.
Obligatry "Macs are just toy computers that cant play games or caption funny cat pictures or anything like real computers can do. And only boring science nerdsuse them, not 1337 dudes who have 120 level evil paladins on Warcraft Worm World!"
Mines the one with tongue firmly stuck in pocket.
Apple has a pretty large R&D budget and it's not like they work on a single form device and assume it'll work. They probably have iPad type devices all the way from 4" screens up to the Pear Pad size. <>
Mine's the one with multiple sized pockets.
Exactly. Follow the money. I bet you'll find out it's this 'university' that started the whole thing, decades ago, to drive up enrollment. That's why you see all these climatologists and scientists running around in fancy cars and have the doors of industry and politics open to them.
Everyone knows well that it's a well known fact that Apple only sells based on it's fancy marketing and is in fact flagging obsolete tech that costs four times as much as modern hardware to know nothing hipsters who all wear handle-bar mustaches (even the women) and ride penny-farthing bikes while sipping fancy coffee from StarBucks.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, why can't anyone else make a decent tablet experience? I mean, the hardware's there, the software, with a bit of editing, can be there, so what's stopping everyone?It's very odd.
MS needs to go back to how they got the PC established: partner with a well known name (IBM) as they release a cheaper alternative system (than Apple/CP-M/ etc).
So, how to get momentum built with WinPho? Low-cost, decent (but not great) hardware spec phones ($0 subsidized in U.S.) with cool commercials aimed at the folks likely to choose phones of this level (teens/early 20's).
I mean, sure, I've seen big loads on the highways before; double and triple wide mobile homes, windmill blades that are longer than the semi's carrying them, space shuttle fuel tanks (ok, no more of those), Hummer 4XXL edition, etc. All you do is go around them. I mean, all 'merkin roads are 4 lanes in each direction so there's plenty of room for everyone. Unless it's the Space Shuttle tank trying to pass the triple wide. That gets a bit hairy.
Mine's the coat with really wide pockets.
After frying my cube trying to reposition power board (plugged in backwards the modified scsi cable used for power) I still couldn't get rid of cube. Just looks too cool. Finally, I went and mounted a G4 Mac mini in there. Now that the G4 is getting a bit long of tooth and new Mac mini's are a bit larger, am thinking it's time for fish tank duties.
Man, talk about a decent game of buzz-word bingo. It was like listening to three web designers try to explain what Web 2.0 means. I really don't get what all the folderol is; you have server(s), you have clients, you have data flowing between them. As someone who's still using the same login name I was using for bbs'ing back in the early 80's, I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference. Sure, there's some new shiny and clients are getting thinner (physically) and more mobile but, um, d'uh! That's how things have been going for the last 40 years.
/beer, 'cause I like beer.