Re: But why?
Think of it as evolution in action.
227 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Mar 2007
[small private US college in the '90s]
Had a late Friday page after a cleaner plugged their hoover into an orange "Do Not Use" labeled outlet outside the server room. [silence decends]
A new admin also plugged the old IBM chain printer (producer of much loved green and light green fanfold print outs) into an orange outlet and shut down the server room at 8:00 AM one day.
Reading signs is for chumps.
Our college server room (1990s, a few racks of Sun Sparc 5s and 10s, Novell file server) had bright orange plugs for UPS, beige plugs for mains.
New guy decided to rearrange server room for some unknown reason and plugged the chain printer (pale green and white fanfold printer) into the UPS.
Save us from the eager clueless.
Early '90s, worked as GIS tech in St. Petersburg (sunny place with beaches and pubs). There were 4 or 5 GIS shops in the area and when one got a large contract (i.e. map all utilities of St. Louis), they'd hire a bunch of folks for contract duration and then let us go. Could quickly find a job at another shop. Or course, with large pool of trained cart/digi-techs, wages stayed low.
Still, gave me my first exposure to SunOS and then Solaris so moved on after a couple years. Still have my rapidograph pens!
Same here; Mom-N-Pop Apple/HP warranty repair place in late 90s. First couple of years, things were great, fueled in part by several school systems support contracts. Also helped there were lots of Apple recalls on monitors and such (popped capacitors plague). Third year, payroll was missed for new year. I left after a couple of months. Later, heard the store had been busted by Apple for doing too many unneeded warranty repairs. Hard business, Apple.
I have a beige Ti99/4a and it still runs great. Just wish I hadn't left my data cassette in the cassette player, and then stored in the attic for 20 years. It snapped, trying to read.
I'd coded a flat file Traveller ship database on there, with vector drawn deck plans, as well as a D&D character generator and of course, a dice roller. I also had a 4 channel conversion of Steven Howe's Mood For A Day. No, not a nerd, not nerdy at ALL!
Oh man, I lived in St. Pete for 10 years, doing both mobile computer repair (mostly businesses and schools) as well as IT at a small private party college. To help understand the west central Florida population: the entire area was settled by folks from other parts of the US, who screwed up and needed to start over. What a strange, jacked up town. So glad to be gone.
At the bottom of the main Apple Store web page, you can find a link to their refurb store. For recent versions of hardware, can usually save $100-$200 dollars (3£ - 5£ if my conversion maths is correct). Refurbs come in new cases, with regular packaging and 1 year warranty like new stuff. In order to recycle components from returns and stuff (boards, drives, RAM, etc), they have to be labeled as refurbs. Just got 3 iPad minis for $200 each. They shipped directly from China factory.
I prefer the Chemex. I don't mind the time spent pouring water over grounds as I'm already at the stove making breakfast (ham-n-cheese omelette, bacon, fried potatoes with green chile every day). Even with acidic coffee the filters do a good job of pulling the acid out and leaving it bean sweet.
I'm 46, with 13 year old daughter. Found my town has a gaming group (Abq RPG Gamers) and singed up for their newsletter. They do frequent one-shot games and game tests. Makes it easy to drop in on a Saturday afternoon for 4-6 hours. Ok, it is 30 miles away but this is all about geeking up my kid.
Got to do a play through of Firefly RPG a couple of weeks ago. It's running Cortex 2 rules, tweaked to make a game seem like a television episode. Basically, no matter what you have planned, trouble will pop up and improvising will be required. Comes with a bunch of base characters as well as the tv show characters so you can drop people into a game with minimal fuss. Looking forward to getting my printed copy, one day...