* Posts by night troll

130 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2007


Jimbo Wales: ISP smut blocking systems simply 'ridiculous'

night troll

Re: MP in 'completely clueless' shocker ...

Because the HoC use of the internet has already been shown to to be in a large part porn sites, facebook and betting sites. She would not like the disclosures to be more specific as some of her colleagues may be surfing porn or laying a bet while she speaks.

Wales: We'll encrypt Wikipedia if reborn gov net-snoop plan goes live

night troll

I wonder...

... what the politico's will do after they implement this bill and the first terrorist attack happens. They seem to have been convinced (just as Labour were) that this type of surveillance is the be all and end all of catching terror related crime. Just a couple more thoughts;

Who told them that this was the best way to catch terrorists?

Who has the biggest financial interest in seeing this bill implemented? (and one more)

What happened to good old fashioned human intelligence that worked so well in the past and probably accounts for more arrests today than blanket electronic surveillance?

Cambodia set to boot out Pirate Bay co-founder

night troll

Re: What we need now are for the cables that have been going back and forth

Strange that the United States Trade Representative, Ron Kirk went to Cambodia on the day that Gottfrid Svartholm was arrested. Also strange that the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Valery Khoroshkovsky was in the US on the day Demonoid was shut down by Ukrainian police. Maybe the MAFFIA have learned their lessons and are getting their bought and paid for representatives to deal face-to-face with the other governments so as to not leave a paper trail. I would have thought it would have been cheaper to bribe the other governments direct instead of going through US politicians, I suppose they want to see some return on their "investment" in this US election year.

Barnes & Noble Nooks bound for Blighty

night troll

About Bloody Time

Wanted one of these when they first came out, had to settle for a Sony. Don't get me wrong the Sony is a nice piece of kit especially with its metal case but the Nook has that want factor. Hopefully they will also bring the rest of the range over in time for Christmas. I would love a colour version.

Assange's fate to be revealed at high noon

night troll

Getting him out


"If the South American nation does offer Assange the chance to settle there, the Leaker-in-Chief has the problem of emerging from its London embassy and travelling to an airport without being arrested for breaching his bail conditions. Just how Assange, or his Ecuadorian hosts, propose to pull off that trick remains to be seen."

Would it not be possible for the embassy to give him Ecuadorian nationality and then temporary diplomatic status to get him out of the embassy and to Ecuador?

If he was to stay on Ecuadorian soil (embassy, car and flight) surly no other government could touch him without risking a serious international incident?

night troll

Re: @AC

"How would you feel if you got told that the leader of your country got assassinated in an orchestrated coup backed by another country?"

Given the standard (moral and professional) of some of our leaders over the past few years they would be doing us a favour.

Kim Dotcom mounts freedom campaign

night troll

Re: Make your own pick!

Don't they usually go soggy when sucked?

UK.gov proposes massive copyright land snatch

night troll

Re: I usually disagree with pretty much everything you have to say

"So what period of grace do you feel should be enforced before such orphan management becomes (arguably) reasonable? "Forever" seems a bit restrictive. 50 years?"

As the copyright agencies (RIAA et al) want copyright to extend to 70-100 years I think that would be a good place to start. Plus maybe another 50 years just to screw with them.

night troll

Re: I usually disagree with pretty much everything you have to say

Legislators clearly just have no bloody idea.

A prerequisite for entering politics in Britain it seems.

night troll

Re: Fuck, fuck and more fuck!

Unfortunately even he did not have the right idea, he wanted to blow it because he disagreed with their religion not what they were doing in governing the country (except the control of Catholics). He might of focused the attention of this lot of wankers a bit better though.

BSkyB blocks The Pirate Bay for millions of Brits

night troll

@ The Axe

About 195,000 results (0.20 seconds) at the moment. ;-))

night troll

Re: The elephant in the room

Cleanfeed seems to be the way VM are blocking it (unsuccessfully).

Google to bring Raspberry Pi to Bash Street

night troll

Evil Penguin Shagging Communists

New keyboard over here please!

That should be the name of the new Linux forum.

London picked as test bed for Skynet-like Intel tech

night troll

Intel CTO Justin Rattner also said....

...."that the London Olympic games would give the firm a great opportunity to look at a city under pressure and figure out where the weak points are."

News item on 1st Sept 2012.

We looked at London during the Olympics and decided there was too much risk of failure, so we decided to go with Mogadishu in Somalia as they seem to have a more stable population. We would also pay less in taxation than in the UK.

P.S. Is this the same Rattner that said their products were crap and only fit for chavs?

Iranian firms told not to use foreign email providers

night troll

No doubt....

Cameron will be watching this closely for tip on how to set UKran net over here.

UK's new drivers now in safe hands... of laser-wielding robots

night troll

Still got....

My little red book driving licence, no longer valid but I still have it

night troll

Re: Still got...

@ Intractable Potsherd 4/5/12 1140

Just got my renewal of photo "Application" (how is it an application if it's mandatory if I want to keep driving?) that costs £20 plus a photo.

Canada failing to sufficiently protect IP rights – US report

night troll

What about China?

All of the problems they say the US has with Canada happen in spades with China will they issue sanctions against China?

No, didn't think so. The US relies too much on China for cheap labour to produce its consumer products and mine it heavy metals needed in production of advanced electronics for it to take any action against China. China could cut off the US industry at the knees and sell it labour force to other countries, sure it would harm their foreign trade but only for a short time. The US are much too reliant on Chinese cheap labour they could not recover for a long time.

And if China were really vindictive and dumped all the American debt they hold onto the word markets it would throw the US beck into the economic stone age.

Usual sabre rattling by the US.

6,000 sign e-petition to put Turing on £10 note

night troll

Re: Don't worry Alan

That's another keyboard down the tubes. One day I will learn not to drink coffee while reading the Reg.

Tony Blair closes RSA 2012, denounces WikiLeaks

night troll

Re: Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

If only we could hear those words, in court, in real life.

I have a dream.........

( spawn of satan 'cuse that's what he is)

ICO slaps Durham Uni for exposing staff, students' privates

night troll

How the hell...

did they not notice it for FIVE MONTHS? Don't they check their web sites?

Council loses USB of patient records

night troll


as you say they don't give a shit, what's the betting this will be forgotten (and possibly repeated) within six months.

Secondly.. it NEEDS to be personal fines. The management don't care about fines to the council as it's not their money they will just take it out of petty cash (the council tax) and carry on as normal. If they were personally liable and had to pay for indemnity insurance in case they got fined then MAYBE they will think about enforcing the security on the information they are entrusted with. Also if the could not get the insurance, due to claims or being found to be incompetent etc. They would then become unemployable so it would gradually clean out the system of these couldn't-care-less fucktards.

The Great Aussie Firewall is dead: Long live the firewall

night troll

We do not want Conroy back...

... thank you very much. You have a nice big desert, go set him free in that so he can convert the lizards to his new Stalinist form of comunist oppression.

Queen promises to make poverty and budget deficits illegal

night troll

Mandy in cloud cookoo land again

"It will be for the public to judge whether they believe these policies are relevant, achievable and affordable."

Relevant, probably. Achievable and affordable, after 12 years of this lot? Not a chance.


Not only one of the few times I could understand your post but also fully agree with it, thank you sir.

@Martin 6

You owe my boss a new keyboard and monitor, I must remember not to drink coffee while I am reading elReg.

Pirate Bay sinks again after Dutch ISP complies to cut off order

night troll

Thin end of the wedge

Shutting down TBP like this is the thin end of the wedge. I thought ISPs were supposed to be like the post office i.e. common carriers and not responsible for the content. Shutting down the message by shooting the messenger is censorship by diktat and surely illegal under EU law?

How long before Brein or an organisation like it says "I dont like what the BBC or ElReg are saying about me" and threatens their carriers with legal action unless they close their connections? If they (Brien and their paymasters) don't like the message then go after TPB through the courts in the EU not the ISPs.

I thought the Dutch had thrown off the nazi yoke.

Prince of Darkness scares UK mobe firms

night troll

@ Aw c'mon....:

I understand he prefers his back pocket stuffed with reddies, he then does whatever you want as long as the price is right. ;-))

UK cops eye shotgun cartridge Taser

night troll

@ Columbus 15:06 GMT

You owe me a keyboard and monitor.

At least the kebab will be cooked (as well as its eater).

Boffins in 'let's create black holes in the lab' jape

night troll

Nothing new

This is nothing new, my daughter made a black hole years ago. It's called her room, whatever goes in doesn't come out (except her of course, but she wears these strange clothes that seem to protect her).

Samsung smartphone keyboard takes wing

night troll

Zaphod Beeblebrox....

....must be alive and well working for Samsung.

Eurostar tunnels through UK border ring of steel

night troll

Yet another....

....well thought out plan from our ZaNu-Liebour gubmint.

Why is it that a gov'ment with a high number of lawyers and barristers in can never get the legal bits right?

Union attacks fire-brigade control room IT modernisation

night troll

@ Typical FBU

"Honestly, what other sector, public or private, would this sort of nonsense be tolerated?"

Ambulance Service

But then most Ambulance Service modernisation is just as chaotic aned full of idiots who believe everything the salesmen tell them.

UK gov admits gamble on massive net snoop plan

night troll

So IMP is just...

... the result of a wet dream Jacqui had during her afternoon nap one day after she had had her weekly lunch with ACPO and GCHQ.

No basis in reality after all, just like Jacqui and the ACPO and GCHQ mandarins.

Pirate Bay launches encrypted private network

night troll

I use...

...a VPN network with about 20 servers all over the world (including Iran!) which I can log on to. I can even tunnel between 2 or 3 different servers on the system if I was really paranoid, all for 100 euro per year. So one set of servers in one country (a la Relakks AB IIRC) for 5 euro pm is not that good a deal IMHO.

Ofcom gets power to punish pirates

night troll

Write and then sue' approach won't work?

"Geoff Taylor, chief executive of the BPI, which represents labels said the government was dithering. "Evidence shows that the government's 'write and then sue' approach won't work," he said."

So the the various music ASS "sue the world" approach does work?

Maybe that's their new busness model, forget the production of music and entertainment, just sue the world for any and everything and make a profit that way. Twonts!

Johnson shuffle returns ID cards to the table

night troll

re: They already know what will happen

re: They already know what will happen

" I suggest PISS --- Personal Identification for Stupid Security."

And the office of the regulator would be PISSOFF would it?

Imagine! Government to legislate against badness

night troll

Did anyone else ....

.....read that as Department for Children, Schools and Fantasies?

I must have slep for ages, is it April 1st already?

@ Brett Brennan "Make it what ever you want: you can't beat the Bell Curve..."

No, but, it would be nice to beat this .gov Bell End sometimes.

Aussie censors implement six degrees of separation policy

night troll


...we could send them Stazi Smith, Loon Broon and Plastic Blears. Then they woould have the complete set of nutters.

London gym floors hoodies with Chav Fighting classes

night troll

@ Alain Moran

Was I the only one to see the tongue in cheek, given away by the last comment in his post?

Maybe I was wrong.

Doubt cast over ContactPoint security assurances

night troll

Title 2

If shilding is to protect the vulnerable children then why do the children of all politicians need to be shielded? Is it because they are at risk or because the parents (politicians) do not trust the security of the system?

Re Victoria C and Baby P both these cases ended the way they did because of the failure of people in the same authority, and even in the same office, to talk to each other. How is a national database going to help that? Why does expensive and complex IT need to be deployed to correct a problem that is caused by people not being able to communicate at the most basic level - speech?

I know from personal, front line, experience with abused children many so called professionals in this field could not give a rats arse about the children until the wheels come off the wagon and then it's all scrabble 'round to protect their own arses. The few dedicated care professionals in child care are driven out of the job by the constantly increasing workload and management's only interest in "performance" figures. Those that stay are either masochists or could not get a job flipping burgers in the real world.

So this childrens version of the ID database will still not save lives, it is just there to show that this gov.uk is "doing something for the children".


Phorm moves beyond privacy - except when slating rivals

night troll

@ Fluffykins

I'm interested in the lottery numbers for Saturday, if phorm can tell me those then it will have my full support. Otherwise it just confirms my original opinion that it's shit and should stay in the sewer it came from.

Tories fear legal dodge over comms überdatabase

night troll
Paris Hilton

It would be interesting..

to know how many statutory instruments this lot have passed. We know they have passed thousand of laws since they have been in power, but just how much extra has been slipped in by the back door over the years?

Just waiting for the SI that says we don't need a general election 'cause our uber masters know what is best for us.

Paris 'cause we know what gets slipped in her back door.

UKBA to exchange fingerprints with US

night troll


920 arrests out of 10,000 alerts, less than 1%. Not very acurate is it?

Sex crime 'lie detector' pilot could prompt wider use

night troll

The prats...

know they would not get laws like this through parliment. their own back-benchers would revolt against it, so they use a statutory instrument yet again.

How long before we get a statutory instrument to cancel general elections so they can save us from our selves?

Lawyer-client privilege no bar to surveillance, say Lords

night troll

That woman again!

So, wacky jac was found to have acted illegally (again). She says f*** em and continues to act illegally until the law is found in her favor, so no doubt she will now say she was right all along and it does not matter that her actions up to that point were not legal.

That woman should never been allowed to take a breath when she was born. I blame the parents, that's one shag that should have been with a condom.

Secret Aussie blacklist leaked

night troll

@ Need to be Wary of Fake "Leaks"

Jeezzz, and I thought I was paranoid!!

night troll

@ Well, I think the list is approtriate

Hey, you leave lolcats alone! They get me through my working night :-)

BOFH-loving botmaster wants life as security consultant

night troll

@ Pierre

IIRC they want to put McKinnon on trial in a military court because he "hacked" military computers, so it will not be community service it'll be hard time in Levenworth or where ever it is they put spies and traitors these days. Just 'cause he showed up their crap security they think of him as a spy.

Supremes defend American net smut (yet again)

night troll

@ @Sarah

It was a defining moment for me. ;-))

UK.gov 'to create anti-net piracy agency'

night troll


..no need for more than a 2meg connection then? I can see the only ones to be harmed by this is the ISP's, no one will want a high speed connection things like Iplayer are supposed to work on a 2meg connection if that is so what will the ISP's like virgin and their 50meg connection be flogging? Hard core file sharers will go over to VPNs and the like so in the main will be untraceable and the small timer's will not bother and they STILL WILL NOT BUY THE CD's! When will the record and film industry wake up and smell the coffee, they need to change, change the tired content, change the format and change the pricing. Use the carrot before you use the stick and you will win the hearts and minds of the masses. Their wallets will follow.

Home Office denies remote snooping plan

night troll

@ oh yeah

"governed by Ripa"

Like Phorm are supposed to be? Does Ms Smith know her arse from her elbow? (No need answer, BTW.)

She should do, her arse is the only part of her body to produce a usable product.
