* Posts by whitespacephil

59 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2007


HP ScanJet 3C takes lead on Bohemian Rhapsody

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Didn't someone do a similar thing with a Radiohead remix compo?

UIQ 'files for bankruptcy' in Sweden

Dead Vulture

Bye Bye UIQ

I will miss you. And your special ways.

Even so, my brand spanking new C905 has not replaced by P1i as my primary phone which I shall just have to keep ticking over until whatever the next revolution is.

Rest in peace.

OMFG, what have you done?

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Works on my P1i

Well, I think it's better. So far I can read it on a Symbian UIQ device without having to do lots of horizontal scrolling which was starting to put me off the Reg.

Oz man cracks one off while speeding in drug-packed car

IT Angle

Esky v Chilly Bin

Can never remember whether an Esky is the Oz word and Chilly Bin is the Kiwi one or vice-versa... either way, does it really need the bootnote to describe?

Oh, and the IT angle, please?

O2 prices up the latest iPhone


more free storage than they could ever fill with music?

"more free storage than they could ever fill with music"? Really? So all those iPods with more than 16GB of storage lie unfilled?

80GB 5th Generation full without even starting on applications.

Sony Ericsson goes Windows Mobile with Xperia X1 'arc slider'


Not the first Ericsson MS device

Didn't Ericsson toy with Windows CE before they started flirting with Symbian?

I've got a recollection of an Ericsson MC16 which I think was a rebadged HP Jornada 620LX with additional phone helping features. Could connect to the old phones circa 2000 vintage (but not after).

Anyway, this device looks lovely. I'll take one.

Office update disables MS files

Gates Horns

They did this before

Office something--or--other service pack 1 disabled "certain" file types in Outlook. With no way of turning them back on again.

Stop it. At once.

Sony Ericsson Walkman W910i motion-controlled phone

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ActiveSync email too

One of the most important business features of this phone is that it'll sync email, calendar and contacts to an Exchange server - with push email functionality too. I don't know why this isn't advertised more for both this device and the K850!

Battery firm: iPhone could melt your brain


Snake Oil indeed

Well if you're really that worried about your brain melting, you should probably be worried about other stuff too.

Why not buy lots; preferably really big ones, and make yourself an igloo-like brain-melting, radiation-free zone.

Or just worry about something else. Believe it or not, but there is one certainty in life.
