* Posts by El Greg

1 publicly visible post • joined 9 Nov 2007

Mac OS X Leopard - Time Machine

El Greg

Kernal Panics

I had two kernal panics on my MacBook Pro since I purchased it (6 mos ago). It's highly recommended that you have the hard drive completely replaced (Apple Store only informed of this after it happened the _second_ time). I started using an online backup service (Mozy) and then backing up my MacBook to the same external as my other home PC via a free utility from Lacie called SilverKeeper. That way everything from both computers is on the external HD and it's all backed up online to Mozy every night at 2am. My next idea is to use Time Machine and then back the Time Machine HD up to the external and hence to the web via Mozy as well - it's always a good idea to keep your backups elsewhere!