Farewell old friend!
Ah my formative years spent learning HTML and making sites sharing my Carmageddon models and quake maps *wipes away a tear* Farewell old friend!
5 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2007
As the manager of a pub and club I can say whole heartedly that the government is trying to shut down all forms of public drinking.
The smoking ban has damaged us in a huge way (the pub side of things more than the club. Also this isn't a place for a pro/anti smoking argument so stop right there people). My club and pub is wonderfully violence free as it is aimed towards the rock/alternative side of things who are more interested in getting drunk and rocking out rather than your average chav who enjoys nothing more than a bit of knuckle dragging and bashing people in the face. Yet when I renewed my entertainment licence last year I was told to install CCTV in the entire premises or the licence wouldn't be granted despite the fact we have to call the police maby 4 times a year and thats usually when we have some chavs visiting the kebab shop over the road about the same time the club kicks out.
We for the last 4 years have always refused entry to the club without photo ID (Driving licence/Passport) which is one of the main reasons we don't get too much violence as we know that anyone that does cause trouble has ID on them for if/when we hand them over to the police. The thought of holding onto any data from my punters is abhorrent to me, my only concerns are the safety of my customers and of my licence by not serving underage kids.
Don't even get me started on the noise limiters they are trying to introduce... and as someone said, clubs are supposed to be a bit rowdy, for me that goes for live music and a good pub if I want a quiet night I'll bugger off down some resturaunt/bar combo.
Briliant and so very true!
The ammount of times I've been in a room and heard the slight change in pitch of a fan and started ripping the box open to remedy it, or tuning my hearing into a room full of racks to find the one box with a failing hdd, baffling onlooking co-workers with my 'supernatural' powers must be reaching tripple figures now.