* Posts by Julian

6 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2007

Brown's website is Web2.0tastic


Wordpress eh?

Does that mean our beloved PM is in or out of the loop?

UK's tallest bovine soars to 6ft 6in


Yes, I know it's a bull but..

Looks like they're trying to milk the publicity for all its worth....

Fasthosts customers blindsided by emergency password reset


Not very Vorsprung durch Technik....

In the old days you could blame babyfaced Andrew Michael for Fasthost's woes (he set up the company from his bedroom aged 17). But now, shock horror, we can blame the Germans for not running the show properly!!


I'll just go and grab me beachtowel....

UK firm 'recalls' 575 knee implants


Financially speaking...

that'll put the company out of joint.

Babbling net software sparks international incident


Babel Dating

I still want to find out about the sleeping arrangements of his mother though. Just goes to show that, even at her (presumably) advanced age, those Dutch girls aren't afraid to put it about a bit!

Mum sends stripper to teenage son's school


Makes a change...

from the normal "imagine you're a tree rustling in the breeze" drama class you normally get.